I hope you are having a wonderful day! Generally, I want my blog to be an encouraging part of your week. Perhaps, it also challenges you, too! I appreciate that it reflects where Lydia and I are in life. It’s been fun to track our successes and work through some of the tough issues we face.
That’s all good, but as we near the ten-year anniversary of Dave’s death, I have been wondering what all I/we have accomplished in the last decade. It’s a good question to ask sometimes!
Now, before you worry about me, I am okay. I realize a lot is going well for us. I worked very hard to write and publish my book. I have a great job with awesome coworkers, and Lydia is looking forward to middle school this fall. There’s so much to be thankful for.
It’s just been a stressful few months in many ways, and sometimes I second-guess myself. On those chaotic days, I have wondered how I may have grown or changed when I still see some of the same problems. Have you ever felt that way?
Recently, I had time to talk with some friends and explain how I felt. That helped, especially since they were stressed about the same things! We all have slightly different issues and factors, but stress is stress.
As a result, I was able to rethink how I perceive some of the stress, and I was able to see God’s grace and provision clearly. He has been so, so good to me.
With Easter around the corner, I am again reminded of Jesus’ sacrifice on the Cross. He died so we could live. He rose in Victory; now we also walk in Victory.
Nothing is impossible for God. We bring Him our weaknesses in exchange for His strength. Praise God, we have His Holy Power in us!
No matter how hectic life gets, I am grateful that Life has so much more to offer. THIS (whatever your THIS is) isn’t ALL there is. The best is yet to come!
Growth isn’t easy; change may require much effort before seeing results. But, we can take steps toward greatness every day. We can choose a good attitude and rely on the Lord. Knowing God’s grace will cover us, we can work hard and do our best.
Perfection is not the goal. We don’t have to get it all right. That’s God’s responsibility. Jesus gives us His righteousness and we can rest in His grace galore!
Of course, the expectation of an “easy” life is unrealistic. Jesus never promised us that. Suffering is not for nothing, however. Challenges will always come, but blessings are built in if we look for them.
Don’t let a bad day, week, or month keep you from living a full life.
Lord, give us Resurrection eyes of faith!
God, thanks for your grace galore. Thanks that we won’t have to be perfect or have all the answers. Help us walk in the Victory Jesus died to give us. In His Name, Amen
Questions: What is God resurrecting in your life today? How is He making it new, and where can you see His grace at work?
Task: There is stress, and then there is “perceived stress.” Check out this Perceived Stress Scale. To me, it is almost a measure of how much I am worrying (and where I need to trust God or seek help). I hope it is helpful for you – that you can see the silver lining and know where you need to shift your focus.