A Moment to Reconnect

As you may recall, recently, our pastor gave a couple of sermons on baptism. There are two kinds, one with water and one with the Holy Spirit. I won’t explain all the details now, but you can listen here.

After the first sermon, Lydia was inspired to be water baptized. The second sermon was preached on her baptism day, so we caught up later by listening online during our lunch this past Sunday at home (yes, a week later!). It was about having God’s power in us through the Holy Spirit.

While these are not new concepts for me, I am excited to see them through Lydia’s young eyes. She has a good level of understanding but also has interesting questions! It also helps me to think through and reconnect with the message of Christ when I am explaining it all to her. Thank You, Jesus!

Then, last night, I was going to ask Lydia about my blog post, knowing she sometimes has good insights to share. Sure enough! I didn’t realize it then, but I interrupted her time with God!

She kindly gave me the phrase, “Stay in the moment,” and went back to her quiet time. I searched my blog and found a couple of other posts in a similar vein, so decided to take her idea but add a twist based on what she was actually doing at that moment.

A few minutes later, Lydia reminded me that Pastor Dave said if we “only have ten minutes to pray, we should spend eight minutes worshiping God, and two minutes asking for what you need. And if you don’t get around to asking Him, don’t worry about it. He already knows!” Worship is vital.

It thrilled me that Lydia set herself a little timer as she reconnected with God! 🙂 I know He is even more pleased than me, but seeing her doing this on her own with Him is so cool!!

In addition, we have begun sharing personal insights from our daily time with God with each other. Each of us reads a passage (same or different), and then we discuss what we learned about God, Jesus, and/or the Holy Spirit; what we learned about ourselves; and what we will do to apply the information. Pretty basic, but it works for kids and adults alike!

I’m sure our routine will evolve over time, but it is fun to help Lydia discern God’s Truth and see her grow! As her mom, I am her first example of what it means to follow Jesus, and I take that seriously.

Free Praise Worship illustration and picture

To be clear, there is no particular amount of time we should worship God or pray. Some may only have ten minutes here and there, while others can set aside a bigger chunk of time. Either way, we can spend every moment of every day walking and talking with our Father God and Savior Jesus through the Holy Spirit in us! What a privilege!

The point is to simply come… as you are. Lay aside all pretense or need to be perfect. Be still and know that He is God. Open your heart and mind to Jesus.

Allow the Holy Spirit to direct you. Transformation only comes from spending time in the presence of God!


Heavenly Father, thanks for Your grace and love! Thanks for the privilege of spending time with You. Please change us from the inside out as we reconnect with You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: How do you like to connect or reconnect with God? Do you like reading the Bible, praying, singing, walking, drawing pictures, etc.?

Tasks: Come and sit in God’s presence today. How that looks for you will be unique. But remember, you don’t have to feel anything to be loved! You already are!


Philippians 4 from a Child’s Point of View

On Sunday, Lydia and I unexpectedly slept in! It felt great, but since it was rather late, we didn’t make it to church. I don’t like to miss the weekly opportunity for worship and fellowship… So, Lydia and I made time for God by having our own devotion time together. It was time well spent!

In the Bible app on my phone, the verse of the day was Philippians 4:6. On a whim, I decided to read the surrounding verses and share our ideas.

4 Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Line by line, I asked Lydia for her thoughts on the text. We answered basic questions, like “What did you learn about God?” and “What did you learn about yourself?” and “Why do you think it says…?” Here are our combined thoughts on Philippians 4:4-7 (NIV)…

Verse 4: First, Lydia picked up on the word rejoice. She thought it meant to praise God. I explained how we can have joy regardless of what is going on in our lives. For me, choosing joy takes consistent effort. For Lydia, the concept seemed relatively easy—at her age, she takes things at face value and lives primarily in the moment. Duly noted!

Verse 5: For the next verse, we discussed how our gentleness to others could make God’s love for them more obvious (evident). I explained how some people might feel God is mad at them (perhaps because they don’t know Jesus wants to forgive them). So, loving people well could help them want to know God. Lydia also said we should be kind because God is with us. We represent Him!

Verse 6: Per Lydia, “don’t worry or be mad.” (That’s it, pretty simple!) In other words, be thankful for what God has done for you and trust Him to answer your prayers. Don’t be afraid to ask God for what you want or need. He already knows what you are thinking!

Verse 7: God’s peace is special. We may not quite understand it, but per Lydia, “it’s like God locks up our hearts. Then, Jesus stands guard” so nothing can take our peace. I had never thought of it like that…

As I explained some of the text to Lydia, I was forced to adjust to her level of understanding. She didn’t know the historical context of persecution surrounding Paul’s letter written from jail… yet, going back to the basics actually brought new life to the text for me, too!

Normally, I enjoy researching Biblical topics and looking up details about each verse. But sometimes I can make it more complicated than necessary. On Sunday, my devotional time with Lydia was refreshing. While we didn’t use any fancy Bible study tools, we both learned something new and sensed God’s love for us!


Heavenly Father, Your Word is alive and active! Thanks for the new perspective on child-like faith. May Your Word flourish in our hearts! In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Question: What is your favorite way to read and study the Bible?

Tasks: Read a few verses of the Bible with a child or a new believer in Christ. Let them explain the text before you chime in. (Or, check out The Jesus Storybook Bible!) Maybe you will learn something new, too!