Today, we will start off with a funny joke.
Question: What workout do apples love?
Answer: Core workouts!
A friend from church runs a workout accountability group, and that was one of the many jokes and memes she shares. Each month, we each pay a little money into it. If we complete twenty of thirty days, we can cash out or roll it over for the next month. Sometimes, we earn a few bucks if other people don’t complete their workouts.
The workouts are flexible in that “whatever challenges you” can count, as long as it is for thirty consecutive minutes. Housework, mowing the lawn, and clearing snow don’t count, but most other things do. Because I started last fall, most of my workouts have been in my basement using my treadmill, recumbent bike, etc. I don’t know everyone in the group, but it is nice to check in and get motivation from their ideas.
Over the last year, I have been working out to help alleviate random aches and pains so I can keep healthy. You may recall that I went to the chiropractor and began feeling better. It was kind of life-changing! So, my exercises have been largely focused on strengthening my back and core. This includes planks, bridges, and crunches. These have helped correct my posture. I also lift weights, though I am still learning and working on consistency.
A strong back and core can affect every part of your body. This area includes our center, and all major nerves and blood vessels pass through. If your back is “out of whack” you may start to sit or walk funny. Then, your muscles start to compensate in different ways that can lead to injury and inflammation in the long run. Ouch!
Sometimes, exercise feels like work, but I try to focus on how I feel afterward. Strong and accomplished! I have come a long way, but it is an ongoing mind game, too!
I found this quote by Marshawn Evans Daniels today: “The core of our relationship with God, and God’s relationship with us, is love. Love is like a portal that invites us into the protective covering and supernatural plan of God.”
This reminds me that God’s love centers me and carries us when I am weak. He helps me persevere when I want to quit. But, living in this love takes practice and daily commitment. We can’t get by on minimal effort reading our Bibles or praying. We have to stay close to Him and do what He says.
The Holy Spirit is our gift and guarantee. He teaches us and trains us to both fight and stand firm. He challenges us, corrects us, and keeps us accountable. I am grateful we don’t have to do it alone!
It has been said that we are only as close to God as we want to be. Just like we need to work at being physically fit, we need to put in the time and effort spiritually. More so, even, because our bodies will eventually grow old and die, yet spiritual things last for all eternity!
God, thanks for being my center, my core. You are the source of strength and love. You hold all things together; nothing is impossible for you! Help me grow and stretch as I rely on You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen
Questions: Do you like to exercise, or does it feel like work? How would you rate your spiritual fitness? Do you see any parallels between physical fitness and spiritual fitness?
Tasks: Pray about your next steps both physically and spiritually. Read 1 Timothy 4:8. Set a goal and chase after it. Look for people to support you… join a group of friends, an accountability group, and/or church!