This past Sunday, Lydia got a big surprise when I bought her first cell phone! We have been discussing it for a while, and I was content to wait a little longer. Nonetheless, we decided to go to Verizon and scout out some options. I felt peace when we were there, and it seemed right!
Of course, Lydia is very excited, but she will need to learn some new boundaries. I set some parental restrictions and won’t let her sign up for social media accounts. She has time limits set up, as well, and I can review her activity. It will be a learning curve for both of us, but I am glad we are doing this a few months before she starts middle school.
Naturally, the last few nights at bedtime, we have been reviewing the importance of setting healthy boundaries. It doesn’t happen without diligence!
Lydia was having trouble understanding my point, so I showed her using an old wooden tray for one of her toys. It probably held some magnets or blocks, but the toys are long gone by now. (pic below)
I grabbed the tray, which to me looked like a corral. First, I turned it over to the flat side. I explained that we don’t know where our limits are when we don’t have boundaries. We may get really close to the “edge” and risk getting hurt.
Then, I flipped it back over and showed Lydia how the outer part looked like a fence. If a person – or horse?!- were in there, they would have a lot of freedom to roam. There is comfort and safety in strong boundaries.
Boundaries also protect us from outside influences. Some people prefer to live on the edge; they like taking risks and pushing limits! Sometimes, that’s okay, but we need to make sure we are in step with Jesus and honoring Him.
Lydia and I brainstormed several examples of boundaries. Saying yes and no are a start. Marriages and friendships are two examples, a regular bedtime is another. Yards have fences or sometimes hedgerows as property lines. A budget is yet one more example of a boundary!
Boundaries are not just guidelines; they help us measure where we are and how far we’ve come! I’m sure Lydia and I will continue to develop more boundaries as she grows. For now, she is learning boundaries come with responsibility!
God, thanks for the loving boundaries You place in our lives. Help us to honor You as we stay within Your limits. May we be wise. In Jesus’ Name, Amen
Questions: What are some other examples of good boundaries? Do you naturally like boundaries, or are you a little rebellious?
Tasks: Take a moment to assess your boundaries, personally and/or professionally. Reel yourself in before you fall off the edge and get hurt! Check out this book!