You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.
I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!
Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?!
Overall, this was a refreshing and encouraging week! I did lose my temper at one point, and Lydia and I had to address some communication issues. We both apologized, chalking it up to stress and puberty. Then, we hung out together, which also helped. Thankfully, we usually get along well, and we can continue growing together. Every so often, we need to be challenged; otherwise, nothing ever changes.
I always enjoy seeing and chatting with my family via Zoom on Sundays. We catch up, share news, tell jokes, and laugh. Sometimes, we share prayer requests, too!
On Monday, Lydia and I were both off for Presidents Day. It was a good day to get things done around the house, but we also relaxed a bit. We did a little painting for fun!
Work was good and flew by for the most part. That’s because I was extremely busy with patients and various things that popped up! I had full days of my own patients, but I also prepared to cover some home-based patients next week. I picked up two new tube-feeding patients from other hospitals and had a lot of related tasks. These included contacting dietitians and patients, discussing formula options, doing calculations, writing notes, printing handouts, ordering supplies, and notifying other staff who might need to cover my other work to squeeze them in when they come next week. Whew!
On my lunch break, I celebrated Black History Month by reading about John L. Canley, who earned the Medal of Honor for his inspiring service in Vietnam. I also watched a ceremony honoring the all-Black 3rd Battalion, 24th Infantry Regiment (often called Buffalo Soldiers). In 1917, there were riots in Houston, TX, and nineteen of these soldiers were wrongly court-martialled and executed!! Many years later, it was determined that their sentencing was racially influenced and thus reversed. So, on Thursday, new headstones were revealed to reflect the normal details received with honorable discharges. You can read more here.
Lydia had an orchestra concert on Thursday night, so we walked down the block to school. Seeing how much the 6th graders have grown in a few short months was fun. Lydia was a little nervous but did a great job. She plans to continue playing viola next year, so I look forward to many more concerts!
Today, Lydia and I did a ton of cooking. We made waffles for breakfast using a local mix we found while shopping. I roasted sweet potatoes and also prepared some soy curls, which I will use instead of chicken for fajitas. Additionally, we made some black bean and corn salsa, refried beans (dried beans and water only), and some chocolate peanut butter no-bake cookies (the classic kind!). We’ll have some yummy meals over the next few days!
The weather has been soooo nice this week. It reached the 50s today, and Lydia went to the park with some friends while I sat outside and did some reading. It’s hard to believe it’s February, and our yard has no snow. Any parking lot piles are 99% smaller than normal! Next week, we do have a chance or two of snow, but it shouldn’t amount to much!
These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!
There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!