I had an interesting realization yesterday while I was preparing dinner. I had invited my friend (and recent roommate) over for ‘Taco Tuesday.’ She is a good friend and we’ve enjoyed several meals together in the six months she stayed with us. Our favorite meal together has been tacos!
As I was making my black bean and corn salsa, it struck me that I am eating tacos again! I blogged about tacos previously (a year-and-a-half ago). Back then, it was a difficult meal for me. Dave loved tacos so much and always helped me in the kitchen. Tacos reminded me of him and made me sad. I had to make other foods (or variations) instead.
Well, yesterday, I realized that making tacos is no longer a problem! My friend and I happily (and unknowingly) created a new experience regarding tacos. With that, I felt a deep sense of God’s grace and goodness. He has healed another portion of my heart and brought me joy again! That’s a huge Victory!
I hadn’t even noticed the healing process these last few months. I’ve been focused on other things. But yesterday, I was reminded that when we trust the Lord, He always comes through. He is faithful.
I had no expectation that when I opened up my home to a friend in need that God would help me too. I simply wanted to be a blessing. Yet, God has blessed me too!
Occasionally, a wave of grief still comes my way. I’m sure that will always be the case, to some degree. But, I no longer avoid tacos or other things that cause me pain. I am able to face each challenge head-on, without too much difficulty. Thank You, Jesus!
Whether we’re dealing with emotional pain (like grief) or physical pain, we want healing to happen right away. We want to feel good again! But healing takes time and occurs step-by-step. It’s a process.
Indeed, it takes God’s special touch to bring complete healing. We may look okay on the outside and think we are good… But then something may surprise us (like making tacos) and we see a whole new layer of healing has occurred!
When we focus on the Lord, we naturally give our pain less attention. I’m not saying the pain doesn’t exist—but rather, Jesus is worthy of our devotion. He is magnified instead. Similarly, when we serve others, our problems seem less important.
Enough time has passed since the original ‘taco post’ that I haven’t even thought about tacos since then. Until yesterday, I didn’t remember that tacos were once a challenge.
Still, I am grateful that God had me making and eating tacos for several months before I became aware of the difference in my heart. Truly, all these months, it hasn’t been a struggle to eat tacos!
Now tacos are associated with positive memories, like my dear friend and ‘Taco Tuesdays.’ And, I can see just how far I have come. It makes me love the Lord even more, because He has made me stronger. He’s brought me healing through helping someone else. Praise God!
Heavenly Father, You are so faithful! Thanks for Your healing touch. Thanks for walking with us, step-by-step, through each challenge. May we trust You more and more. In Jesus’ Name, Amen
Questions: Can you see the Lord working in your circumstances to bring a good resolution? How can you trust Him at a deeper level?
Tasks: Meditate on Psalm 89:8 and Philippians 1:6. God is faithful!
What a wonderful thing that you have come this far…. God is good and heals like no one else could ever. It was so good to see you and to share…..love you bunches!!!
Thanks so much, Joan! XO
I’m so glad to hear that you are not avoiding tacos again! Isn’t God funny? You think you are helping someone else, but the whole time he’s got this planned out to heal and bless you, too. Just one of the many ways I know God is real and his love for us is deep–he plans things down to the very smallest detail and in ways that would be perfect for you and you alone.
<3 Yes!
God is good!!! So thankful for the blessing you’ve been!
Hi Sharon, thanks for your kind words!
Hi Sharon, my pleasure. <3 God bless you!
Hi Natalie, your words about healing are so true and so helpful and yet being faithful to God’s promises is so hard sometimes. You have come so far BECAUSE you have trusted in God so faithfully.
Love you,
Aunt Maggie
Amen! Thanks, Aunt Maggie. Love you!