We are heading toward the end of June, and it feels like Summer is going quickly!
Lydia and I are having fun hanging out. We have tried a few new restaurants and taken several walks. We’ve checked out books at the library and watched a few movies. We’ve cooked together and enjoyed each other’s company. She’s going to camp in a few weeks, and we have one or two weekend getaways planned later.
Life seems so much simpler in Summer. You can go out without remembering heavy layers of winter gear. You can drive without too many delays (other than road construction!). Sometimes, the days are long, but that is a blessing overall!
When things are going well, sometimes we forget about God. If we are smooth sailing, we feel that we don’t need Him as much. Why does it take a crisis to make us draw close to Him?
It’s great to take advantage of the benefits Summer brings, but if we’re not careful, we can be just as “crazy busy” as we are the rest of the year! I, for one, am intent on enjoying my morning coffee outside and taking some long nature walks. I am eating lots of watermelon and berries, too!
Yes, it’s wonderful to be able to take it slow in Summer. But let’s also use it to regroup and reconnect with God. Summer means growth, so let’s grow in faith as we hone our spiritual practices. These include rest, prayer, worship, and Bible study (to name a few).
I don’t know what you have planned in the next two months, but if you need a sign to get a little R&R, this is it. Take time to sit with Jesus. Draw close to Him and celebrate what He is doing.
Find joy in the simple things. Go to the pool (or beach!) and swim in God’s grace. Put in the effort and see what He does next!
Father, thanks for the gift of Summer! Help us take it in at Your pace so we don’t miss a thing. Restore us and rejuvenate us, Lord. In Jesus’ Name, Amen
Questions: What’s been the best part of your Summer so far? Do you have any exciting plans?
Tasks: Set your intention for the remainder of Summer. Build in some time to rest and grow with Jesus.