I recently had similar conversations with two people about stubbornness as a character trait. Of course, we talked mostly in generalities, not identifying ourselves as stubborn!
We all agreed that stubbornness can be a positive or negative trait, depending on the context. One form of stubbornness comes with perseverance in trials, where one simply pushes ahead and refuses to give up. This may include certain military leaders, parents fighting for their children, or someone seeking justice. (Stubbornness does not mean staying put in an abusive situation. Do what you can to leave and get help!)
That said, sometimes, stubbornness is a refusal to compromise or work with others. In that sense, stubbornness can hold one back. The Bible refers to stubbornness as rebellion. The Israelites rejected God and were referred to as a stiff-necked people! Yikes.
Naturally, someone can be stubborn and experience both situations at different times. In fact, many character traits can be strengths or weaknesses depending on circumstances. For instance, confidence taken to an extreme can become arrogance!
After those two conversations, I kept thinking about stubbornness. How do you tell if stubbornness propels you forward or holds you back?
The first thing that comes to mind is… your heart. Are you seeking the benefit of others? Are you standing on strong principles? Are you willing to compromise if certain conditions are met? Or, is your heart hardened by fear or pride? Are you stalling for personal gain?
I’m sure there are some other factors to consider, but for the sake of brevity, I encourage you to start with those questions above. If you are dragging your feet, maybe consider why and work through it with Jesus.
Jesus made you for a purpose. Whether or not you are stubborn, He already knows. I guarantee He has good plans for you. He can use all of your personality traits for His glory and your good! Don’t let resistance or quirks keep you from Jesus!
God, thanks for making each of us unique. Help us understand our strengths and weaknesses so we may bless others and bring you glory. In Jesus’ Name, Amen
Questions: Do you consider yourself to be stubborn? Why or why not? How is this a positive, and when does it become a negative?
Tasks: God gives each of us time to get to know Him, but He will not wait forever. If you have not chosen to submit your life and heart to Jesus, now is the perfect opportunity. Don’t wait!