Speaking Up for Injustice

Disclaimer: While the scope of my blog is not political, it is a place where I can gather some of my thoughts on current events. Keep in mind I am a work in progress… thank you!


Being rather nonconfrontational by nature, I often prefer to avoid difficult conversations. Even now, I generally don’t comment on controversial posts online because I don’t want to deal with the negativity or keep up with all the comments. Who has time for that?! Besides, arguing with people remotely never helps change anyone’s mind.

Yet, over the years, I have learned that sometimes it is better to deal with conflict head-on. At any rate, I don’t want someone to mistake my silence on important issues as indifference. Because, unfortunately, they look very similar… God forgive me.

With a blog called “Grace and Lemonade,” my goal is to glorify God for what He is doing, especially when life is difficult. Often, I wrestle with various issues and consider how to move forward in faith, not fear. My other goal is to bring encouragement and challenge my readers to see God’s grace in their lives. In turn, we can all share these gifts with others.

After all, grace means favor. The essence of grace and refreshing lemonade is meant to bless others, too. It is an overflow of God’s goodness!

Yesterday, Lydia and I were in the car listening to the radio when something was said about staying positive. But, in light of current events, I turned it off to make a point.

I said, “You know, Lydia, it is really good to be positive and focus on what is going well. I think we do that every day. But sometimes…”

“We might ignore talking about what is important,” Lydia said.

I’ve never been so glad she interrupted me! I was a little surprised at her understanding, but it meant that we were on the same wavelength.

I confirmed her thought process. “Yes! If we’re not careful, we might bypass difficult topics because they are unpleasant. But, in that case, nothing changes.” We soon applied this to the topic of racism and the need to change the status quo.

In terms of racism, America is ~400 years behind. It is a complex issue we inherited, and we have been averse to dealing with it as a nation. Now is the time.

 Racism is subtle and will take some unlearning. Quite often, we (or at least me, as a white person) don’t even recognize it! We have to accept responsibility and speak up for injustice. We cannot give up when it becomes uncomfortable or inconvenient.

When I read/watch/hear about George Floyd’s death (and Ahmaud Arbery’s and so many before that), I also think of my cousins, friends, neighbors, and patients who deal with prejudice every day. I cannot fully understand how racial discrimination feels, but I can empathize and speak up when I see it.

I also think about how all this injustice breaks God’s heart. Each of us is made in His image, and each of us invaluable. BELOVED. Furthermore, no one should feel unsafe while jogging or walking their dog or grocery shopping.

Tackling racism can look different depending on the situation, but it is necessary no matter what. On the one hand, I have been working toward this with Lydia since she was little. I have a wonderful multicultural family, and we seek out opportunities to meet people, not like us. We have had age-appropriate conversations and read several children’s books my aunt gave me a few years ago. That’s a great start, but it’s not enough.

So, Lydia and I have been talking more deeply about these issues lately. Her ‘anti-racist’ education starts with me! I have shown her certain news clips showing injustice and what is wrong, systemically. We have talked about white privilege, what that means, and how we can use it to speak up and serve others. This YouTube clip was particularly helpful.

As we went to the grocery store recently, we discussed how masks are somewhat uncomfortable but essential to help with coronavirus. I added how our black family, friends, and neighbors may feel unsafe wearing them and how unfair that is. On our way to work and daycare, I mentioned how, when we get ready for the day, we may think about our outfits or activities, but we never think about getting killed.

These conversations are ongoing, and I appreciate all who have shared resources. Change begins at home, but can’t stop there. It doesn’t have to be complicated, but I am finding teachable moments to plant seeds and will keep watering them over time. I also plan to discuss this further with my friends and extended family. We can’t stay silent.

When it’s all said and done, only Jesus can fully understand the issues and heal our nation. But I can educate myself and my daughter, speak up when I see injustice, and show compassion. I have to give Jesus something to work with!

Bottom line: Don’t do nothing. Speak up. Be an advocate. Educate yourself on racism. Learn about other cultures. Have difficult conversations. Volunteer with an organization. Vote. Love your neighbor. Put a real face with the issues. Don’t spread disunity or hatred. Don’t make excuses or quit when it is uncomfortable.

What holds one of us back holds all of us back.


God forgive me for the times I have taken this life and the gifts You have given me for granted. Forgive me for when I haven’t spoken up for the things that break Your heart. Teach me Your ways, and help me love others like You do. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: What are you doing to become ‘anti-racist’? How can I help? (This is a newer term to me, so I am still working through it myself!)

Tasks: First, bring all your thoughts and feelings to Jesus. Let Him bring wisdom, understanding, compassion, and if needed, correction. Then, check out these books on anti-racism, which are helpful in understanding the issues at hand. Finally, start reaching out, speaking up, and talking with others. Use your voice for good!

3 thoughts on “Speaking Up for Injustice

  1. Hi dear Natalie and Lydia, this is your most impressive topic yet. I’m so proud of you for being such a caring, protective and at the same time, educating all the time Mom. Lydia is one VERY lucky little girl, and before too long may find her own way to change the world just as you are doing now with this blog.

    I would like to share this with Aunt Nancy with your permission as she is a bit dismayed that our family does not reach out to her with concern and love when something like this happens which it does over and over. Imagine her fears for her family during times of crisis like this but also, as you pointed out, each time they leave the house. Love you, stay well. Aunt Maggie

    1. Hi Aunt Maggie, please do share with Aunt Nancy. She might’ve already seen it, but I don’t know for sure. Love you!

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