Yesterday afternoon, I made some popcorn in the microwave for a quick snack. I enjoy popcorn because it is quick, easy, and fairly healthy. I don’t mind adding spices, but if it is fresh, I enjoy it plain too!
I added perhaps a quarter-cup of kernels to a little silicone container that folds down. I got this popcorn popper around Christmas, and it’s pretty awesome… (no affiliate links!).
I may have overloaded the container though… After a minute of popping, the top flew open and popcorn started pouring out and popping over the sides!
By my estimate, that small amount of popcorn kernels made close to six cups of popcorn! A few pieces even fell out of the microwave when I opened the door.
I was going to make some popcorn separately for Lydia, but we ended up sharing the first batch instead. There was plenty for both of us!
It was so fun to watch, and as I did, I saw a picture of God’s abundant, over-the-top blessings in my life.
Just like popcorn, there is great potential contained in every blessing or gift. What joy it is to see the blessings unfold and grow! When I follow God’s directions and let Him lead, good things are going to happen!
God’s blessings sometimes pop up unexpectedly. Just like popcorn exploding in the microwave, God’s grace and love abound in our hearts. I love having little “God moments!”
Yesterday, I expectantly watched the popcorn, waiting for the final result. Similarly, God is also watching us to see what we will do with the blessings He’s given us.
As our God-given blessings multiply, I usually have more than enough to share. I could keep the lid on and contain my blessings—but most of them are meant to bless others. Let’s be generous!
Even something as little as popcorn can show us God’s love. It’s amazing to think that a small little kernel can represent so much blessing!
Heavenly Father, You are so good. Thank You for all the blessings You’ve given me. Help me use them wisely to bless others. In Jesus’ Name, Amen
Questions: Do you like popcorn? What toppings do you prefer?
Task: Make a list of God’s blessings or gifts and how you can use them to bless others.
I might be the only person in the world who doesn’t like popcorn. I will eat caramel corn once in a while, though. It is so sweet and delicious that it is worth all the annoying side effects like getting bits of kernel stuck in my teeth for extended amounts of time. What does that say about my spiritual maturity, lol?