Usually, by this time in July, my grass is crispy and brown. But this summer, we’ve had more consistent rain. We’ve had some big thunderstorms lately, and the grass is still green!
One day last week, I woke up to a gentle rain pounding on the roof. It was still early enough that I could have slept more, but I kept listening to the rain instead.
As I thanked God for the new day, I heard a little bird singing in the rain!
What a cool surprise! Between the rain and my excitement about the little bird, I couldn’t sleep anymore. The bird caught my attention because it chose to sing instead of retreat.
The steadfast song really made my day. I don’t know if the bird expected the storm or if it caught him by surprise. But, I’m sure it thrilled God’s heart to hear him sing his heart out!
We have a similar choice to make.
When storms come, we can retreat into our comfort zone. Or, we can look beyond our difficulties and sing about God’s faithfulness and goodness.
Singing in the rain and stepping into uncertainty is not for the faint of heart. It takes a fair amount of grit to persevere. In fact, many of the beloved old hymns were written out of excruciating heartache. Despite all odds, these famous songs are filled with the truth of God’s loyal love.
For example, the author of “It Is Well with My Soul” suffered great loss including the death of five of his children. The song was his response to the painful tragedy. Powerful.
The author of “Amazing Grace” also recorded his thoughts and feelings of gratitude after God saved him from a life of sin and disgrace.
There is freedom when we see storms of life as opportunities to sing and shine for God. We release ourselves to God’s care and shift the burden back to Him, where it belongs. Then, He gets the glory for what happens next.
Peace comes when we realize we don’t have to figure out all the details. God already knows what to do. He is more than capable, and His mercies are new every morning.
God is worthy of our praise no matter what circumstances we’re facing. He is faithful and true. So come as you are… He longs to be with us, help us, and show us His loyal love.
Rest assured… it’s okay if you can barely carry a tune! All of us can still make a joyful noise. Let’s use whatever gifts we have and praise the Lord.
Heavenly Father, thanks for your mercy and grace! We have so much to be thankful for, despite life’s challenges. Open our eyes so we can see all of Your goodness. We’ll give You all the glory and praise. In Jesus’ Name, Amen
Questions: Are you a bird watcher? What can you praise God for today?
Tasks: Make a list of all you are grateful for, and start singing your praises! If you don’t know where to start, try Psalm 117.
I love birds! Seeing or hearing a special one always makes me day too. My favorite is the red cardinal. I’m not sure why, but I associate him with God watching over me, so I am happy whenever I see one.
Me too!