On Sunday night, Lydia and I listened to the radio while making dinner. This time, the radio was backdrop to our conversation. But, as usual, Lydia was still in tune to the words. “Mom, did you hear that?! Jesus’ love is agape love!”
Surprised, I replied, “Yes, Lydia! That’s right… What does agape love mean?”
I had no idea how she would try to explain God’s unconditional love…
“God’s love never fails!” she proudly exclaimed.
Lately, I’ve had several ‘radio reminders’ of God’s unfailing love, too.
Sometimes, I have moments where I feel a little out of place or somehow “disconnected” from everyone else. I might start to feel lonely or sorry for myself…or focus on my faults.
(Surely, I am not the only one who feels that way occasionally!)
On Sunday morning, as we drove to church, I suddenly had that feeling. I had an unexpected change in my schedule that day and I was lethargic from a late night. It was a good change, really, but for a moment, I started feeling incapable.
I quickly lost sight on how much God loves me…which in extreme cases feels like nobody loves me. Of course I know that’s not true… Hi Mom!
Then, a song on the radio reminded me that I can draw near to Jesus. I knew I needed to see things from His perspective! My trajectory was way off.
Remembering God’s love infinite for me, I shouted out, “Thank You, Jesus. You created me on purpose and love me no matter what. You understand me! I am found in You!”
Immediately, I felt better and rejoiced in the truth of God’s love for me. Hallelujah, my feelings and failures are no match for his UNfailing love!
As I walked into church, I saw several dear friends. Throughout the morning, I had meaningful conversations, received a couple hugs, and met some new friends. The rest of the day went really well, too. I felt loved and valued by everyone I talked with.
God knew just what I needed that day!
His love never fails!
Yes, God’s love meets every need I have! I just have to listen!
Thanks to yet another radio reminder, I thought of these lyrics yesterday morning.
“There’s no one like God, no one at all
He gave His Son for us, Jesus our Lord
Who can love us like He does, no one at all
Oh, how we love You, Lord”
This is an older song, but it hit me with new meaning:
There is no one like God—so no one can love me like He does!
I am loved because He loved me first. He is always near. His love never fails!
Heavenly Father, there is NO ONE like You! Thanks for Your unfailing love and grace. May we grasp how wide and long and high and deep is Your love for us. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Questions: Have you noticed any special reminders of God’s love or grace lately?
Tasks: Write down at least one reminder of God’s love every day for one week.
I noticed several little things that God did for me this week that remind me of his love for me. They were not big or flashy, but I felt like they were just for me just because he loves me because they were exactly what I needed at exactly the right time.
I love that God makes His love so personal!