It’s only Wednesday, but I’ve already seen God’s grace in action! For much of the Midwest, it has been super cold and snowy this week! That may be an understatement…
Thanks, Polar Vortex!
Our local schools were canceled yesterday and today, due to the extreme cold. Our wind chills are expected to be near 60 below and our actual temperatures could be around 25 below (-35 F overnight!). Many of the cities around us are shutting down temporarily. Even mail delivery for us is canceled today due to the cold.
Thankfully, my friends and family in and around Chicago (and everywhere between) are also staying in. Several places in the Midwest could break records!
(Not quite as cold as Fargo, but yes, still chilly!)
My neighbors were a big help to me yesterday when I needed to work. Lydia went to their house most of the day to hang out. I was even able to work a little longer yesterday, so I could take today off! Thanks, Melissa!
Last night, Lydia and I watched a movie and enjoyed our time together. I’m sure we will do something fun today. I foresee some baking, games, puzzles, science experiments, learning about snowflakes, and more movies in our near future! It’s like a free day!
Instead of complaining about the cold, I’m being grateful for all God has done for me. To start, He has given me extra time with Lydia, a warm house and outdoor gear, my snowblower and shovels, all-wheel drive, remote start, and a day off work! Woohoo!
School rarely gets canceled in Fargo, and we have two built-in makeup days in March and April. I know God will take care of us then, too, but for now, I’m relishing the beauty of today… weather and all.
When He redirects us, it is always for our good.
Lydia and I slept in today, and I woke up to messages from friends and family around the world… well wishes and reminders to be safe. That is a wonderful feeling to know we are so loved! Thank you!!
Maybe you’d rather hibernate and/or skip out on the cold weather. Or maybe you really enjoy it. I’m rooting for “Team Polar Bear” this week, as I am in awe that God actually designed them for these conditions. Amazing!
You know, God never sleeps nor slumbers… and He never takes a ‘snow day’ either! Yet, He graciously knows we need them on occasion! He loves us so much and knows exactly what we need. He has us covered!
Unlike snow days, we don’t have to make up or pay back God’s grace (as if we could!). It is free and available to us every day. Thank You, Jesus!
God, thanks for keeping us warm and safe. Thanks for leading us and directing our path. Help us make wise choices and be generous to others. Help us be a blessing! In Jesus’ Name, Amen
Questions: What are your favorite ‘snow day’ activities? Have you ever tried snow ‘ice cream’ or blowing bubbles and watching them freeze midair?!
Tasks: If you do have to be out and about, dress warm and be prepared! Stay safe and don’t take big risks. And most certainly, thank God for your blessings!
It was so cold that even my SmartWool socks weren’t enough to keep my feet warm!