Yesterday, I went out for a lunchtime walk at work. I started off on a familiar route and planned to loop around and head back. I enjoyed looking at bright flowers, cute squirrels and birds, and tall trees. I called Lydia to check in, played a game on my phone, and made sure not to trip on the uneven concrete.
I kept an eye on my watch so I didn’t lose track of time. It was a beautiful day, and I felt blessed to be outside. I wasn’t rushed because the patient scheduled after lunch came before, and I was able to see him early.
As I approached my halfway mark, however, I realized I had gone a little too far! Somehow, I had made it all the way to a golf course. Yes, I was a block or two off course!
I suppose I didn’t recognize my usual turn because I came upon it from a different direction. I’ve driven by the golf course several times, so I wasn’t lost, but I added about five minutes to my walk – more than I bargained for!
Thus, what started off as a gentle stroll quickly became a pinch-hitting jog! I held onto my work badge so it didn’t flop around and high-tailed it to my office. Don’t worry—I was safe and having fun!
At one point or another, I would encounter someone walking toward me on the sidewalk. In those cases, I slowed to a walk and said hello so I didn’t alarm them. Then, I resumed jogging again.
Overall, I wasn’t too worried, but I didn’t want to be gone longer than expected. While I wouldn’t be “in trouble,” I didn’t want anyone to think I was late or question my intent. Thankfully, I arrived right on time!
When I returned, I was hot and sweaty, but I felt happy and energized. I had been a little achy before my lunch break, but apparently, the jog was just what I needed! My coworkers and I had a good laugh.
In hindsight, I should have taken the turn before the golf course, but I have wanted to check out the road along yesterday’s route anyway! Next time, I will plan ahead and walk a little faster to begin with! Anyway, I’m grateful God worked it out, and I will check my Maps app a little more often!
I suppose another takeaway is this: As we walk with God, we need to pay attention to His pace. That may mean resting and noticing the grace, beauty, and joy around us. But, sometimes, we need to pick up the pace and get on to the next thing. Either way, we can trust Him to get us where we need to be!
God, thanks for keeping me safe and helping me as You direct my path. Help me pay attention and follow Your lead. In Jesus’ Name, Amen
Questions: How quickly do you notice when you get off track? Are you quick to correct yourself, or does God have to do something drastic?
Tasks: Consider mapping out your next walk before you head out… Check-in with the Lord, and maybe go with a buddy!