You may recall that last week, I was feeling depleted. Well, this week, I have had a sense of being overwhelmed combined with a touch of winter blah. You might know what I am talking about!
Even though I am quick to ask the Lord for help, there’s simply a lot going on. Perhaps I got used to the slower (much appreciated) pace of winter, but usually, we have a few more weeks before it gets busier. A lot of the tasks happen to default to me.
There’s nothing unusual, really, but just a lot happening all around the same time. In the last two weeks, we’ve had various appointments, social events, and company. We have volunteered and completed house projects. Lydia has brought home paperwork for summer activities and for middle school sign-ups. And it’s not even spring!
So, this week, I have been praying about what I should do differently, if anything. Sometimes, it is good to ask if I am making myself run in circles or if it’s all necessary! My attitude has been fairly good, despite being stressed. I have been prioritizing sleep, exercising, drinking plenty of water, eating well, and saying ‘no’ when I can.
Check, check, check, check, check, check.
Anyway, thus far, God hasn’t shown me anything specific, so I’ll keep moving forward while relying on Him. If He brings me to it, He will help me through it.
Yesterday, God came through for me in small ways. I still had to do everything, but He eased the pressure I was feeling. Someone took the time to ask how I was doing and listened when I explained how I was feeling. It helped to have validation and understanding.
Indeed, I felt myself perk up a bit late in the afternoon yesterday. Perhaps it was because I had a good lunch, or, maybe it was the coffee that my coworker made for me! I for sure felt better after having some fun conversations (via work meetings) with the ladies on my team! Without knowing I was struggling, they each cheered me up in their own ways!
On my way home, I praised God for the little songbirds in the beautiful trees at work. And, I praised Him for the snow flurries that make everything beautiful again… while not making the drive home too difficult.
As I kept turning my eyes to Jesus, I was reminded of when He said each day has enough trouble of its own. I also recalled that God’s mercies are also new every day… so I don’t need to worry about how it’s all going to work out.
Jesus doesn’t always take away our problems, but instead gives us His strength. Feelings can be unpredictable, but the Lord is always dependable, Our Rock. We can trust Him and let Him will lead us. As long as we seek Him first, one day at a time, our path is secure.
God, thanks for all the ways You love me. Thanks for being with me through the challenges of each day. Help me walk in faith and joy, knowing I have Your grace, strength, and help. In Jesus’ Name, Amen
Questions: Are you relying on your feelings or God’s immovable character this week? Is there something He is prompting you to change?
Tasks: Read Matthew 6:25-34. What do you think this means? How can you apply these Truths to your life today?