Yesterday, on my way to pick up Lydia after work, I was once again in the car listening to the radio. The K-LOVE host read the verse of the day. Isaiah 43:25 (NLT) says, “I—yes, I alone—will blot out your sins for My own sake and will never think of them again.”
In context, the whole chapter is about the coming Messiah, whom we know as Jesus Christ. But, I only heard part of the verse at the time. I looked up the verse later, but the part that stood out to me was “for My own sake.”
Surprisingly, the verse didn’t say “your own sake.”
As I thought about it, I was touched. Why would God blot out our sins for His own sake? I’m sure there are more theologically important points, and you can check out some commentaries here, and here.
But, either way, here are my simple thoughts, initially. I hope it brings encouragement and causes you to consider the topic on a personal level, too.
- God is full of love and mercy, and His grace knows no bounds. Extending mercy and grace brings Him great pleasure, and it’s a part of Who He Is. There is nothing we can do to save ourselves; it rests on Him alone, and He is fully aware of that.
- God is eager to forgive us. Moreover, He doesn’t want to hold our sins against us. (Although, as a perfect Judge, He does hold us accountable if we don’t accept Jesus’ death and sacrifice as paying the penalty for our sins. Jesus is God’s solution to save us from Hell, which is otherwise our automatic default.)
- God really wants to be with us and do away with anything that hinders our relationship. Maybe He also doesn’t want the reminder of our sins, any more than we do! That said, do we crave having a relationship with Him in the same way, or do we take it all for granted?
- Sin is a heavy burden for us to bear, but God took care of it… and wants to move forward already! He doesn’t want us to be weighed down in guilt any longer. We can live in freedom and Victory… Thank, You Jesus!
- And finally, I asked Lydia for her thoughts. She said, “He just really loves us!”
Gracious Heavenly Father, You are infinitely wise and full of goodness. Thank You for doing for us what we could never do for ourselves. May we walk with You always, and worship You in gratitude every day. In Jesus’ Name, Amen
Questions: Why do you think God blots out our sins for His sake, not ours? Have you accepted God’s gift of salvation and forgiveness for your sins?
Task: Check out the commentaries linked above. Also, listen to this song, “How He Loves,” by David Crowder. It’s a classic!