Sometimes life is full of random interruptions. I am learning to go with the flow.
“Mom! I just made this up and it’s funny: There was a dinosaur chicken nugget. His tail was kale. He threw a pail and rode a whale. And then it hailed.”
Yes, Lydia just came up to me and told me that. I quickly wrote it down because it fits this theme. She also asked me about her Halloween costume. See what I mean?!
The last few days have been full spending time with people and less time on my personal to-do list. As I have previously mentioned, that used to stress me out.
But now, I know God can use every moment for His purposes and His glory. Even the most random things don’t surprise God or put off His plans. So, we can just take them in stride.
I’m grateful for all God is doing in me and through me and with me and for me.
These last few months have been nothing short of amazing. Yes, I have been stretched, but I’ve also had some great opportunities and met some wonderful people. Same with Lydia.
When we let God lead, we give Him control. We also give Him full reign to bless us! If I am too focused on ‘getting things done,’ I miss seeing God move on my behalf!
For instance, on Sunday, a friend came to do her laundry at my house. We had a great time. We even got to say hello to our moms…I chatted with her mom in Africa, and she chatted with my mom in Florida. She stayed for lunch and dinner and a wild game of Crazy Eights. If I had been focused on my chores, I would have missed out.
Then yesterday, Lydia and I went out to eat with some of my new coworkers. We went to a popular restaurant and stayed to play BINGO! Lydia was really into it, helping me monitor my card and dab the numbers. We stayed for a couple of hours and had so much fun! If I would have insisted on Lydia’s normal bedtime, we would have missed out.
And recently, my entire day was upended by phone calls, helping someone with a car problem, and other random events. It was so strange. Not one part of my day was normal!
But, I still had a good day, kept my peace, and let God use me.
Thankfully, with God, nothing is random! His plans for us are good and His promises are sure. His love never fails! This week, I am reminded to rest in Him and not stress about the details. God’s got this…and so much more!
“‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.'” –Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV)
Jesus prayed for His disciples (and us), just before He was arrested and sent to die on the Cross. He prayed on our behalf, “‘My prayer is not that you take them out of the world but that you protect them from the evil one.'” –John 17:15 (NIV)
That verse reminds me God is not done with me yet. Another verse says mentions if God started something good in my life, He will be faithful to complete it (see Philippians 1:6).
We can relax and enjoy life knowing God will take care of us and provide all we need!
God, thanks for taking such good care of me. Thanks for keeping everything under control so I don’t have to manage it all. Help me stay in step with You and see Your purpose and plan. In Jesus’ Name, Amen
Questions: Does your life seem random or can you see God at work? Is giving up control easy for you or does it take concerted effort?
Tasks: Listen to the song, “God’s Not Done,” by Tauren Wells.
I still love crossing things off my list, but I agree that it feels great to break away from our routines and have some new experiences sometimes.