Ahh, another Election Day is done, and a new day is ahead. I don’t love politics or watch much news firsthand, but I always enjoy watching the back-and-forth to see who wins. As the states turn blue or red, it’s as if I can see God moving across the country based on our participation!
Sometimes, I have to laugh at the media’s hype and catastrophizing. “Too early to call. This is surprising. What will happen if?” People may feel uncertain, confused, or even sick about the state of things. I get it. But, while the stakes are high, we go through this every four years!
I usually like to stay up and see the results, if possible. But, last night, I prioritized sleep, resting in the fact that God is in control. He understands the complexities and is not phased by them. I voted last week, and He will use all things for my good and His glory.
Ultimately, God doesn’t lose sleep over politics. He is not anxious or dependent on the results. There are no accidents, coincidences, or surprises that fall outside of His jurisdiction. He reigns over all, always has, always will!
The Bible says that God places people in their positions or removes them. He can make a donkey speak and morph people into humility. Nothing is impossible for Him!
As Paul wrote in Ephesians 6:12, “… our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.”
There is so much more going on that we can fully fathom. Yet, we are overcomers because Jesus has already conquered Evil, Sin, and Death.
Regardless of how you feel today—exhausted, upset, happy, or relieved—take heart. We Christians are God’s ambassadors, His representatives. Our peace, joy, and hope are not in any mere man or woman. Our security and eternity is in Jesus.
In Revelation, we read that things will be wild in the last days. Some would say the world is growing darker, but we do not need to fear because we have Jesus, the Light. Nothing can thwart God’s plan or purpose.
Jesus will soon return, and The End grows nearer every day. So buckle up. May we be found faithful and ready for the King of Kings and our Prince of Peace! Come quickly, Lord Jesus!
Even so, we have a great responsibility to be wise, vote, and then pray for those in power. We can also step up and help our community to make a local difference. Whatever you do, don’t wait four years to show His love and grace.
God, You reign over all… including politics, statistics, and legalities. Your purposes stand. Thanks for covering us with mercy and grace. May we understand what You are doing and join You in Your work. In Jesus’ Name, Amen
Question: Do you enjoy watching the Election Night news, or do you prefer tuning out?
Tasks: Listen to this song and pray for the leaders of our nation. Even if you don’t like them or agree with them. Remember how much grace God has given you, and extend that to others.