For a planner like me, interruptions to my schedule used to throw me off. If I had several tasks on my to-do list, but then someone needed something, it would stress me out. It’s not that I didn’t want to help or hang out, but my perfectionistic personality was easily overwhelmed as I (most likely) tried to figure everything out on my own.
If I spent time with people, I sacrificed getting anything else done. But if I focused on tasks, I felt like I was neglecting friendships. It was frustrating and I rarely felt like I was doing a good job at anything. I was stumped.
Of course, people take priority. And, life is full of interruptions and distractions (some good and some not so good). Thankfully, God took my gnarled mess and helped me adjust.
To start, parenthood, cancer, and grief, all provided dramatic circumstances for God to transform me. With His refining, the hidden blessing is I now have balance.
When people request my time, I see it as God’s gentle reminder to take a break and have fun… or serve others with my whole heart. When I do have more time to myself, I feel free to work on projects and tasks without guilt. I have learned both work and rest are good.
Now, I can usually just roll with it, knowing God will help me accomplish everything I’m supposed to do. After all, He knows exactly where and how I need to spend my life.
Lately, I have been thinking about how God orchestrates our lives in perfect timing. Similarly, our struggles can be perfect opportunities for God to show up. From ancient times, we see He has a certain dramatic flair and enjoys displaying His power and might!
Creation started with His words, “Let there be light,” as if He was setting the stage. Then, He created a vast universe, which we still have not fully discovered. Wow!
In the Bible, we see lots of other dramatic interventions where God steps in to save the day. He rolled back the Red Sea to save the Israelites out of Egypt. He helped David defeat Goliath with five smooth stones. He protected Daniel in the lions’ den. He walked with the three men in a fiery furnace; they came out unsinged and didn’t even smell like smoke!
God even forewarned King Nebuchadnezzar and then made a fool of him by making him act like a mad cow, eating grass on his hands and knees for seven years until he repented of his prideful ways. Can you imagine?!
Jesus was born of a virgin, made wine from water, calmed a storm, walked on water, and paid His taxes with a coin from the mouth of a fish. He healed many people, raised the dead, and performed other miracles. He also died on the Cross to pay for our sins (with a dramatic earthquake and tearing of the holy veil from top to bottom). Boom.
Then, God’s power raised Jesus from the dead precisely when He said it would happen (cue another earthquake rolling away the tomb!). Later, the Holy Spirit enabled uneducated outcasts to perform miracles and turn the world upside down as they spread the gospel message. Whoa!
I guess you could say God loves a good story!
Seriously, God can do far more than we can ask or imagine! And, if you let Him fight for you, it’s likely He will come through for you in creative ways you would have never guessed possible. Just wait on Him!
Whatever challenges you are facing, bring them to Jesus. Sickness, debt, sadness, anger, frustration, fear, confusion, disappointment, bitterness, resentment… big or small it all matters to God. He knows how to handle it.
Example: Recently, one friend had her (rather large) bill from surgery forgiven, while another friend received back pay from an old job she had forgotten about, and still another friend got a new job with more pay. It was cool to see how God creatively provided for each of them according to their unique needs!
Nothing is too big or impossible for Him! It’s no problem!
Ah, Lord God! Nothing is too difficult for You! Your plans for us are good! Help us trust You as we wait for You act. In Jesus’ Name, Amen
Questions: What challenges are you facing right now? How can you trust God more? Are you willing to let Him move on your behalf?
Task: Make a list of all your previous challenges and then mark down how God was faithful. Watch for His creativity and look for hidden blessings.
I like your statement “When people request my time, I see it as God’s gentle reminder to take a break and have fun… or serve others with my whole heart. ” It seems like a much better than seeing them as interruptions or only thinking about myself and what I want.