Recently, I ran into a friend that I haven’t seen for several months. As we briefly caught up, he said that if I needed help with things around the house to keep him posted.
He said, “I know you’re pretty self-sufficient, but if you need help with clearing snow, let me know.” It was a kind offer but on the flip-side almost seemed as if he was implying that I could probably take care of it…so perhaps I don’t really need help…
At first, I just laughed and said thanks. I wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt.
Besides, when it snows, I am outside by 5:30 in the morning if it is a school-and-work day. I don’t have much time to wait—and would not expect someone to come that early!
Still, the idea of self-sufficiency stood out to me. My friend doesn’t know that I have lyrics to the song, ‘Lord, I Need You‘ by Matt Maher next to my bathroom mirror…and the song comes up right away in my google search bar.
Yes, every hour I need the Lord… and with His help, I do what needs to be done.
Growing up, I gained a good work ethic and a variety of skills that serve me well in this stage of life. Perhaps reading all those ‘Wild West’ pioneer stories about women on the frontier helped develop fortitude, too!
There is no need to apologize for being independent…because life can be tough!
But for me, it’s less about self-reliance and more about God’s grace and provision. I know if God leads me to something, He will help me through it. My goal is to do my best for Him.
I know so many people have more difficulties than I do, so I don’t ever want to take my situation for granted. Generally, I try to have a good attitude and not complain…
Honestly, every day has unique challenges. But in most cases, I just grin and bear it…and try to keep moving forward. Those closest to me know I don’t have it all together. So it seems that other people probably just don’t see me struggle.
After talking to my friend, I read John 5. Verse 19 caught my attention: “Jesus gave them this answer: ‘Very truly I tell you, the Son can do nothing by himself; he can do only what he sees his Father doing, because whatever the Father does the Son also does.'”
The entire passage is good, but for me, this verse was a good gut-check. Am I trying to do too much on my own? Do I seek the Lord’s input as I go about my day? Do I readily ask for His help or struggle unnecessarily?
No matter what, I can always choose to depend on the Lord more! He alone is my sufficiency. Everything I need to be is in Jesus; I cannot be productive or effective without Him. It is vain to attempt anything in my own strength. Trust me, it never goes as smoothly!
Jesus is strong when I am weak. His grace covers me. His love carries me.
He always comes through for me!
I love that God is always working in me, through me, with me, and for me…to bless others and bring Him glory. If I just focus on what God is doing around me and join Him, everything else will take care of itself. I don’t have to do everything, just that ONE thing.
Father God, how great is Your love! Thanks for the reminder that You are all I need. Your grace is sufficient! Help me remember to come to for help…first thing. In Jesus’ Name, Amen
Questions: Do you consider yourself to be self-sufficient or independent? What are your best skills? Do you let God use your skills and tailor them for His purposes?
Tasks: Listen to the song, “My All In All” by Phil Wickham. Rely on Jesus!
I love this and can so identify! I was raised to be an independent woman by all of the independent women in my family. That spirit of independence serves me well at times, but at other times it can be a real stumbling block. My go to verse to remind me that I cannot do it all along is John 15:5. Thank you for this important reminder!
Natalie, I completely hear your heart. There are so many times when I need to do things just because they need done. But overall I am so aware I cannot do anything outside of Jesus! In my weakness He is made strong. I like how you said that you cannot be productive or effective without Him. There’s a big difference in being busy (which I used to be…busy taking care of everything) and being effective and productive in and for Jesus. Being truly fruitful in Him takes reliance in Him on my part. If I want my life to matter and His will to be done, I have to lean on Him for sure! I love your post! Blessings to you! Be encouraged today! Donna

Oh, Natalie…I’m learning to fall back into the arms of Jesus! He is all we need. Your writing is fresh and clearly shares your heart for Jesus. I can’t wait to read the rest of your story. He has a plan for you and your sweet daughter. Thank you for sharing from the heart!
Your last sentence resonated with me. ” I don’t have to do everything, just that ONE thing.” I so often get caught up in doing so many little things. I needed the reminder to focus on joining Jesus in His work. Thanks!
I have always been taught and expected to take care of myself as well as others. It has only been recently that I realized that I could be a blessing to others by letting them help me.