Yesterday was my late husband Dave’s 46th birthday, our twelfth without him here. To celebrate, I usually give Lydia a gift in his honor. When she was little, it was a way to connect with her dad since she was so little when he died. She does not remember him but can still feel close.
So, on Monday night, Lydia got her ears pierced with a second hole. She had wanted this for a while, and it just happened to work out this week. We had an appointment at a tattoo shop, and I bet Dave would have loved it! He was usually up for an adventure and understood some of the nicest people you’ll ever meet have tons of tattoos.
Dave didn’t have any tattoos, and neither do I. But I opted for the tattoo place because Lydia had a little trouble after getting her ears pierced the first time at a box store. I wanted to be able to go back and talk with someone knowledgeable if needed. Thankfully, she is doing fine now!
The man at the tattoo shop reminded me a lot of Dave’s good-naturedness. He was cheerful and friendly, able to converse on a wide variety of topics, eager to help, and a good teacher. He has three kids and loves Christmas movies. He was a lot of fun, and if I ever did decide to get a tattoo, I know I’d be in good hands.
Meeting the tattoo artist was a surprising breath of fresh air! I did not expect the experience to be so intriguing. As I listened to him chat away, I thought about how his excitement and passion for his work and life mimic how we Christians should represent Jesus.
I don’t know if this man knows Jesus, but I pray he does. His zest for life was contagious, and I envisioned the spiritual impact he could have. His little tattoo shop has ministry potential! I have a few friends with similar personalities, and they make following Jesus fun!
Did you know Jesus was the most joyful person who ever lived? Despite being born into poverty, He lived a full and fulfilled life. Despite coming to die (on purpose!), He lived out his mission. He was empowered by the Holy Spirit and stayed connected to His Father.
I love how we can connect to God all throughout our day and in various places. Who knew I would see glimpses of Jesus (and even Dave!) at a tattoo shop?! It is cool to read in Isaiah 49:16 that God has written (or tattooed) our names on His hands!
The holidays can be tough for many people, and if you are struggling, I would encourage you to keep your eyes open. Look for joy in unexpected places. Keep moving forward. Jesus is with you and for you. Put your trust in Him, and let Him surprise you!
Heavenly Father, thanks for all the ways You show up and surprise us with Your goodness. Help us navigate our complex emotions. Help us move forward with Your joy, peace, and grace this season. In Jesus’ Name, Amen
Questions: Do you have any tattoos? How is your holiday season going so far?!
Task: Take each day as it comes. Look for Jesus and stay present with Him.
Natalie, this was a lovely piece about Dave, Lydia growing in goodness and grace, and looking for joy in unexpected people and places. Your gentle encouragement to keep moving forward is just right for those who need a little help through the holidays.