Mirror, Mirror

This week, I am celebrating another birthday! While I usually am a little contemplative beforehand, I have been so busy lately that my birthday kind of snuck up on me!

Not to worry… I still have time to reflect on the past year and decide what, if anything, I want to change for the coming year. Also, we have some company coming, so I am sure it will be a fun day! At the very least, there is a restaurant I have been wanting to try!

This year, I would like keep chipping away at small goals and tasks, such as organizing my house better. Also, I’d like to prioritize self-care (more than I do now) and finally get adequate sleep (more than just a few days of 7+ hours). Oh, and I’d like to have more unstructured free time with Lydia (not using it to focus on housework and such).

Ok, that sounds like a lot! One thing I have realized is that I can’t do all that without God’s help and leading. And really, none of those goals amount to much if He’s not a part of it.

Indeed, I came across the word inertia lately. It was being used to describe someone’s personality, as in it takes a lot to move the person to action. I thought it was an interesting connection, and I can see a little bit of that in me. It can be a good thing, but not always.

When God tells me to stay, I can handle that alright (though there can be challenges). But when God tells me to move, and I am slow to do so, I have to move past the inertia. So, you can imagine my own frustration when I also have a lot of personal goals! 😉

It has been said, “The more things change the more they stay the same.” Recently, I have been thinking back a few years to times when I met similar goals with more success. And, I noticed that I had the same struggle with inertia back then!

The difference was I had more energy (and desire) to make the changes required. Now, I have grown past the insecurities I had back then and don’t care as much! Haha!

In some ways, it has been like looking in a proverbial mirror. I am surprised, but also comforted to see more evidence of how God designed me just so. I am fearfully and wonderfully made, and I can trust He has a good plan for all my quirks! I don’t have to change everything… I am already loved perfectly.

While we have to take action and keep moving forward, we also need God’s direction and wisdom. Yes, growth requires stretching and a fair amount of grace and mercy.

Ultimately, I am so grateful for all God has done in my life this past year. As long as I am listening and going where He wants me, I will be fine. 😉

I know He has more good things in store for me!


God, thanks for bringing me through another year.  Please continue to refine me and make me more like Jesus. Help me be a good reflection of Who You are. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: As we move closer to a new season, how have your goals changed? How have you seen God’s grace in your life lately?

Tasks: Meditate on James 1:22-24. Make changes accordingly.

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