Mind the Gap

Many years ago, my sister and I joined several other high school students on a two-week adventure to Europe. We flew across the Pond to visit England, France, Italy, and Switzerland. It was a wonderful trip, and we made many memories together!

As we visited London, we took the subway system (a.k.a. the Underground, or Tube). We got a kick out of the various signs, in particular one that said “Mind the Gap.” This referred to the space between the railcars and the platform. Of course, one could be killed if they fell down there.

Then, this week, a pastor at church reminded us there’s never a time in our lives when we have it all figured out. Even when most things are going well, there’s still random things that may pop up.

There’s going to be a gap between our reality and what we desire. It can be frustrating at times, but if all of our problems were so easily solved, we wouldn’t need Jesus!

So, what do we do about it all? First, we stay close to Jesus. Then, we mind the gap!

When riding the Tube, or any other subway or train, we can make sure we are ready first. We can:

Be prepared. Plan ahead for various possibilities or issues we might face. We can’t prevent all problems, but we aren’t without options! For a trip, I’d bring various articles. Purse. (Check.) Passport (Check.) Proper currency. (Check.) Snacks. (Check.) In life, this might be a savings account or not taking on excessive debt.

Make sure your stuff doesn’t weigh you down or trip you up! If you forget something, you can always get it when you arrive at your destination. Life is like that, too. Take what you need and leave the rest. Don’t overthink it!

Be aware of your surroundings and circumstances. Notice the atmosphere and read each situation correctly. Then, adapt or change as needed. Flexibility is key!

Wait your turn. Don’t rush ahead and leave anyone or anything behind! You will get where you need to go. God’s timing is perfect.

Be willing to stand and let someone else sit. Kindness matters.

Stay focused. Pay attention to each stop and don’t miss yours! Even small distractions could sidetrack us, if we’re not careful. Put down your phone and talk with a stranger, once in a while!

Live joyfully, looking forward to adventures. Focus on what is going well, instead of shortcomings. With a good attitude, we can make the best of uncertain circumstances.

Ultimately, only Jesus can fill the gaps in our lives. With His help, we can do all He made us to do. We can trust Him and join Him for the ride of our lives!


Lord, thanks for filling in the gaps in our lives with You. Forgive us when we try to fill those gaps with other things. May we not forget You are more than enough for us! In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Have you ever been to England? Have you been on the London Underground system? What is your favorite touristy spot to visit?

Tasks: Life is more about the journey than the destination. For fun, consider how life is like a public transit system!

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