Yesterday morning, I was serenaded by a little songbird called a tree swallow. Blue is my favorite color and the male’s blue coloring was particularly pretty. The female is more of a greyish brown. She joined him on my deck after he had been singing for a few minutes.
I thought it was sweet to watch as I was eating my breakfast. Soon, however, I started to discern something else might be going on. I’m no bird expert, but it seemed like I was watching a turf war!
A third bird kept landing on my deck, which prompted all the birds to ‘hiss’ at each other and scatter. I don’t know if the males were fighting over the female or if there was a nest nearby.
I would have loved to stay and watch this scene on repeat through my binoculars… but I had to go to work. Still, it reminded me that we are also in a daily battle that often is difficult to discern.
There is a battle for our souls. Our enemy will use any means necessary to distract us, get us off course, and make us doubt God’s love. We have to be aware of these methods or we will start to lose ground.
Case in point: Yesterday afternoon, I was fighting a bad attitude because I perceived something unfair. I was a little upset about things I can’t control. Left unchecked, I then let even minor inconveniences affect me and become major annoyances!
For example, when I walked to the bus to pick up Lydia, the wind kept blowing my hair into my face. Grrr… Yes, I could have driven around the block, but didn’t. I could have grabbed a hat, but then I would have had hat hair… oh, the injustice!
Thankfully, I soon confessed what was bothering me to the Lord. I also apologized for being annoyed about the wind. It wasn’t a quick turnaround, but slowly, I switched gears. Walking against the wind on our way home from the bus also helped!
Lydia happened to be in a really funny mood, which also helped mine. After listening to her chat about her day, I turned on the radio to help me get out of my funk. Lydia had plenty to say about the songs, and the lyrics spoke precisely to my heart.
I was glad to draw near to God and worship. Each song felt like it was hand-picked by Him—I felt He understood just what I needed. More of Him.
As Lydia and I made dinner together, I prayerfully poured out my heart to the Lord. Later, I explained the basics of how I was feeling to Lydia and thanked her for helping me cheer up. She hadn’t even noticed!
I didn’t tell her all the details, of course, but she was supportive and gave me lots of hugs. We talked about our various emotions and how we can bring them all to God—good or bad. We don’t have to live in fear, doubt, or defeat.
I could have stayed in my bad mood, but I’m glad I asked the Lord for help. God knows each of our needs even before we come and ask. We can trust Him to take good care of us because He loves us so much. His love never fails!
God provides for all the birds and knows each one. But we are far more valuable to Him. He knows us fully and sees all our selfishness, yet He loves us anyway. Wow.
With Jesus, we have all that we need….and He already won the war. We don’t have to fight it out on our own. We just have to stand firm and not give up any territory. Victory!
Heavenly Father, thanks for Your forgiveness and grace. You take such good care of me and provide for all of my needs. Help me trust You more. In Jesus’ Name, Amen
Questions: When you are in a foul mood, how to do you get out of it? What do you do to renew your mind with God’s love and truth?
Tasks: Let your emotions lead you to Jesus. Listen to the song, “Known,” by Tauren Wells.
I have noticed that remembering to give my day to the Lord early in the morning helps my mood. When things don’t go as I planned or wanted, I can more easily hear His voice telling me to let things go, forgive people, don’t worry and move on. It seems like a simple concept, but is actually hard to implement. I am often in a hurry in the mornings b.c. I like to sleep as late as possible, but sometimes I oversleep. Then I think I don’t have time for God, but that is exactly when I need Him the most!