Happy New Year! Lydia and I had fun hanging out at home on New Year’s Eve. She really wanted to stay up until Midnight, so we played some games, ate some yummy food, and even did a little painting. Mine was rather abstract, but I did add some glitter, ha!
While we waited for the new year to roll in, we talked about things we are looking forward to this year. She had a great list, including going to camp, joining a volleyball team, and doing some traveling.
On a personal note, I want to build more rest into my daily routine to help me manage stress. By that, I mean adopting a slower pace (which is not always possible), purposeful movement, and simple nourishing meals. I also want to stay on top of my clutter. A tall order, but, I will do my best.
Spiritually, I want to stay present with Jesus and invite Him into every part of my day. That’s one reason I want to have a slower pace – to hear Him more easily and move with Him without delay. The noise of daily life makes it difficult to pay attention to Him!
Thus, Lydia and I decided to read the Bible together chronologically and discuss it. The Bible shows God’s goodness and love but also how brutal humans can be. That said, some of the content may be beyond Lydia’s maturity level, so I might let her skip those parts. We will see how it goes!
Otherwise, I’m not really into making resolutions but rather setting SMART goals and building solid habits. It’s good to give ourselves a lot of time (maybe, all year!) since it takes a while to build new routines.
A few months ago, I came across the idea of setting goals we are 90% sure we can achieve (rather than a so-so 50%). That way, it is still a stretch, but we are confident. Thus, we are more likely to have success over something we were not fully committed to. It has more to do with building ourselves up rather than just the to-do list.
That said, keeping it simple is usually the best idea. My cousin is a librarian for kids. She asked them what kinds of resolutions they had. Here are some of their ideas: Be kind. Have fun. Be nice. See the hippos at the zoo. Explore! Paint!
We can learn a lot here and interpret the children’s nuggets of wisdom. Basically, this means to treat people well, pause to enjoy life, and try new things. I am fairly confident we can all be successful with these!
Whatever you decide to do this year, follow where the Lord leads. Be sure to check in with Him throughout each day. Staying close to Jesus is the best thing you can do!
God, thanks for Your new mercies every morning. Help us keep You front and center this year. Help us slow down, stay present, and listen to You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen
Questions: Do you have any resolutions or goals for the coming weeks? Do you have a specific strategy you like to follow?
Task: Be sure to check in with Jesus as you plan your days, weeks, months, and years!