This week, I was showing Lydia a cute dog video online when a commercial popped up with a popular fitness brand (Company A) showcasing their gear. Of course, a trim model was using the fitness equipment and was dressed in a clingy outfit.
I was ready to move on to the next cute dog, but Lydia told me what she thought about Company A’s advertising. “Mom, they are using this skinny model to get people to buy their products.”
Her statement piqued my interest because I hadn’t expected her to be so aware. Naturally, I quizzed her a little. “What else do you think they are trying to say, Lydia?”
“If you buy this, you will be like her. If want to look like this, you have to buy this outfit and gear. There’s only one kind of acceptable person…. but of course, that’s not true.”
Then, Lydia mentioned another comparable brand with a slightly different focus. She said, “Company B uses people who are all shapes, sizes, and colors. Tall, short, black, white, and so on.”
I asked her if she picked up any other messages in their advertising. “You can be who you’re meant to be. You are unique and don’t have to look like everyone else. Healthy goes beyond how you look.”
“Lydia, I am impressed that you understand their marketing and can see what they really mean! Where did you learn all of this?”
She replied, “I learned that from you!”
We went on to discuss moving our bodies in healthy ways and feeding our bodies well so they will do what we need them to do. Thankfully, ‘healthy’ can mean something different for each of us!
I asked Lydia if she had a verse she wanted me to use since most of this blog post uses her words. I suggested Psalm 139 which says we are “fearfully and wonderfully made.”
She requested, “He’s the potter and we are the clay.” This comes from Isaiah 64:8 (above). I asked why she chose that verse, and Lydia explained, “God made you special so don’t envy others. He has a purpose and plan for you! Don’t compare yourself to others because you will be disappointed. It makes it worse.”
A ten-year-old doesn’t think about original context, but even so, she had a good application! My takeaway is this: Each of us is one-of-a-kind because God Himself is incomparable.
Only in Him do we find our purpose and meaning. He alone brings fulfillment and helps us live for Him. He is our joy and peace, so we can enjoy life without worry!
God, thanks for making us each unique. You are so kind, generous, and wise! May we remember You have created us for purpose and meaning that can only be found in You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen
Questions: What is something that makes you unique? How can you bless someone with that trait?
Tasks: Instead of comparing yourself to others, consider why God made you different and how you can use those skills and characteristics to His glory.