It may be March 1st, but we have another snowstorm in Fargo! It’s not the end of the world, and I know Spring is right around the corner. At least on the calendar – practically speaking, it’s still a couple of months away at this latitude. It takes a while to warm up and for all the snow to melt!
I was thinking about what to write for today’s blog post and was stuck between two half-processed ideas. I just wasn’t feeling them. They still need time to marinate, I guess!
So, I went online to catch up with some articles. I usually have a lot of tabs open but never seem to find time to finish reading! In the process, I clicked open my browser, which shows the latest news. So, I had to check that out first!
Honestly, most of the ‘news’ these days isn’t all that enticing. Some of it is just click-bait, gimmicky stuff. Soooo much unnecessary drama… I also didn’t feel like reading something heavy, such as war or politics (although they are important). And, I wasn’t really interested in shopping for deals. Been there, done that.
No, I was in search of flat-out good news. Life is pretty busy right now, and March usually picks up even more. So, my mind is on overload. I needed something lighthearted to make me smile. Not necessarily an escape, just motivation to keep moving forward.
Success! I found a video of the Princess of Wales accepting some flowers from a toddler. Her genuine response and accent brightened my mood. I also read about a family welcoming home a soldier. I read through some healthy plant-based recipes (which helped me feel creative!). And, then I took a cue from Lydia and watched… cute puppy videos.
During the short time I spent writing this, I remembered a friend’s mom needed prayer. And, I reached out to some loved ones who live near an accident to make sure they are okay (sad news I read online). My heart was filled with concern.
Then, I thought about Jesus and the Good News He brings. Indeed, God is the Source of all good things, and He is the very definition of Good. Our perspective changes when we focus on Jesus!
God covers us with His grace even when we are completely unaware. Like, we literally cannot fathom all the good things He does for us and the crazy things He shields us from.
Grace upon grace. Mercy and forgiveness. Good news upon good news. His free gift.
If you could use a little encouragement in your life today, here is the best news possible: God loves you and is with you right now. He has a special plan for your life. You matter. God has not forgotten about you. He is for you and has good things in store for You. You can trust Him completely. He’s got you covered!
There are no gimmicks with God. Life is good because God is good. There will be some challenging days, sure, but we can get through them with His help!
God, thanks for showing us Your perfect Grace and Truth. Thanks for being the standard we live by, not the world’s drama or our emotions. Help us share Your light with those around us. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Questions: What are your favorite topics to read about or watch? What brings you joy online? Does it uplift you and turn your heart toward Jesus?
Tasks: Check out this website, full of good news! Thank God for all the ways He loves you!