Healing Connections

Pain comes in many forms and is an excellent signal that we must pay attention and address an issue. It can be physical, mental, emotional, relational, or spiritual (sometimes all of the above). Each of us should determine the cause and solution and seek professional input if needed. Often, we can start with the basics on our own!

On Sunday after church, I went to the front of the sanctuary for prayer for my hip and back. Both muscles and nerves connect the two areas I am dealing with. I have been praying and practicing mobility exercises to improve my flexibility and relieve pressure.

The lady who prayed reminded me it’s all God’s power combined with my faith, not her words, that brings healing. Even today, I still feel a little pain, but it is improving!

Praying in faith is key, but we can also take practical action. On Monday, I decided to try a new three-week program for a healthy back. I appreciated the hip challenge I did recently, and the back version is equally intriguing and educational!

As we know, God can heal instantaneously, but often, it takes time. In my case, nerve impingement likely happened over many years of repetitive motion. So, it seems, I need to learn how to take better care of myself and let God heal me that way. Then, I can sustain the results!

Free Woman Exercise photo and picture

Instead of trying to diagnose myself, I am simply working on a total body approach. It’s all connected and if one area is feeling “off” chances are at least one other area is, too!

I have been learning a lot lately. Muscles, bones, and nerves are all related but show up in separate issues. Sure, I learned some of this in my college courses, but it has been a while, and it is good to have a refresher!

On Monday night, I started week five of my mobility routine. I have been doing the exercises four times a week, so this was round seventeen. I was praying, and suddenly, something just clicked!

After that, I was able to do all fifteen exercises fairly easily! I have been able to do most of them but struggled to do three or four because my hip wouldn’t go past a certain point without pain or catching.

I was in awe and yelled for Lydia to come and watch. Praise God! Even if it gets a little tight again, I know healing is close at hand! I woke up the next day still able to do the exercises, though I still need to practice.

Then, yesterday, I had a follow-up appointment with a certain Veteran. We previously connected over being authors. God used the act of writing to help me lead this patient to make changes.

We talked on the phone this time, and immediately, he wanted to discuss my book. He had read the entire thing and marked a few pages that he had questions about. He really wanted to talk about healing.

He asked about page 107 and asked me to verify what I wrote: that spiritual health is more important than physical healing. He was fascinated by this and mentioned that we often pray for temporary physical results but run the risk of overlooking eternal spiritual matters.

We briefly discussed how Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead, but eventually, even he had to die again. I also quoted 3 John 1:2, which hit home for him.

God is always faithful and willing to heal, one way or another. At the same time, He is gracious in teaching us about His power, love, and provision along the way. He can use pain or wellness to our benefit, though our wounds may accomplish more as we draw close to Him.

We did manage to discuss nutrition, of course, but it was so cool to see how my story was helping this man think about God’s healing in new ways!


Father God, thanks for all the ways you heal us and make us whole. Help us seek You more than what You can do for us. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Question: What is God teaching you this week? How is He healing you or changing your perspective?

Task: Bring all your aches, wounds, grief, and expectations to Jesus. Praise Him through the pain. He will never let you down. Nothing is impossible for God!!

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