Happy New Year! I hope your 2017 is off to a good start.
Do you make any New Year’s resolutions? Or do you choose ‘a word’ to mark your year?
When considering options for this year, I thought about making changes, choosing a word, or trying something new. But in the end, nothing really resonated with me.
So maybe I will just keep on my current path! That’s a good thing because I don’t think I could appreciate 2017 without my focus from last year.
2016 became a year of rest for me. I felt the need to apply more grace and more space to my everyday life. Once more, I realized I can only do so much. If I don’t remember to take care of myself, I won’t be able to take care of anything (or anyone) else.
Last year, I focused on getting adequate sleep, taking breaks, and keeping a restful mentality. It sounds fairly simple, but it required some effort! The hardest part was cutting out extra activities and distractions. I had to decline many new activities (even some really good opportunities).
I said “no” to finishing my to-do list every day (even when it kept calling my name!). I pushed back deadlines when necessary, instead of trying to push myself to reach an unreasonable goal.
With that restful attitude, I redecorated my house and make it a better representation of our life now. I’m so thankful I did, because now I have a better perspective going forward.
In terms of goals and growth, I don’t like to make drastic changes (though, sometimes I probably should!). Instead, I’d rather adjust my habits. It’s not rocket science, but it does take some determination. Because, of course, I like to take my sweet time…
This year, I am developing more self-discipline and consistency in my life. Nothing really new—just less excuses and procrastination! I am not adding any new tasks, but I have tweaked my routine—the timing and structure of it all!
Not super glamorous, but necessary.
Sure, I have specific goals for sleep, exercise, reading, water intake, and more. The common theme, however, is waking up early to accomplish these goals before Lydia wakes up. Or, at least as many of them as possible!
I could go on and on about SMART goals, accountability, or setting up a tracking system. I will spare you all that—but I am amazed at what I can do with a proper bedtime!
By simply readjusting my timeline, I’ve been getting enough sleep and using my time more wisely. I’ve had more energy early in the day, and sometimes can cross off a few more tasks. Generally, I have more wiggle room in my day…and a better attitude all around!
Of course, there’s always something to potentially derail me. Even this morning, I have had to switch things around and save them for later. I’ll always be a work in progress…
Thank God for His sweet and refreshing grace!
Still, I have a feeling that 2017 is going to be our most exciting year yet. There will be challenges, important decisions, and transitions. Lydia will start Kindergarten and we may try to squeeze in a trip or two. We have lots of options ahead!
But, truthfully, I can’t do it on my own.
I cannot maintain any level of success in my own strength. Trust me, I’ve tried and failed many times! A (recovering) perfectionist’s worst nightmare!
Yes, the only way I will be successful is if I seek the Lord’s input first.
If I am too busy, always running around, I can’t ‘hear’ from the Lord. A slower pace and a more open schedule means less stress and more ‘listening time.’
God created me to do good things and He has the best plan for my life! So it’s wise to check in with Him before setting my schedule (see Ephesians 2:10). A huge timesaver!
My victory comes from the Lord. My help comes from Him, too! Jesus sustains and defends me. His grace is more than enough to meet my need. I place my trust in Him!
So set goals. Yes, absolutely! But pray too. Ask the Lord for help.
Life is short. Don’t waste time on things that don’t matter. Only Jesus brings real, lasting change. Commit yourself and your plans to Him. Then you will have true success!
Father God, thank You for the gift of Today. Thanks for new mercies, grace, and opportunities. Show me the path to take. Help me accomplish the tasks You have for me. I trust You, Jesus. In Your Name, Amen.
Questions: Are you trying anything new this month or year? How is it going?
Tasks: Commit your tasks and plans to the Lord. Trust Him to help you accomplish all He has for you!
The verse that came to mind as I was reading your blog today is found in Psalm 46:10. Be still and know that I am God! I need to slow down even more and I don’t yet know what that means but He has my attention. I need to pray and be still so I can hear him as He speaks to me.
Love that verse, Joan!
I decided that life is too short to miss out on good food! I am still working on good eating habits, but now if I have the opportunity to taste something that looks I delicious, I am going to take it. However, I am going to limit myself to five bites. I’m going to eat slowly, enjoy the moment, and have five amazing bites. All the yumminess, but not enough to feel guilty or get me off track. I’ve had the chance to try it out twice now, and so far it is going well.
That’s a great idea, Livi!