Godly Interruptions

So much of our time is spent going from one thing to the next. We may have a little margin, but often, we don’t. If we’re not careful, we can lose our sense of direction and purpose.

If we are so busy all the time, it may be difficult to hear God, too. That’s why I am am trying to slow down and be glad when He interrupts my day. Even so, I don’t always recognize or appreciate those moments, but I am working on it.

On Sunday, Lydia and I had one such godly interruption as we were on our way to church. My friend is a mom of three kids under three, and she was very sick. Her husband had to work for a few hours, and my friend’s extended family was all out of town. She asked us to come help, and I immediately knew God was at work.

It was Father’s Day, but I told Lydia, “Sometimes we go to church, and sometimes we need to be the church.” We turned around and were on our way.

Free Bowl Broth photo and picture

I am so glad my friend asked for support and that we were available to help. She was so depleted she could barely move, so much so that the next day, she went in for IV fluids. On Sunday, I made her a little chicken broth and fed and changed the kids. Lydia was a big help in entertaining the toddler, and it was a good lesson in serving others.

We tend to ask God to do “BIG” things in our lives, but are we willing to do the little things He puts in front of us? If we are faithful in small matters, He can trust us when the stakes increase.

Are we available and flexible to move with God? If we hold tightly to our plans, we can have trouble changing them in a pinch. This may include giving a ride to someone in need; or meeting a friend to pray about a big decision; rescuing an endangered animal; or answering a last-minute call to volunteer.

Godly interruptions are like signposts that help us know we are on track. As long as we are willing to listen and be redirected, we can’t help but stay in step with Jesus.


God, thanks for all the ways You lead me. May I embrace Your interruptions with grace. Help me spread Your love and kindness everywhere I go. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: How has God interrupted you lately? Were you able to roll with it, or did you drag your feet?

Tasks: Build a little margin and flexibility into your schedule so you are available to be used by the Lord. Have grace when He interrupts your day!

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