Surprise!! It’s finally time for my big announcement, and I am so excited!
My book, Fear, Faith, and Moving Forward, is available for purchase! The book captures a two-year period of dealing with (my late husband) Dave’s cancer and my subsequent grief. At times, I didn’t know how I would make it.
During a time filled with chemo and chaos, I nearly walked away from my faith. But, God proved Himself over and over again. Despite my doubts, He came through for us!
Yes, it is a sad story at times, but I wanted to chronicle what happened for Lydia and inspire others. We all go through rough times on this side of Heaven, and it helps knowing someone understands. All hope is not lost!
Currently, your best way to buy Fear, Faith, and Moving Forward is to order through Barnes and Noble. I spent countless hours at our local B&N bookstore writing and editing with my laptop and a cup of coffee. So, it feels incredible to see my book online!
Announcing my book TODAY is significant for several reasons.
First, Lydia’s tenth birthday is coming up, and I wanted to beat that milestone. So much happened in the first two-and-a-half years of her life, and it just seems right to keep this project contained to her first decade. That way, we can officially close that chapter and keep moving forward.
Second, we are in the beginning stages of the holidays, and I want my book to be available before all the craziness starts. For some, it may be just what they need. That said, if a friend of yours is dealing with cancer, grief, or some other trauma, perhaps get your copy first and then consider how it may affect them. The book could certainly be helpful for your friend, but I would never want to add to their emotional turmoil. In that case, maybe filter out a few nuggets of truth for them until the timing is better.
My third reason is a little more personal. Today marks twenty-five years since my dear friend, Seth, died in an accident. (Part of me feels like it was just yesterday; it doesn’t seem I should be old enough to account for twenty-five years!) So, when I saw November 17th is today, a Wednesday, it felt like God’s timing. The book does not entail Seth’s tragedy, yet in my story, I mention how that loss helped me process Dave’s death. So, in my mind, they are somewhat connected.
The fourth reason is simply that there’s no time like the present. This project was complex and took me a while to finish. I had much to learn about writing and publishing a book. Grief and being a single mom were factors, not to mention work, household duties, and various levels of motivation. But, in the end, perfect conditions don’t exist. Something always comes up, and I am just going for it!
Finally, my fifth reason is that I need to continually challenge myself! It’s risky to put myself out there, but I don’t have to be afraid. I am covered with God’s grace. He goes ahead of me and He’s right beside me simultaneously. By faith, I need to release my book and step out of the way, so He can do what He does best.
In honor of my book launch, I created a new blog PAGE! I loaded it with some key details you might want to know before ordering.
Well, that’s it. I appreciate all your ongoing support, encouragement, and prayers!
God, thanks for all the ways You have brought me through. You are so good and faithful. Would You please use my story to help others see You at work in theirs? May this book bring You glory. In Jesus’ Name, Amen
Questions: Any guesses on when I started writing my book?! Will you order the black and white version or the deluxe color version?
Tasks: Grab your copy of Fear, Faith, and Moving Forward today! Read more details here. I’d love for you to tag me on Facebook @GraceandLemonade or on Instagram @natalator with a picture of you and my book. Also, please share this post on social media. Goal: Tell at least 15 of your friends!
This is awesome. To know you and Dave, your walk together and now with your sweet girl Lydia
You are strong and brave. I cherish our friendship
Lin Strauss
Thank you so much, Lin. You are the one who planted the seed in my heart for a book (or at least watered it)! You mentioned something on one of my social media posts so many years ago when Dave was sick. I never forgot! <3