If you make lemonade when life gives you lemons, what do you do when life gives you eggs? Make an omelet? Write a blog post perhaps?
Yesterday, we woke up and realized our house had been egged overnight! One egg made it through the window screen, breaking it, and the other landed short. Blech.
I think it was just a random prank. Either way, I told Lydia to ignore it so it did not draw any extra attention among her fellow students. That age group is already tough, and I didn’t want give them any ideas!
Unfortunately, I had to leave the yucky mess so I wasn’t late for work, which meant it was baked in the bright sun by the time I returned home.

But thankfully, within minutes of posting on social media, three neighbors offered to help out. One offered to supply a patch for my busted screen, one reviewed his outside camera, and one offered to pressure wash the area for me.
After work, I cleared out the egg yolks and eggshells inside the window. Then, a fourth neighbor and his son actually came over to help. They brought a ladder and used my hose, along with some scrubbing, to clean what they could of the outside portion of the window and siding. He understood what to do because his house was egged about a year ago. Thanks, Lord, for good neighbors who look out for me!
I should probably replace the screen because, even with a patch, it’s pretty beat up. It still smells eggy, too, so maybe I’ll borrow the power washer afterall! But, I am grateful that the damage wasn’t too bad overall. In terms of pranks, we fared pretty well. And, I am pleased that no one messed with my little free library, which has easy access in my front yard. It could have been much worse.

As I thought about my neighbors’ kindness, I was reminded of the Bible verse in Hebrews 10:24, which says, “And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds…”
My paraphrase could read: Let’s egg each other on to keep loving, encouraging, and serving…. 
Now, I would not recommend defiling someone’s house, but maybe you could bring them dinner or offer to watch their kids when they are in a pinch. You could invite someone over for coffee and eggs brunch or help with yardwork when they are sick.
It doesn’t take much to make a difference—a smile, gift card, hug, or prayer go a long way. Bonus points if you do something practical. Yesterday, it was reviewing a camera reel and offering a screen patch, pressure washer, and a ladder. Whatever you have to offer is enough.
In fact, I have found that doing something is usually better than doing nothing! Even doing something “late” is better than skipping it altogether.
God, thanks for all You do for me. Thanks for your protection and provision. Help me a good neighbor, having the wisdom to know what to do and the courage to do it. In Jesus’ Name, Amen
Questions: Have you ever been pranked?! How can you bless someone else today?
Tasks: Next time you see or hear of a need, offer to help. Even if you don’t know what to do, show up and be willing to serve. It may be in your wheelhouse or outside your comfort zone. Don’t worry about it; just do your best. I guarantee it will mean so much.