Easter Thoughts

Happy Holy Week! As I reflect on Jesus’ sacrifice for me, I am struck by Romans 5:8, which says, “but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”

It is humbling to think of how much Jesus loves me. Thousands of years before I was born, He saw me and died for me so I could know Him and live for Him. What mercy and grace!

Cross, Christ, Redeemer, Faith, God, Jesus, Clouds

Here are some Easter thoughts that are challenging me lately, in a good way:

You don’t have to like someone in order treat them well.

You don’t have to agree with someone in order to protect them.

You don’t have to understand other people’s choices in order to be kind.

You don’t have to see eye to eye with someone in order to want what’s best for them.

You don’t have to trust someone in order to be friendly (although that certainly helps!).

Jesus, Christ, God, Holy, Spirit, Bible, Gospel, Church

We don’t have to make it complicated; we are simply called to love others and let Jesus take care of the rest. It is tough at times, but it doesn’t need to be. Just remember, you have never looked into the eyes of someone Jesus doesn’t love.

Each person you see is someone Jesus died for. He offers them new life–the same as He offers you and me. Jesus looks upon them with such love and compassion. So must we.

We don’t have to try to figure out all the details or make them think as we do, but we do need to be open-minded. Extending someone grace doesn’t necessarily mean you approve of their choices. It also doesn’t mean they deserve it because grace is unmerited favor. But, you are choosing to see the best in them anyway.

I am so glad Jesus saw us with eyes of compassion and stepped in to save us. He did for us what we could never do on our own. He used His body to bridge the gap between us and God. He died for us well before we even knew His name.

What’s more, Jesus invites us to lay aside all our differences and join Him in a greater plan and story. He offers us gifts, such as peace, joy, and new life! Pursuing Jesus is a much better use of our energy than always keeping tabs on other people!


Heavenly Father, thanks for the gift of Jesus! How magnanimous! You are so good. May we show others the mercy, grace, and love You have shown us. Give us Your eyes to see them the way You do. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Question: How can you extend Jesus’ mercy, grace, and love to other people?

Tasks: Write out or print the statements in the second section above. Tape them onto your bathroom mirror and memorize them. See how they change your heart toward those who are difficult to love! The change in your attitude may be the very thing God uses to draw them near!

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