Last week, I talked about seeking peace and avoiding distractions, largely regarding busyness. But I also recognize that fear, anxiety, and worry are a triple threat to maintaining our peace.
This season brings many emotions, such as joy, gratitude, sadness, grief, and stress. While there is so much to enjoy, it is okay to have mixed emotions. Let’s be alert for those, like fear, that would drive us away from God’s infinite LOVE.
You know I must have very specific reasons for living in a state with around six months of winter! Often, I don’t mind, but the amount of snow can sometimes be a little much at times. It becomes even more nerve-wracking if there’s ice involved. Combined with winter’s darker, early nights, I must be on guard and protect my peace.
Thankfully, God has taught me a lot about dealing with fear! I can pray for His help, reframe the situation, apply the Truth of Scripture, and switch my focus outward in service to others. Fear threatens to trap us, but we don’t have to fall prey to fear!
In practical terms, I can also dress warm, have a good attitude, go slow when needed, and thank God for all-wheel drive. I can listen to the radio, especially the Christmas carols at this time of year! I can stop and run errands nearby to wait out the traffic, if needed.
Another way to guard my peace is to monitor what is going into and coming out of my heart and mind. The radio can be encouraging, but often, listening to the news is not. I can read the details instead and monitor it as I go. What goes in must come out eventually, and speaking the Truth with grace and kindness is a better alternative to gossip.
Monitoring energy levels may also be helpful at this time of year! If something is draining my peace, I might be giving in fear. If it brings rejuvenation, I’m more likely to be on the right path! Faith is a stretch, but God rewards and encourages us along the way.
During the holidays, it is easy to do things without always connecting with why. Traditions are great, but sometimes we lose the intention. We cannot allow holiday traditions or daily activities to take our eyes off Jesus. Ideally, these joyous events should point us to Him!
If you are not “into” something this year, have the courage to skip it or change it. It’s okay to do something different that is more meaningful! Instead of feeling stuck, at least discuss it with your family. Perhaps you can take a step of faith and connect with Jesus in a new way while building memories together!
God, thanks for giving us Jesus, the Reason for the Season. Help us keep our focus on You. Give us wisdom to know what to do and the courage to do it. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Questions: What are your favorite Christmas traditions? Do you do them every year or rotate between them? I like to make certain foods but don’t necessarily have a strict timeline!
Tasks: Make a list of the activities you want to do this holiday season. Match each one to your energy levels, which may ebb and flow. Choose the best and let go of the rest. Or, do some of them in January!