Monday was Earth Day! Of course, every day is a good day to celebrate our beautiful planet! For starters, I enjoy watching nature docuseries, like “Our Planet.”
I also enjoy David Attenborough’s voice…
There are lots of ways to take care of the environment and our surroundings. Some ideas include recycling, upgrading appliances, switching to reusable straws (or going without), and shopping at thrift stores.
We can turn off lights to conserve electricity, turn off the faucet to save water, and walk or ride a bike to save fuel. We can change our diet, buy less, or split large packages of food or toiletries, and share with our neighbors.
Planting a garden or tree, beekeeping, or putting up bird feeders and birdhouses are also ways to be proactive. Switching to online subscriptions instead of paper may also work.
Recently, Lydia’s school collected our plastic grocery bags for recycling. We had just read her National Geographic Kid’s magazine on how most plastics end up in the ocean and the damage it does there. Needless to say, I sent my fair share of plastic bags to the school. I’m also trying to switch to reusable bags when I can.
In the last week, since most of our snow melted, I have noticed a lot of garbage sitting in the back of my yard and just off my property. I don’t know if it is intentional or if it flies away before it can be contained. Either way, trash has been accumulating near the fence on my boundary line.
On Monday, I asked Lydia if she and a friend would pick up the garbage for me. I planned to reward them, but suddenly Lydia’s friend was nowhere to be found. Instead, I ended up going out there with her. She was glad not to have to do it alone.
“It’s fun doing this with you, Mom,” Lydia said. “But why do we have to pick up everyone else’s garbage? And why is no one helping us?”
She had a good point. It wasn’t fair, but I explained it was the right thing to do.
We talked about being responsible and what it means to be a good steward. I mentioned—and hoped—that other families were doing other good things to help the Earth, too.
Talk is cheap, but doing the right thing is always a good choice. We have to take action if we want to have an impact. Even if we are doing it alone.
We have so many resources to manage. How we use our time, money, and energy are personal to each of us, but those results can make-or-break our character. We can’t afford to just do the minimum because our lives are all intertwined. Our thoughts, words, and deeds will eventually affect someone or something else.
Jesus’ death on the cross was by no means fair. However, through His death and resurrection, Jesus set us free to do what is right. Selfishness is no longer our default.
Now, we have the freedom to follow a new path, which includes self-discipline, stewardship, and serving others. Thank You, Jesus!
God, thanks for creating such a beautiful universe and sharing it with us! You’re infinite wisdom and power are awe-inspiring. Help us take care of all You’ve entrusted to us. In Jesus’ Name, Amen
Questions: Did you do anything to “celebrate” Earth Day? Are you doing a good job stewarding your God-given resources, talents, and gifts? What needs to change?
Tasks: Check out these planet-friendly tips! Even small changes can make a big difference!
I think nature is a beautiful expression of God’s creativity and perfection. How else could all the seasons fall exactly in line, and who else could create some many beautiful and fun varieties of animals?