Last Friday night, I hosted some dear friends for dinner. I wanted to honor them and enjoy one last visit before they moved out-of-state on Sunday. It had been awhile since they last came over, so in addition to making dinner… I cleaned the house!
In truth, the house needed cleaned anyway. The kitchen island usually gathers mail and other random things that seem important, but probably aren’t. I also dusted, which doesn’t happen often! It felt good to accomplish so much!
I spent much of the day deep cleaning. I also did laundry, ran the dishwasher, and cleaned the toilets. I went all out!
Around 4 o’clock, I started vacuuming before my guests arrived. By that time, I had already put a new tablecloth on the dining table, hung clean towels in the bathroom, and cleared some clutter. Of course, I finished preparing dinner, too.
As I vacuumed the living room rug, a question popped into my mind. It made me stop in my tracks: How often do I go to this much effort for the Lord?
I paused to consider the question, which led to even more questions. Do I go all out in my personal time with the Lord? Is He my ‘everything’ or do I try to do everything on my own? When was the last time I invited Him to join me in my activities?
It was a really good gut check.
A lot of what we do seems important at the time, but does it have eternal significance? Indeed, it is amazing how much can happen internally in just a few moments. It’s clear God never settles just for surface cleaning. He always goes deep!
When God shows up, all our excuses go away. None of them stand a chance, when compared to His grace and glory. He renews our hearts and resets our priorities.
As I finished cleaning, I also prayed. I apologized for rushing through my day and invited the Lord’s presence into that moment. Lord, you are welcome here.
We tend to call on the Lord in times of trouble—as if He is just there to bail us out. But let’s not forget to seek Him when things are going well!
God cares so much about every detail of our lives. He longs to be our closest friend. He desires to be a part of our day, even if we are “just” vacuuming. Invite Him in!
No matter what we do—even really good things—our relationship with Jesus Christ is what matters most. He must always come first, and then the rest will fall into place.
That evening, I really enjoyed the time with my friends. Yet, it was made even sweeter knowing the Lord was present in our conversation. I know He will be with them in their new adventure, just like He is with me. Praise God!
Dear Jesus, thank You for your sweet presence, unfailing love, and gracious convictions. Thanks for forgiving us and for deep cleaning our hearts. How we need You! Help us recognize You in each moment and keep You first, Lord. In Your Name, Amen.
Questions: Did any of the questions (above) resonate with you? How do you put Jesus first each day?
Tasks: Invite the presence of God into each of your daily activities. Notice how that affects your day!
I’ve had numerous experiences where I make myself really busy doing whatever I think is the most important task at the moment and then realize I haven’t spent any time with God yet that day. I think “oh I’ll add that to my list when I finish this task”. Well, a few weeks ago I was stressing out about something (I can’t even remember now which makes me wonder why I thought it was so important at the time) when I felt the Lord reminding me that I should’ve started my day with Him instead of launching into my to-do list. This time, I stopped my task and went to do my devotions. It was a very refreshing time and He spoke right to the issue I was facing at the moment, which served as as really good reminder that everything always goes better when I remember to invite Jesus into to my plans.