Coming or Going

Lydia and I are coming off a three-day weekend, thanks to Presidents Day on Monday. 

We had considered traveling to Arizona to see family over the weekend, but a few weeks ago, I changed my mind. I had already adjusted my work schedule and traded on-call dates, so that wasn’t the issue. Also, I could have taught my class online, if needed. Basically, I was starting to prepare but didn’t have peace.

Yes, I really wanted to go, but there were several things holding me back. Some reasons were practical, like Lydia missing three days of school, not wanting to fly during COVID, or possibly having to quarantine.

Driving wasn’t really an option this time either. Arizona would be a twenty-five hour trip, one way, with me doing all the driving!

Certainly, Arizona would have been fun, but I still had a sense of hesitation. I could not place my finger on it (besides potential weather issues or having to plan ahead while already feeling time-crunched). In the end, I made the decision to stay home and was glad.

Turns out, maybe God just wanted me to rest!

As it was, Lydia and I had a really relaxing and restorative weekend. Sure, we did a little cleaning and laundry and projects, but we also slept in, worked on a puzzle, watched movies, played Monopoly, cooked some delicious food, and more.

It was just what we needed! I know Arizona would have been worth it, too, and I was bummed to say no. But, with so many variables up in the air, it seemed wise to hold off.

Most people would love to head South at this time of year. Especially in the Midwest right now! Other states are having historic cold snaps, but the brutal temperatures are just our normal winter weather in Fargo. If anything, we’ve had an easy winter… perhaps one reason why I don’t feel the need to escape!

Ironically, two other friends flew to Arizona and loved relaxing in the heat! From their beautiful pictures, it was just what they needed, too!

I’m grateful God leads each of us differently. He may tell some to stay and some to go. He may ask others to speak up and others to stay quiet. The Lord gives and takes away. He loves us in equal measure but will use our unique traits as He sees fit.

We don’t have to feel bad or feel afraid of missing out on life. As long as we are paying attention to Jesus and doing what He says, we will end up where we need to be.

Whether we are coming or going, we can trust Him! He knows exactly what we need!


God, thanks for leading us and providing for us. Thanks for bringing us restoration and peace as You watch over us. May we bring You glory whether we are coming or going! In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Do you enjoy the blustery winter weather? Do you have any upcoming travel plans? How do you see God blessing you today?

Tasks: Conserve your energy. Instead of feeding negativity, look for what’s going well. Trust that God has you where He wants you!

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