Yesterday, I had a few minutes before work, so I went to get the mail that I missed the day before. On my way back inside, I looked up at the sky and noticed two airplanes. From my perspective, they were only an inch or so apart.
In fact, based on their trails, they looked like they could collide. Though I knew they wouldn’t. The air traffic controllers would have them on separate paths at different elevations. Safety first!
I tried to take a picture, but they were gone by the time I came back outside. I could only see part of the trail from one airplane. It’s crazy how fast they moved apart!
But, then that got me thinking… we are all on our own course, but God makes sure we get where we are going. Your destination might be work or school today, or maybe the grocery store. But, for those of us who know Jesus, our final stop is Heaven.
I also thought about how there are people on the journey with us, such as family, friends, and coworkers. At times, our paths collide and we go together, and occasionally our paths diverge. But, in both cases, we can trust God to lead us.
Finally, I was thankful for all the ways God keeps us safe, even when we can’t see the danger around us. We face many possible “collisions” (or challenges) in a day, but God watches out for us. We typically have all potential problems on our radar, but He does.
Occasionally, we see life from a different angle and get a glimpse of who God is or what He is doing. It’s like we are on a collision course with God’s grace! He won’t let us get too far from His love!
In those moments, let’s praise Him for carrying us, protecting us, and providing for us. Let’s encourage those who are on the same path (or plane) as us, too!
God, thanks for taking good care of us and navigating our path. Help us trust You along the way. In Jesus’ Name, Amen
Question: When you see airplanes, do you ever imagine where they are going or think about the lives on board?
Task: Next time you see an airplane, briefly watch its trail… from where it has come and consider the trajectory. Remember, each person and plane is important to God!