Everyday Encouragers

Last week, I imagined how it would be in Heaven if we one day have to apologize to every person we maligned with our words or actions, even if they were unaware of it at the time. Awkward!

I often think about things like that. I enjoy using my ‘mind’s eye’ to grow and reflect, which helps me appreciate my current experiences and consider other perspectives.

That said, what if the opposite also occurs? What if we get to track down and thank every single person in Heaven for anything kind or helpful they did that benefitted us, even in the tiniest of ways? This could include an unexpected gift, or opening a door, or praying for someone, not to mention all the many ways we bless those we know.

Can you imagine how long that would take us? Good thing we will be there for Eternity!

Or, to take it a step further, think about how it would feel if we one day have to go up to everyone and say, “Sorry I didn’t say this sooner, but I really appreciated it when you…” or “Well, I meant to send you a card, but I didn’t because I was busy…” Ouch.

Again, I don’t have any indication that will actually happen, but it might be worth thinking about. If it makes you squirm a little, now is your chance to do things differently.

I know it brings God great joy when we are grateful and treat each other well.

Either way, we don’t have to wait to apologize or say thank you! Even today, our lives, words, and actions can ooze grace toward others and win them to Jesus Christ.

Our words can bring life to a dying world. What a privilege!

We don’t need a special occasion or reason to be a blessing. As we go about our day, we can encourage others. We can apologize when needed and say thanks, too.

We can compliment each other and shout out any good we see.

Also, don’t wait to tell someone you love them. You may not get another chance.

Finally, don’t wait until life slows down… that may never happen! Just make it a habit to be generous and kind as you go throughout your day!


Father, thanks for all You do for us. Help us grow in grace and gratitude, so we can share Your love with others. Help us be mindful of the impact of our words. May we use them to bring life and glorify You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Does this blog post comfort, convict, or challenge you? What changes will you make as a result?

Tasks: Look for ways to use your words and bless others today. Send a thank you note, praise someone for their efforts, compliment clothing or kindness toward others. Be generous when spreading grace and joy today!

Taming the Tongue

When my siblings and I were little, whenever we were mean to each other, our parents would make us apologize, ask for forgiveness, and then give each other a hug.

Did your parents do the same with you?

I practice something similar with Lydia, but since she is my only child, we often do this together. Yes, I have to model it if I want her to understand what to do!

Lydia also keeps me accountable in other ways, such as when I am driving.

“Grrr! Nice turn signal, Buddy!” Or, I may say some other variation of that. 😉

Then, Lydia will tell me, “Mom, you know they can’t hear you.”

“Thanks, Lydia. I’m just frustrated. They are driving really slow and not using their signals.” Or, maybe they pulled out in front of me, cutting me off. You get the idea.

Sometimes, I honk at the other car, too, though that doesn’t happen as often!

Recently, someone cut across traffic into my lane without any signals, and then moved slowly ahead. But, then I heard Lydia’s gentle reminder and calmed down. We were safe and… maybe they were lost. I took the cue to enjoy the slower pace and pray.

Soon this thought entered my mind: What if someday in Heaven, we each have to track down every person we hurt or offended… then apologize and ask them to forgive us?!

That includes every word, thought, or action. Even if they were unaware of what happened. That would cover yelling at other drivers, gossiping about other people, our written words, or even turning the odds in our favor instead of benefitting someone else.

Imagine walking up to someone and saying, “Um, you don’t know me, but I owe you an apology. I’m sorry I said those things about you…”

I’m sure several people would be “eating crow!”

Our words are so important. They have creative or destructive power.

This week, I fielded a crazy trolling comment on social media. The person didn’t really want to discuss or learn anyting. He just wanted to spout off angry sentiments that had nothing to do with my original, encouraging post.

The man kept implying that my life is all ‘hearts and flowers,’ as if I don’t have much depth or the experience to understand all he was talking about. Ironically, he said, “I might hurt your feelings, but…” not even realizing that he was justifying his own hurtful actions.

Yet, instead of becoming offended or escalating the issues, I simply diffused them. I knew it was useless to chat with a complete stranger online. The best thing I could do was pray for him. Plus, I was conscious of the impact of my words, even if he was not!

To be clear, I have not read anything in the Bible that says we will someday have to apologize to one another for our hurtful or careless words. Not that we shouldn’t apologize, rather because of Jesus’ death and blood, we are forgiven and God doesn’t punish us.

However, Proverbs 18:21 does point out that Death and Life are in the power of the tongue. We are accountable to God, and He will reward us for every good deed someday. So, I want my focus to be on doing things that honor Him.

Today, let’s pick our battles. Know when to speak up and when to remain silent. We don’t need to have the last word, but we can always choose to be godly. Let’s tame our tongues!


God, You are so gracious. Thanks for Your forgiveness even before we blow it. Put a guard over our mouths and help us tame our tongues. May all we say and do bring You glory. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Question: Have you been building others up or tearing them down with your words?

Tasks: Read James 3:1-12. Pray about your words and repent/apologize if needed.

Dearest, THINK

Like most people, I receive many emails everyday. Recently, I received an email that stood out. The email itself was of little importance, but what surprised me was that it started off with, “Dear Natalie.” I would expect that greeting in a thank you note, but even those are somewhat rare these days.

The email was professional in nature but it struck me as personal, friendly, and surprisingly refreshing. Just those two words, “Dear Natalie,” left me with a positive feeling about the situation.

It has been awhile since I have received an email that stayed with me like that. Perhaps that’s because much of what I (or we?) have seen and heard lately is bickering. We seem to have lost cordiality and common sense!

These days, what we say and do carries big impact. That’s always true, but now it seems there is even more at stake. Our interactions could affect someone else for eternity, either bringing them to Jesus or turning them off.

Yes, we all have opinions, and we have the ‘right’ to share them. However, we need to remember to hold these conversations in the proper time, place, and context so that others can receive them well. Otherwise, we are just a resounding gong or clanging cymbal!

There are opinions, and then there are facts. We tend to confuse the two and elevate the importance of opinions and preferences. Let’s take every thought captive and subject it to God’s Truth (2 Corinthians 10:4-5).

We can all quote the golden rule: Do unto others as you would have them to unto you.

Then there’s also the adage: If you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all.

Needless to say, we could all communicate better! Let’s see others as God sees them. Treat them with kindness, respect, and generosity. We are all in this together.

That may mean sending a kind note to someone who has been rude. Or, going out of your way to be generous to someone who took advantage of you. Or, just simply respecting the person enough not to argue back.

You may not agree on issues, and that is okay. But consider each person as if they were your own dearest family member. Your parent, your child, your sibling, your grandparent. Treat people well.

Lately, I have seen Christians belittling others in person and online for their choices regarding masks, school, social events, etc. That doesn’t bring God glory in any way!

Dear friends, let’s pray and think carefully think before we speak. Peacemakers.

Discussion is good, and action is even better. But, what we really need right now is God’s mercy and grace. He alone is the Solution we need. 

If we want to be angry, fine. But, let’s seek God’s righteous anger. We, as humans, clearly don’t exhibit anger very well! Let God’s love, care, and compassion lead the way.

If we seek justice, we need to seek Jesus. He is our Peace. If we make plans, let’s first discuss them with the Master Planner. He is our only Hope.

These are tough times in American culture and around the world. Prayer is our first step, not a last resort. After that, let’s listen to each other, walk wisely, and love like Jesus.


Dear God, thanks for loving us so dearly. Thanks for taking such good care of us. God, we need Your mercy to deal with all our challenges. We cannot do this without You. Please give us wisdom and grace. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: If the Bible says we are to submit to the government and be obedient, don’t you think He will help us as we honor His word? What is at stake if we don’t? (That does NOT mean we follow blindly. We pray, vote, trust and obey God first. Fear God; honor the King.)

Tasks: Before you speak (or write) your thoughts, THINK. Is is True? Is it Helpful? Is it Inspiring? Is it Necessary? Is it Kind?

Discussion, Not Division

Well, here we are about halfway through 2020. I don’t think any of us expected it to be like this! So many wildcards… though, I am grateful God can take everything bad and work it for good in His time and in His way. He is faithful!

Lately, I have seen a few posts about how we need to ‘get angry’ and if we don’t speak up, we are part of the problem. On the one hand, I agree. Much of what has happened this year is upsetting and should absolutely be discussed.

But, I don’t make great decisions when I am angry or emotional. “Human anger does not produce the righteousness God desires” (James 1:20). Besides, we don’t just need words, we need action. We have to make changes that will last.

Sadly, I have seen a number of my Christian friends flat-out argue with each other online about what needs to happen. Some of those are heavy topics, sure, but I hate seeing such division. I’m sure it breaks God’s heart, too.

It’s alright if we disagree! None of us is perfect is or has it all figured out. But we need to take better care of each other… be kind, be patient, listen. A house divided will never stand.

In many ways, it seems we are playing right into our Enemy’s hand, stirring up strife and hatred. Yet, Jesus said the world will know us by our love, not by our arguing.

Ironically, I have also seen several people tell others exactly how they should think or feel, march or protest, vote or use their voice. They have strongly stated it is unChristian or unAmerican to do this or that. This assumes the person agrees and shares their perspective.

This happened to me recently. I was rebuked online for pointing out facts in a news article that was clearly biased. The person said they “just did a quick Google search” to learn about the topic but then posted the article anyway. The topic had nothing to do with this person or where they live, and there is much more to the story than the one article suggested. I gently suggested looking at all the sides before making conclusions, but I received an eyeroll emoji and a strong rebuke.

I’ve come to the conclusion that this is one reason why people stay silent and don’t speak up in public. Yes, that needs to change to some degree. But, it seems we are damned if we do and damned if we don’t!

There are a variety of ways to tackle injustice or use your influence for good. Based on your personality and life experiences, perhaps you are comfortable leading the charge and voicing your opinions. You might have a quick ‘reaction time’ while others have a much slower fuse. That’s great! Just give others time to catch up.

Or, perhaps you prefer to have face-to-face conversations over coffee, volunteer locally, or write to Congress. If you like to work behind the scenes, thank you! We may never see the contribution you are making. I challenge you to speak up in your own way, and don’t let anyone tell you it’s not good enough!

Either way, there are many ways to serve, and each person can make a difference.

It’s okay if you don’t know how to think or feel on a topic. But do your own research.

Consider all angles before making decisions. It is wise to have as many details, pros/cons, and facts as possible. Don’t ask advice from random people on the internet, but do ask people who have experienced what you need to know.

The method may vary depending on the topic. Read your Bible and pray. Research key points through trusted resources, and/or study the science behind whatever you are thinking about. Have a good understanding of the issues at hand. Challenge your own opinions with facts!

Unfortunately, the public tendency to second-guess experts combined with the noise of social media doesn’t help. We can’t rely on easy answers for complex topics.

I have seen differences arise when one person is holding fast to principle while the other person is touting a different perspective. It is quite possible both people are right… Still, we can be compassionate as we seek to learn from each other. Discuss, but don’t divide!

For me, the bottom line is this: We represent Jesus to a world in desperate need of healing. Don’t stand in the way of anyone coming to Him!

Don’t let your behavior (online or in person) prevent anyone from meeting the One who died for them, the One who makes all things right. Find common ground. Use your gifts, talents, and platform wisely. Be an example, don’t turn people off!

Thankfully, in any situation, there is a right way that honors God. Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and Life (see John 14:6). Therefore, our goal as Christians is to always find the best path forward (the one that pleases God) knowing He will help us!

This includes a path of humility and open-mindedness. We may have to admit we were wrong, but growth means change is coming! Therefore, let’s embrace the discomfort knowing God is with us and for us.

The path forward ALWAYS promotes peace, justice, love, grace, and mercy.

Anything worth doing is worth doing well. Each of us has different goals and plans, but we can support one another and move forward together.


Heavenly Father, thanks for holding us all together. You are sovereign, and we praise You! Please help us use our words to build each other up and not tear each other down. May we stand firm in what You have called each of us to do. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: As you speak with other people, are you letting your emotions get ahead of you? After you leave, are you still telling yourself you are in the right? Or are you able to let it go and praise God?

Tasks: Meditate on these verses: James 1:20; Ephesians 4:29; and Romans 14:1. Consider what you post on social media. Is it to gently inform or encourage? Is it truthful and helpful? Have you fact-checked your sources?

Love Moved First

I love how God always prompts us to move out of our comfort zone. He often guides us by placing several “markers” around us. For me, this most noticeable when sermons, songs, conversations, and circumstances all line up.

Being a mom also has a way of bringing up certain topics! It is important for me to set a good example for Lydia, so I can coach her through her own issues.

God’s timing and Lydia’s questions about friendship got me thinking!

Good relationships take time to cultivate. Friendships are an investment.

Over time, I’ve learned to take responsibility to preserve my friendships if I value them.

Then again, not every relationship needs to be salvaged. This can be especially difficult when feelings have been hurt and the other person doesn’t seem to care. Sometimes growth means growing apart instead of closer together. And that’s okay.

We live. We learn. We move on.

However, as long as it is up to me (Romans 12:18), I need to do everything God is asking me to do when things go wrong. I can forgive, even if the other person does not apologize.

Besides, forgiveness is not really about the other person. It sets me free and makes me right with God. Then, I can move forward with peace. Thank You, Jesus.

The true test of a good friend is that they point me to Jesus and bring out my best traits. They pray for me, call me out, and lift me higher. I do the same for them. 

We won’t always agree, but we will allow for each other’s differences. We will give each other the benefit of the doubt (instead of presuming the worst).

There will be both give and take in a healthy relationship. If it is a good fit, it will stand under pressure. But, I may need to prayerfully reconsider how close someone is (or should be) if it is always a one-sided relationship.

Thankfully, I can follow Jesus’ example. He did the right thing, even when it cost Him greatly. He made the first step while we were still unaware of the problem (Romans 5:8).

I can also take the first steps of obedience, even if what happened isn’t my fault or my problem. I can extend grace, even when it feels unfair. Grace, by definition, is undeserved. 

If I want to be like Jesus and live for Him, I have to be willing to go the extra mile and turn the other cheek. Ultimately, it’s not about me, but what God is doing through me.

Similarly, I don’t have to let someone’s stubbornness harden my heart, too. I don’t have to accept their behavior or abandon my convictions, but I can always be gracious.

In fact, the person may never change… but I can keep praying for them anyway.

Reaching out may mean calling or sending a card to let someone know I care. It could mean inviting them over to hang out, but that may not always be possible. In some cases, the best thing I can do is give the person space. Often, time and distance bring clarity.

Of course, each decision requires a certain measure of prayer and wisdom. Indeed, it can be challenging to be supportive yet not get sucked into someone else’s drama! A true friend will show up and be willing to have difficult conversations.

As long as I set solid boundaries, I am able to let God direct my path, knowing He will bring the right people in my life. And while it is sad when people choose to leave, I can continue being kind and trust God will be good to them as well. He loves us all so much!


Heavenly Father, thanks for Your unconditional love. Help me love people like You do, with hope, grace, and perseverance. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Is there a relationship in your life that needs a little extra TLC? How is God leading you? Is there something specific you should do to reach out?

Tasks: Listen to the song, “Love Moved First,” by Casting Crowns.

I Will Call Upon the Lord!

We all face many distractions every day. That’s nothing new! But if we’re not careful, one distraction leads to another and another. Before long, we are completely off track.

Recently I noticed a little trail of personal distractions. I was getting ready for my day but answered a text on my phone. From there, a social media article led to a funny meme, and then a short video. Thankfully, I took control of myself before I was late for a meeting!

Here is how I switched gears so quickly: I started singing a random worship song! First, just the same phrase over and over because I didn’t have a song in mind ready to go. The lyrics just burst out!

But, then lyrics from other songs came to me, too. I noticed it was effective, and so I just kept singing God’s praises. It was refreshing!

I sang parts of several songs as they came to me. It was a fun experiment as I tried to remember each song. Some were phrases or choruses from old Sunday school songs I learned as a child, and some were newer songs we currently sing at church. Camp songs, hymns, songs from the radio–anything was game! 

Soon, I noticed an improvement in both my focus and my mood!

If you’re feeling creative, you can even add a melody to prayers and Scripture. In fact, many of the Psalms started off that way. Music helps us connect with God’s heart!

**If you have time, check out this website, Every Psalm. A husband and wife duo are arranging music for and singing (you guessed it) every Psalm!**

You don’t have to have an instrument or a ‘good’ voice in order to sing and worship. Actually, God made you unique on purpose. No one can praise Him like you!

Really, just about anything can be turned into a song! (Case in point: Here is a Carpool Karaoke episode of Jennifer Hudson singing James Corden’s fast-food order!)

There are several good ways to deal with distractions. That may include reframing our expectations, adjusting our schedule, and setting boundaries. Social media, for example, can actually be a good thing if it is used wisely. Right time, right place, right content.

However you handle distractions, we can always call upon the Lord! Jesus never leaves us, but if we’re not paying attention, we can lose track of Him in our lives. Indeed, it blesses the Lord when we invite Him into our day. And, each time we ask Him for help, we receive His power and perspective. We can soak up His love, joy, and peace, too!


God, be praised! Thanks for putting a new song in my heart! Thanks that I can call upon You in every single circumstance. You are always with me. Help me stay focused on You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Have you noticed any patterns that cause you to become distracted? Comparison to others? Fatigue? Time of day? Stress? Too many projects?

Tasks: Plan regular breaks during your day to check social media or whatever is taking your attention; then put it away and get back to work! 🙂 To help eliminate distractions, review the apps on your phone and delete those you are not using. Keep your phone on silent as much as possible. It really helps!




Finding Grace #183

I love giving God a shout out for what He has done. We don’t do that nearly enough!

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?

This was a really good week!

My parents were safe and dry as Hurricane Dorian passed by the Florida coast. It had major impact elsewhere, however. Thanks for your prayers and support!

Work went well, and I felt like I accomplished a lot. I still have a lot to learn, but it has already been very fulfilling. I can see why God placed me in my role. One morning, I walked in during the ‘honor guard’ for a veteran who just died. It was a touching moment as “Taps” was played in the hallway and everyone stood at attention.

Lydia seems to be adjusting to school and the daycare program! Thanks so much for your prayers. We are both being stretched this year, but I am excited for what God has in store. Lydia doesn’t quite understand how this is good for her just yet. I pray she grows and learns important lessons this year. It may be challenging, but I know it is for the best!

This week, I had lots of important conversations and received several well-timed compliments. At different times, I caught up with five different ladies, building them up and cheering them on. I also heard I was doing a good job at work, was doing well as a mother, and also heard quite a few good things about Lydia at school. We can’t live for praise, but the kind words were just what I needed. They were confirmations that we are on the right path. God has us right where He wants us, and I am so grateful!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

In Defense

“Maybe we should stop disliking people for what we have heard and be grateful God does not dislike us for what He knows.” –TobyMac

That quote reminds me of the impact of our words. Recently, someone was talking negatively about a friend of mine and put me in an awkward position. Yes, my friend certainly has faults, but I still enjoy their company.

I couldn’t discern if the person talking to me was jealous of my friend or actually had valid information. Either way, I heard an earful of unwanted gossip and was caught off guard.

While I tried to defend my friend, I don’t think I did an adequate job. Now that I’ve collected my thoughts, I’ll be sure to speak up next time. In the meanwhile, here’s what I should have said to the other person, but didn’t.

I don’t know about all that, but I really appreciate my friend! They have been good to me. They have selflessly helped me in countless ways over the years, often putting their own tasks on hold. I have learned so much from them, just as they have learned from me.

We have prayed for each other, and we have seen each other grow in Christ. Yes, perhaps they still have things to work on, but I’m grateful for how far they’ve come.

Furthermore, I want to see the good in people and hope they do the same for me. God knows I have faults too. But, because of Jesus, we have received mercy, grace, and forgiveness. We should extend the same toward others.

Similarly, let’s offer the benefit of the doubt. We weren’t there, so we don’t know the full story. Even if we were there, we wouldn’t necessarily know why things happened.

That doesn’t mean we ignore bad behavior, make excuses, or skip accountability. Yes, restitution is important, but there are many complex factors involved. It’s not always an easy, black-and-white answer.

Instead, when I sense an issue needs to be addressed, I ask my friend for their input and perspective. We don’t always agree, but we trust each other. We don’t make assumptions; we try to understand each other’s heart and intentions.

Remember, each person has God-given potential and a unique purpose. If we define someone by all their faults and failures, it’s likely they’ll never rise above them and fulfill God’s plan for their life.

They won’t come higher unless we raise our expectations of them. Let’s challenge them and encourage them along the way. Let’s agree with God and call out the good we see.

Let’s focus on everyone’s strengths, and cover their weaknesses with love. Let’s pray for people and mentor them, when possible. Not everyone is our responsibility to reach, but we can still set a godly example and point people to Jesus.

We need to be very careful not to ruin someone’s reputation with hearsay. So, let’s walk in a worthy manner and be wise in our interactions with everyone. We never know what they may glean from us… positive or negative influences that shape who they become.

We cannot change anyone, but we can extend grace toward everyone so they see Jesus and come to Him. Watching our words is difficult at times. But with Jesus, nothing is impossible.


God, thanks for Your great mercy, forgiveness, and grace. Please help us continue to grow and get along with each other. Give us the unity of heart and purpose. Strengthen our relationships with each other so we can bring You glory. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: How do you deal with gossip? What else should I have said?

Tasks: Before you talk about someone, check your own heart. Memorize Ephesians 4:29, which says, “Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.” (NIV)

Say So!

Lately, I have been implementing a new morning routine, using “The Miracle Morning” by Hal Elrod (no affiliate links). I have gotten up early on-and-off over the years, but haven’t always maintained those stints…

Nonetheless, I find it helpful to wake up before Lydia so I can have some time to gather my thoughts and accomplish a few personal tasks. It helps me feel like I am starting the morning with my best foot forward.

(It helps that my cousin also gets up early and can keep me accountable!)

One part of the “Miracle Morning” that I have come to enjoy is saying affirmations. I used to think this was a cheesy way to toot my own horn. Not so appealing!

But now, I realize affirmations are really about calling out the good I see in myself.

It’s a way to give myself grace.

I used to focus more on my weaknesses and failures—but let’s face itthat never helped!

Instead, focusing on the positive through saying affirmations out loud has kept me from going back to bed. Another benefit is that I am retraining my brain every morning.

Now that’s a win-win!

This week, I downloaded a phone app called “ThinkUp which already has a ton of affirmations listed. There is a free version, where you can list 5 affirmations (theirs or DIY). But, for about $15, you can buy the premium version which allows you to track as many as you want.

I have already used a number of the affirmations in the app, but I have put in quite a few of my own, too. Some of them are simple statements like, “I love who I have become.” Some are statements about God’s faithfulness to me. Others are Scripture verses, like Philippians 4:13, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”

Some of the affirmations I put in are quotes by famous people, like, “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent” by Eleanor Roosevelt.

I’ll take all the reminders I can get. As long as it motivates and encourages me, it counts!

Interestingly, while the affirmations about me are true, some of them are not easy to do. Yet they give me something to work toward and achieve.

For example, “I appreciate the ability to rest” is true, but I have to remember to actually do this regularly! Taking care of myself and resting is so important.

One cool part of the app is that you can record the affirmations in your own voice. So, instead of just reading them to yourself, you can listen to them. I love this because it’s essentially reprogramming my self-talk. (It also reminds me of the good in other people.)

God loves affirming us, too! In Matthew 3:17, the Father affirmed Jesus and said how pleased He was with His Son. He loves us the same! Praise God!

Here are some other affirmations I have found helpful:

“I enjoy waking up early to reach my goals.”

“I love taking care of my body so my body can take care of me.”

“I focus on progress, not perfection.”

 “I give myself grace and extend it to others.”

“I am doing my best and that is enough.”

“I am well-loved and have lots of people cheering me on.”

“I am grateful for my life’s challenges because they help me grow and become who I am.”

“Put on the full armor of God.” (from Ephesians 6:10-18)

“I am resilient and keep moving forward.”

“When I see something good, I say so.”

Ultimately, what God says to me and about me is most important.

I want to repeat what He says!


Heavenly Father, thanks for affirming me in Your Word. Please renew my mind and transform me from the inside out. Thanks for all You do for me! In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Do you use affirmations on a regular basis? Has it changed anything for you?

Tasks: Download the “ThinkUp” app and record at least 5 affirmations!

Philippians 4 from a Child’s Point of View

On Sunday, Lydia and I unexpectedly slept in! It felt great, but since it was rather late, we didn’t make it to church. I don’t like to miss the weekly opportunity for worship and fellowship… So, Lydia and I made time for God by having our own devotion time together. It was time well spent!

In the Bible app on my phone, the verse of the day was Philippians 4:6. On a whim, I decided to read the surrounding verses and share our ideas.

4 Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Line by line, I asked Lydia for her thoughts on the text. We answered basic questions, like “What did you learn about God?” and “What did you learn about yourself?” and “Why do you think it says…?” Here are our combined thoughts on Philippians 4:4-7 (NIV)…

Verse 4: First, Lydia picked up on the word rejoice. She thought it meant to praise God. I explained how we can have joy regardless of what is going on in our lives. For me, choosing joy takes consistent effort. For Lydia, the concept seemed relatively easy—at her age, she takes things at face value and lives primarily in the moment. Duly noted!

Verse 5: For the next verse, we discussed how our gentleness to others could make God’s love for them more obvious (evident). I explained how some people might feel God is mad at them (perhaps because they don’t know Jesus wants to forgive them). So, loving people well could help them want to know God. Lydia also said we should be kind because God is with us. We represent Him!

Verse 6: Per Lydia, “don’t worry or be mad.” (That’s it, pretty simple!) In other words, be thankful for what God has done for you and trust Him to answer your prayers. Don’t be afraid to ask God for what you want or need. He already knows what you are thinking!

Verse 7: God’s peace is special. We may not quite understand it, but per Lydia, “it’s like God locks up our hearts. Then, Jesus stands guard” so nothing can take our peace. I had never thought of it like that…

As I explained some of the text to Lydia, I was forced to adjust to her level of understanding. She didn’t know the historical context of persecution surrounding Paul’s letter written from jail… yet, going back to the basics actually brought new life to the text for me, too!

Normally, I enjoy researching Biblical topics and looking up details about each verse. But sometimes I can make it more complicated than necessary. On Sunday, my devotional time with Lydia was refreshing. While we didn’t use any fancy Bible study tools, we both learned something new and sensed God’s love for us!


Heavenly Father, Your Word is alive and active! Thanks for the new perspective on child-like faith. May Your Word flourish in our hearts! In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Question: What is your favorite way to read and study the Bible?

Tasks: Read a few verses of the Bible with a child or a new believer in Christ. Let them explain the text before you chime in. (Or, check out The Jesus Storybook Bible!) Maybe you will learn something new, too!