Finding Grace #278

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?!

This was a great week! We had fun with our weekly family Zoom meeting. Not only is it a good time to catch up and encourage each other, it’s also helpful to have a sounding board for problem solving. I’m grateful for the wisdom each person brings!

Work went well and was quite busy. But, I had fun conversations with coworkers and patients alike, so it was worth it! We had a yummy department potluck and planned another fun activity for later in the month!

I had a couple really great conversations with family this week. Even though we see each other on Zoom, I really appreciate the one-on-one conversations, too. I happily talked with my mom, my sister, and one of my brothers!

This morning, Lydia and I went for a morning walk before the heat set in. We found a new path on the other side of our neighborhood. It ended up being almost two miles, and we found some beautiful houses and new businesses! We had fun!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

Word Up!

Life gets so busy and it seems my brain is always on the go. I’m sure you understand! Sometimes, I take a break and let my mind wander in silence, listening and waiting on the Lord. This week, while I was sitting still, I was reminded of my ThinkUp app, which is a running list of personal affirmations.

I have written about it before, though it’s been awhile since I have used it. Still, listening to my own voice and recordings was moving. Over the course of a few minutes, I was struck by statements of faith and hard won victories. Rather than just a bunch of feel-good messages, each affirmation was really a declaration of God’s faithfulness. I could see how much I have grown and how far the Lord has brought me.

It was like years of random sticky notes and ideas were in one place, and I was able to review the memories attached to them. I teared up as I heard myself speak of trust, hope, and perseverance. Instead of affirming how strong I am or want to be, I was declaring God’s power and plan over my life. He has awesome things in store for me!

Later that same day, Lydia told me about a song she had heard from one of her friends. She thought it was a lighthearted and fun summer song, and she wanted to share it with me.

Based on the title, I was guessing what the first few lyrics confirmed. It was a modern tune by a popular artist, but it was a much different song than Lydia anticipated. Nonetheless, I turned this into a learning experience!

Lydia was horrified when I interpreted the song in mostly kid-friendly terms. She was horrified, and thanked me for catching it before she embarrassed herself. (Side note: I love that she can receive gentle correction with gratitude!)

I simply explained the World has different standards than we do. This is one reason we often listen to Christian radio, but I cannot control what happens when we’re not together.

We talked for a long time about popular culture compared to God’s loving expectations for us. Or, as Lydia put it, “Following God is like having GPS in your heart. If we ask Him for help and direction, He will never lead us astray.”

I confirmed my job as a parent is to protect her, teach her, and help her navigate these situations. We reviewed critical thinking skills and the importance of searching for God’s wisdom in daily life.

We discussed guarding our heart and minds, so only good things come in and go out. We role played how to speak up or walk away from ungodly influences. I also planted a seed so the future Lydia remembers she can come to me with all her questions and concerns. It’s never too early!

Our words matter, and we cannot take them back once spoken. We also can’t forget mean or vulgar things that we hear. So, we need to be wise!

We can bring life through speaking with Truth, grace, and encouragement. Conversely, we can also tear down and discourage others. We can plant seeds of hope or seeds of doubt. 

God’s words are still having impact today. What He set in motion at Creation is still happening! His Word will endure forever, so it make sense to put more value  on, or magnify, what He says than what the World tells us. Yes, we better… Word up!


God, thanks for the power of Your Word. Help me be responsible with the words I say. Keep me accountable with what I put into my mind so that what pours out of my mouth is honoring to You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Question: If you don’t know all the lyrics to a particular song, do you make up your own words?

Tasks: Tune your heart to God’s Word. Memorize Scripture and meditate on it. Be wise with your words (in person and online) today!

MacGyver Mishmash

As a single parent and homeowner, I have had to be resourceful over the years. Sure, I can call someone to help me with random issues, and sometimes I do. But often, it is a matter of timing. I don’t want to inconvenience someone, or I don’t want to wait for them to show up.

Occasionally, a friend will volunteer to help me, but I don’t always run into these handy types of friends! I have a few bigger projects that I might pay someone to do, but even then, I’ll have to organize the logistics of calling and being available.

I know I am not the only one with these issues or house projects, but sometimes, I just decide to do it myself! Sometimes, I research it online and other times, I have ‘jerry-rigged’ a solution. So far I have figured out how to “unstick” my garbage disposal with a crowbar, fix my coffee machine with a dremel, change toilet seats, fix a dent in my car, and more. I have used safety pins, glue, and tape to attach buttons and shore up pant hems, too!

These are in addition to other routine tasks, like changing a plethora of light bulbs and adding air to my car tires.

On Monday evening, I (once again) attempted to fix one of Lydia’s drawers. The drawer has a track for wheels that periodically comes loose. I have had to tighten the screws from time to time. But, on Monday, I couldn’t find all four screws!

I found a couple of the screws, which had fallen down into the drawer beneath. I did what I could to replace them, but the two screws were different sizes, and I needed two more.

I searched the garage for more matching screws, but alas, I didn’t find what I was looking for. No worries! I thought of a solution. Just call me MacGyver!

Lydia learned a new word that day: INGENUITY. I told her what it meant and then showed her a practical example. Yes, I used one screw on each side of the drawer railing, but then I also superglued the remaining edges!

It worked so well (or at least until next time) that I also superglued part of my gutter outside! It has been coming loose, and I will still have to go to the hardware store at some point. But, it should hold until the next storm, at least!

I’m really thankful God gives us bursts of creativity and helps us when we need it. The slightly sticky, gluey fingers are worth the feelings of accomplishment. But, I am also glad He doesn’t rely on superglue, duct tape, paper clips, safety pins, or zip ties to hold us together or fix our problems!

Colossians 1:16-17 (NLT) says, “for through him God created everything in the heavenly realms and on earth. He made the things we can see and the things we can’t see—such as thrones, kingdoms, rulers, and authorities in the unseen world. Everything was created through him and for him. He existed before anything else, and he holds all creation together.”

God holds the whole world together through Jesus. And that includes us. Whatever problems you are facing today, bring them to the Lord. If you find yourself in a sticky situation (sorry, I had to!), remember nothing is too difficult for Him.

He cares for you and knows exactly what you need!


God, thanks for giving us creative solutions to our problems. There is nothing You can’t do, and You extend that grace to us! Help us come to You first, and not as a last resort. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Do you enjoy DIY projects? Do you consider yourself pretty hand-on (as in building, repairing, gardening), or would you rather hire someone to do the dirty work?

Tasks: Meditate on Colossians 1:16-17 today. Here you can compare several versions. Consider what it means for Jesus to hold all things together and what that means for your life. Trust Him!

Fly Away, Birdie

The summer days go so fast! I always enjoy listening to the birds sing, especially early in the morning or later at night. Some days, however, I have to slow down and remind myself to stop and take it all in.

One evening last week, Lydia had a friend over to play. We noticed a strange bird with a speckled breast sitting on the deck, and we had to figure out what it was!

I quickly (and quietly) grabbed my bird book and binoculars. I had an idea of what the bird was, but I wanted to make sure. The girls thought it was fun, and so I dragged it out while I tried to remember where I’d seen a similar bird. It had been a few years!

I asked the girls about the color, the beak, the size of the bird, etc. Soon, we determined… yes, it was a baby robin! This makes sense because we have a robin’s nest under our deck.

Soon, this was confirmed by an adult robin coming to stand guard next to the juvenile. A few moments later, we got distracted and then noticed the birds were gone.

No worries! A little while later, the girls were looking out the window and called me over!

The young bird was back! It was on the bottom step of the deck, and we were not sure if it fell or flew down the ten-or-so steps. We watched it slowly hop it’s way up the stairs, flapping its wings along the way.

The deck railing prevented us from seeing some of its progress, until suddenly, it fluttered from the top step to the opposite railing. (That’s when I realized it was a mere fledgling, as I saw its wingspan was so small and unsteady.)

Lydia and I enjoy watching birds together. We enjoy seeing finches and swallows and other common birds. I even play bird songs sometimes and see if the birds respond!

So, today, I am reminded that Lydia herself is like a little fledgling. She’s been spreading her wings a lot lately, and it is bittersweet. I am proud of her progress, as she learns to navigate certain age-appropriate issues.

These include big and small big decisions, role playing through various friendship issues, and discussing morals (right, wrong, and gray areas). She’s understanding the value of money and has been making small, reasonable purchases for herself when I let her.

Lydia is a great kid, but even while I do my best to raise her, I can’t take all the credit. Instead, I actively keep relying on the Lord since He gave her to me on loan. I show her what it means to turn to Him for guidance!

My goal is not to solve all of Lydia’s problems, but show her Jesus is the solution. As much as He cares for the cute little birds, He loves and cares for us even more!


God, thanks for all You do for us. Thanks for leading us as we learn and grow. Help us to trust You and be brave as we try new things. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Do you like bird watching? Do you have a favorite song bird?

Tasks: Turn to the Lord for wisdom and guidance today. Check this out: All About Birds.

In a Dry and Barren Land

Have you noticed that much of the western United States seems to be in a moderate to severe drought? We’ve had temperature over 100 degrees in Fargo, which is unusual to say the least! My grass is rather crispy in spots, and I have only mowed one time! 

From full-on deserts to out-of-control fires, droughts are serious. 

While we can’t do much about the weather, besides addressing climate change perhaps, we can make the best of it. We can thank God for His provision in every season. And, we can pray for rain!

Spiritually, there are some parallels to drought conditions. Our spirits can feel hot and dry at times, isolated. We can grow impatient with what we want to see and feel, but don’t.

Unfortunately, in a spiritual drought we can miss the joy of God’s presence. He is still at work even when we can’t understand what He is doing. But if we’re not careful, we can miss out on all of His goodness, too.

We can miss the heat and sunshine. We can miss the breeze sent to cool us down. We can miss beautiful flowers, as well as birds chirping. We can miss morning walks and ice cream in the evening. We can even miss opportunities to praise God!

If you are feeling dry and without spiritual hope, cry out to Jesus. He’s right there with you. Like a fountain, He will refresh you and set you back on the right path.

Late Monday night, there was an unexpected thunderstorm. The thunder and lightening woke up Lydia, and she had difficulty falling back to sleep. It’s not fun feeling vulnerable and afraid!

I was thankful for the rain, but I also needed to be a parent and comfort my child. I ended up letting her sleep with me, and of course she slept soundly after that!

I was thankful to be her safe place, pointing her back to God Himself.

Then, last night, I introduced Lydia to the Sound of Music. It’s nearly a three-hour movie, so we’ll have to finish it later. But, we gave it our best shot!

She recognized many of the songs and had fun singing along!

I could have easily just focused on my long to-do list last night; there is always something to do! But, instead, I enjoyed some refreshing time with Lydia.

If we know where to look, we can find peace, hope, and restoration in the desert setting. God made beautiful sunsets, flowers, cacti, and camels, right? 

Similarly, spiritual deserts can also have beauty. While they may or may not be preventable, our attitude (weeding) and willingness to trust God (watering) certainly make them more enjoyable.


God, thanks for refreshing us with Your grace and love. Help us turn to You in the dry times of life. May we not wither away, but please restore and renew us. Have mercy on us and heal our land. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: What have you been doing to stay cool in this heat? Do you prefer the hot, hot, hot weather?! Or, do you prefer more moderate temperatures?

Tasks: Read the lyrics to this song, We Will Stand (In This Dry and Barren Land)“. Bonus points if you can sing it or play it on the guitar! Pray for rain and God’s renewal.

Grand Forks Getaway

As I previously mentioned, Lydia and I had a special getaway last weekend.

We had a great weekend about an hour north in Grand Forks, North Dakota! I had made a short list of potential activities and places to visit. But, as always, God took my loose plans and put His own spin on them!

On Friday evening, we visited dear friends at a park and were visited by the ice cream truck! My friends have three kids, ages 2 to almost 6, and they are all so cute. The little boy, the middle child, wanted to hold Lydia’s hand, sit right next to her, and have her carry him. It was fun seeing Lydia respond favorably to him and his sisters. As an only child, she’s not used to siblings!

Then, Lydia and I drove across the border to Cabela’s in East Grand Forks, Minnesota. She loved it and even came out with a new stuffed animal! Soon, we crossed the bridge back to the North Dakota side. We walked around downtown before heading back to Minnesota for our car. Later, Lydia lived it up at the hotel arcade. She even won first place in the racing game! Reminds me of her dad!

On Saturday morning we had breakfast with the same friends, this time the kids were left at home. The man was one of Dave’s Caterpillar coworkers and a pallbearer at his funeral. After Dave died, I gave him Dave’s Bible. It felt like the right thing to do to bless this ‘CAT guy.’ God has blessed that small act of faith, and it has been fun to see him lead his family toward Jesus.

This man was mourning the lost of his best friend, who had just died from COVID-19 complications earlier in the week. So on Saturday, we talked about faith, Dave, family, our Caterpillar connection, and more. He acknowledged that our visit seemed like God-ordained meeting. I am so grateful I could encourage this couple because they have been such an encouragement to me!

Then, Lydia and I drove around town, visiting Widman’s confectionery and the University of North Dakota/Ralph Engelstad Arena (known for intense ice hockey games!). Later, we went to the Blue Moose Restaurant and ate tapas, walked around the mall, and visited a local indie bookstore. Lydia also drew a crowd with her marksmanship skills at Scheels!

Saturday night, we spent a couple hours at the water park in our hotel. It was huge, and we had a blast on the water slides and practicing Lydia’s swimming skills. We even ran into another friend! Then, we relaxed and watched a movie while eating some snacks.

On Sunday, we drove about 20 miles west to Turtle River State Park. We had fun hiking around and were glad we went early to beat the heat. It was gorgeous! Then, we came back home and listened to an audiobook on the way. Lydia played with a friend while I did some yard work before family Zoom.

When making our plans, it took me awhile to decide what to do and where to stay. I was trying to decide about the water park and what other attractions to see. I was also uncertain if I should contact my friends since it had been a few years since we saw them. I didn’t want them to have to adjust their plans. Turns out, I contacted them on the same day they found out about the loss of their friend. Wow!

Our whole trip was covered by God’s grace. I’d like to take Lydia to Medora, ND sometime, too, but this was the best weekend we’ve had in awhile!


God, You are so good and faithful! Thanks for leading us and for guiding our steps. Thanks for helping us encourage others as we honor Dave’s life and legacy. Help us continue to be a blessing. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Have you been to Grand Forks or Medora? What do you like to do on vacation? Do you like to relax or go sight-seeing? Do you make big plans or just meander?

Tasks: Next time you are considering a trip or step out of your normal routine, prayerfully go for it! Invite God to direct your path and see how He moves on your behalf! You never know just how He may use you to bless someone else.

Life in Color

Last Friday night, Lydia and I watched a show on Netflix called Life in Color with David AttenboroughSo far, it’s really good!

If you like nature documentaries (or David Attenborough’s voice) like we do, this is right up your alley. We really enjoyed watching various birds around the world. A peacock showing off his feathers, the flamingoes dancing around, and birds of paradise trying to win mates.

We also enjoyed seeing flowers, butterflies, and tropical fish in UV light. There’s also a giant shrimp and poison dart frogs wrestling in the cutest way. And that’s just episode one!

The part about UV light and how animals see was very interesting. On butterflies, for instance, we see the basic black and white or orange or yellow. The butterflies see each other differently, in iridescent purples and greens and pinks!

On Life in Color, we saw that (what appear like) basic yellow fish actually have unique markings visible under UV light. In fact, two very similar yellow fish were actually different species altogether! This could help each animal identify one another, but for me it was a good reminder. There is more than meets the eye.

On this documentary and others, we see a mere sample of the world God created.  In light of that, it’s easy to see just how small we are! For starters, think about human attempts at space exploration. Kind of humorous when you think of it. Valiant effort, though! 😉

Interestingly, the first (grainy, incomplete) pictures of Earth from space were taken around 1947. The famous Blue Marble picture was taken in 1972, relatively a short time ago. Then, there’s also outer space, with images from the Hubble telescope and others. God sees it all at simultaneously, though!

Don’t forget God made underground caves and deep jungles, too! Yes, there’s always something exciting to discover! Not to mention only the beauty, but also to learn how each of them work and are interconnected with each other. Mind-blowing, right?! 

As we were watching the Netflix show, this thought came to mind: “If God can create such wonders and sustain millions of species around the world, surely He can take care of me, too.”

I already had been having a good day, not one filled with doubt or dread. But, even so, peace overwhelmed my heart, and I felt so special as I thought about God’s wisdom and love. Thank You, Jesus!

I hope, you too, can soak up God’s love for You today. His grace covers you!


God, thanks for making such a beautiful universe for us to enjoy. May we understand Your heart for us as You draw us near. May we also be wise stewards of our resources. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Do you enjoy nature documentaries? Do you have any recommendations for me?

Tasks: Make a list of your favorite places in nature. Maybe you enjoy camping and hiking, or maybe you have a traveling bucket list. Then, consider what it would feel like to know God made them specifically for YOU to enjoy. Let that awe carry you back to His heart!

Beets for Breakfast

Oatmeal, bagels, muffins, toast, cereal, fruit, eggs, etc…. Usually, I keep my breakfast simple and straightforward. I’ll eat just about anything, but I don’t try anything fancy Monday through Friday due to time constraints.

So, the other day, I was throwing together my breakfast in a rush. My usual options just didn’t sound appealing, or in a couple of cases, I had run out of those items. So, I grabbed whatever I had on hand.

That day, I ate beets for breakfast, as well as some other veggies, and egg, and some cooked whole grains (barley and millet, that day) all tossed together!! Everything but the egg was leftover from other meals. I added the egg for some protein on a whim, but I don’t usually use the stove in the morning. 

And hey!! It was surprisingly delicious!! Beets are one of my favorite vegetables, along with peppers, onions, tomatoes, cabbage, etc. While I don’t normally think of them as breakfast food, that day, they were perfect. Plus, the boost of creativity made me happy as I left for work. 

Guess what? My lunches for work are often like my breakfast. A little bit of everything thrown in one container. My coworkers always ask what I brought, and I show them all my leftovers! Yes, cooking for two means eating the same thing for a few days!

Professionally, I ask people every day about their lifestyle habits and their relationship with food. People tell me all sorts of interesting details! Then, I help them make small changes that add up and help meet their goals. I love being a dietitian!

Lately, at work, I’ve had several patients tell me of their favorite food combinations. One person loves dipping saltine crackers into coffee, while another enjoys potato chips and ice cream, too! Sweet and salty, perhaps?!

There’s no real right or wrong way to eat breakfast or lunch… or even dinner. Sure, I’d recommend a healthy mix of protein, carbohydrates, and even some non-starchy vegetables, less sweets and fast food. But ultimately, it’s important to just eat something. 

Regardless of what you eat for breakfast (or if you eat first thing!), I see a parallel for how God meets our needs. Sometimes, the solution is straightforward and sometimes it’s a little more creative (or crazy?!). But, it always is just what we need, when we need it.

We can look to Jesus as an example. He came as an ordinary baby, died as a criminal (though innocent), rose as a Victorious King, and then prepared breakfast for His disciples.

Surely, He knows what He is doing. We can trust His timing and provision!


God, with You nothing is random or an afterthought. What may feel like chaos to us is just an opportunity to trust You more. Help us see You in each part of our day. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Do you like beets? What are your favorite breakfast foods? Do you keep it simple or do you go wild? How can you trust God more today?

Tasks: Let go of preconceived ideas for what your day should go like. Let God surprise you!

Persistence in Prayer

Jesus often woke up early, while it was still dark, to go pray. It surely was the key to His success and gave Him increased fortitude to do His work. Afterall, He came to die.

In Luke 11:1-13, Jesus then teaches His disciples how to pray. The Lord’s prayer is followed by an example of persistence in prayer. This is a well-known passage of Scripture, but sometimes it is difficult to keep praying for something you still don’t see.

For example, sometimes I pray for awhile about something and then move on to other things. It’s not that I forget about them or that I don’t think God will provide for me. Sometimes, I just get distracted by life. Or, on occasion, I can be more focused on the prayer and outcome than I am letting God do the work on my behalf.

Whenever that happens, I lay off praying and just give it to God.  I can trust Him to do all He has planned for me. While I wait, I am patient and obedient.

Then again... what if I am avoiding the issue altogether due to fear? Is fear holding me back from God’s best? Even though what I pray for is good, it will still bring change.

This came to a head last week when I was at the dentist. The hygienist mentioned something I have been praying for off-and-on (trying not too be obsessive!). With her hands in my mouth, I could only listen to her perspective and murmur feedback. 🙂 She’s in a different spot than I am, so it was interesting that we would have similar prayer requests.

Regarding that particular prayer, lately I have been taking a ‘laissez-faire’ approach. I am open minded to receiving a blessing, but I have decided to wait and see what happens.

Then, a few days later, I had a great conversation with someone who reminded me we can’t just sit back and wait for the UPS man to show up with our answer to prayer!

I had to laugh and wholeheartedly agreed. We have to fight for the Promised Land!

But then, I wondered, am I being patient… or complacent? 

On Sunday, the pastor gave some very practical tips on prayer. He mentioned the story of when Jesus cursed the fig tree in Matthew 21:18-22 and soon turned this into a discourse on prayer. Jesus was a master at getting people’s attention!

The pastor reminded us we all have mountains in our lives. He said we are like “mountain movers” when we pray boldly and actively work to get rid of the problem. This kind of prayer does not limit God, but expects He can do anything!

The other option is more comfortable, that is, “mountain maintenance,” where we simply landscape around our issues and make them look prettier, but the problem remains.

Generally, I don’t consider my prayer requests to be mountains, but as I listened, I was inspired and slightly convicted. Acts of faith and obedience honor God.

So, I asked myself:  Which of these options requires a leap of faith?

Furthermore, when God blesses us with answers to prayer, He expects us to bless others, as well. Suddenly, I saw how my prayers could be a statement of faith for future blessing instead of merely staying comfortable due to fear. Wow!

As a result of these recent experiences, I am going to start praying for a vision of all God will do when He answers my prayers. I am not giving Him an ultimatum; I’ll aim to be content and at peace either way.

Still, I can rest in the fact God loves to say YES, and even His NO is an ultimate YES.

Jesus is truly all I need.

Finally, we don’t need all the answers to walk by faith. Thus, my faith is not dependent on the outcome, but I can pray with hope and expect God’s goodness everywhere I go!


God, thanks for letting me join in Your work through prayer and action. Help me pray boldly and with persistence. Give me more of a vision for all You want to do in my life. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: How would you describe your prayer life? Is it peppered with doubt or is it persistent with faith?

Tasks: Pray boldly and with persistence! Listen to the song, “Believer,” by Rhett Walker.

When Compromise Becomes Catastrophe

Give and take in relationships is important. Compromise can be a good way to solve problems. Hopefully, everyone gets what they want… and no one has to give up too much.

Still, compromise often requires good communication, sacrifice, and possibly discomfort. An example may be fostering a child in need or staying up late to help a friend. In those cases, we hope to share our values through influence.

But sometimes in life, we can compromise our values and that can get us into trouble. If we rely on our own (limited) wisdom and strength instead of God’s, we too easily forget what He called us to do.

We start skimping on details, which may mean skipping out altogether when difficult circumstances arise. If we’re not careful, we can bring catastrophe on ourselves and/or others.

I’m reading the (NLT Chronological) Bible in a Year with friends, and we’re starting the book of Joshua this week. In short, Joshua was Moses’ personal assistant and mentee.

After Moses died, Joshua was appointed to lead the nation of Israel to claim the Promised Land. He sought to do exactly what Moses directed. He was faithful to do all God called him to do.

It wasn’t easy, but he had God’s presence and His Word. (Moses wrote the Pentateuch, the first five books, which tell the story of God’s people and laws to this point).

Joshua was one of twelve spies sent to scout out the Promised Land many years before. He and Caleb brought back a good report, but the ten other spies incited fear in people.

This lack of faith caused the whole nation to wander in the desert for forty years! They ate quail and manna morning, noon, and night all that time. You think Israel would have learned her lesson!

Yet, as we go through the book of Joshua (and the next book, called Judges), we see that although Joshua did right, the entire nation eventually started to do things their own way. 

Sadly, Israel never fully conquered the land promised to Abraham (from near Egypt to the Euphrates River). Instead, they settled for a much smaller portion than God intended.

What happened?!

Well, somewhere along the way, they compromised. They grew comfortable and stopped challenging themselves. According to Deuteronomy 32:15, they grew spiritually fat and lazy. How Israel missed out!

This is a word of caution for us, too! The Promised Land was often called, ‘a land flowing with milk and honey.’ But that doesn’t mean it came easy. They were to fight for the land and then cultivate it. God was with them and for them, but still they stopped short.

Maybe you are waiting on God to move on your behalf. I understand, but maybe He’s waiting for you to be obedient! Yes, each of us has different goals and dreams, but our modern-day ‘Land of Promise’ is also going to take some effort to obtain and maintain!

Don’t get lazy or give up territory. Gird yourself with faith and perseverance. Be bold and courageous! Put in the work and see the results! It will take some time, but anything worth doing is worth doing well.

Don’t get to the point of shoulda-coulda-woulda. There’s no need for regret. Just ask God for wisdom and seek His input first! He will help us navigate our path and bring peace.

If we ask Him, the Lord will help us avoid major catastrophes and chaos. He does not want us to confused. Instead, He has good things in store for those who are obedient.


God, thanks for generously giving us Your wisdom when we ask for it. Help us come to You when we face compromise. May we not settle for less than Your best. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Can you think of situations in which compromise is a good thing? Conversely, when does it lead to catastrophe?

Tasks: Read these verses Genesis 15:15-21; Numbers 34; and Joshua 1:3-9  about the boundaries promised to Abraham and reinforced later to Moses and Joshua. Then, compare those boundaries to King David’s conquests, in addition to modern day Israel.