Finding Grace #184

I love giving God a shout out for what He has done. We don’t do that nearly enough!

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?

So many awesome things happened this week!

We had several days of rain, which I didn’t mind. I was happy for the sunshine when it came, but I really loved running to my car after work and getting soaked from head-to-toe!

On Sunday, I contemplated mowing but knew the rain would make the grass grow even more. I decided to wait until today (Saturday) when the weather improved so I could focus on other things! However, on Tuesday, a friend volunteered to mow for me (again!). Then, he asked if he could trim the two trees in my front yard. This was a blessing and answer to prayer. I had just told a neighbor I needed to figure that out. The trees and my yard look so good!

On Wednesday, I caught up with a dear friend over the phone. We shared our recent updates and successes, along with some prayer requests. It was just what I needed, and I’m grateful for godly friends. Iron sharpens iron!

Then, on Wednesday evening, we started AWANA at church. It is our first year being involved, and Lydia and I both had fun. I have six little kids in my group. I’m praying these kids learn God’s word and learn about His love for them!

After we returned home on Wednesday night, a new friend contacted me for help. We don’t know each other super well, but she needed a safe place to stay overnight while some personal issues were resolved. This friend does not have family nearby, so I was honored she asked. I’m grateful God has given me a house with a spare bedroom to use as a blessing to help others. My friend’s issue resolved and she went home the next morning. She is brave!

This week, my ladies Bible study had a breakthrough of sorts. These friends have grown quite close, but God took our relationship to another level. One lady shared a part of her testimony (how God saved her and forgave all her mistakes). As a result, another friend was finally empowered to share her similar story, too. She has carried her past burdens for many years, and I have been praying she would find relief and forgive herself. It was a true transformation. Our stories of God’s saving grace are such a precious gift! If we are willing, He can use our failures, weaknesses, and mistakes to bring life to others! Thank You, Jesus!

Work went well, and I am still learning new things. Each week, I take on a little more responsibility. I learned about the MOVE! program, covered the nutrition clinic (scheduled appointments), and covered the walk-in clinic while someone was off. I am proud of myself!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

All Good Things

The last few weeks have been exciting and intense, fun and challenging. It’s been quite a ride, and I am loving it! But with so many changes, I need to focus on the little things.

I have only been able to accomplish a few things each evening after work. Sometimes we have evening activities or other obligations, so I’m keeping it simple at home.

We’ve had a lot of leftovers, which really isn’t too far from our normal! 😉

Ironically, even though we are busier than usual, I am not super stressed.

I have been giving myself a lot of grace, which often means only doing what really needs to be done for the next day. That includes meal prep, reviewing Lydia’s school day, etc.

I have cut back on frivolous timewasters (ex. social media). I’ve changed my blog writing days and have saved certain chores for the weekend. Even so, I am confident God has a purpose in this season. I know I am covered by His grace!

Ephesians 2:10 says, ” For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.”

As soon as I heard about my new job, I sensed it was God’s plan for me. Similarly, Lydia’s teacher and the YMCA after-school program were specifically laid out for her this year.

God made plans for me, just as I made plans for Lydia. Yes, we’ve both had to adjust and ‘make room’ for these gifts of God’s grace, but they are worth it!

I have heard all good things about my new place of work, Lydia’s teacher, and the YMCA program. I am not naive to think everything will be perfect, and there certainly are some challenges and learning curves. But I know God has all good things in store for us. 

We just have to ‘walk out’ the plans He has made. So when my dishes sit in the sink or I wait another day (or two or three) to mow… I can still keep my joy because I am covered by God’s grace. That brings me a special peace because I am right where God wants me!

He has made a special planned provision for us during this time, so I am not going to worry about all I can’t or won’t accomplish. Which is a lot! 😉

That doesn’t mean life is easy or trials won’t come. But, I know God will be with me in those times, too. He loves me so much and will help and empower me then, as well.

I know, with God’s help, eventually, the important things will still get done. He will work it all out at the end (Romans 8:28). I am going to praise Him for all good things!


Heavenly Father, thanks for giving us all good things! You are the Master Planner and have such good plans for us. Give us wisdom and discernment as we walk this path. Draw us close to You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: What does this season bring for you? Are you keeping the status quo or looking forward to new things?

Tasks: Praise God for all good things!



Finding Grace #183

I love giving God a shout out for what He has done. We don’t do that nearly enough!

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?

This was a really good week!

My parents were safe and dry as Hurricane Dorian passed by the Florida coast. It had major impact elsewhere, however. Thanks for your prayers and support!

Work went well, and I felt like I accomplished a lot. I still have a lot to learn, but it has already been very fulfilling. I can see why God placed me in my role. One morning, I walked in during the ‘honor guard’ for a veteran who just died. It was a touching moment as “Taps” was played in the hallway and everyone stood at attention.

Lydia seems to be adjusting to school and the daycare program! Thanks so much for your prayers. We are both being stretched this year, but I am excited for what God has in store. Lydia doesn’t quite understand how this is good for her just yet. I pray she grows and learns important lessons this year. It may be challenging, but I know it is for the best!

This week, I had lots of important conversations and received several well-timed compliments. At different times, I caught up with five different ladies, building them up and cheering them on. I also heard I was doing a good job at work, was doing well as a mother, and also heard quite a few good things about Lydia at school. We can’t live for praise, but the kind words were just what I needed. They were confirmations that we are on the right path. God has us right where He wants us, and I am so grateful!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

Pray and Prepare

It’s hurricane season and my parents live in Florida! 😮 Hurricane Dorian has come close to breaking records and has already had a major impact.

Recently, as my mom and I were talking, she mentioned the need to have about ten days of food and water on hand, just in case the storm shuts down her city and local resources.

My parents have spent the last week watching the weather forecasts, all while planning for several possible outcomes. Mom said, “We don’t quite know what to expect, so we pray and prepare.” Smart move.

Regarding Dorian’s trajectory, last week, meteorologists mentioned that all they had were educated guesses based on radar and data from previous hurricanes. “We won’t know where it will go or what will happen until it actually hits.”

We now know Dorian hit the Bahamas as a deadly Category 5 hurricane, and then started to weaken. Yet, the wind and rain could still do a lot of damage and bring flooding to several states along the Eastern coast.

We all face uncertainties and storms in life. A hurricane shows up on radar several days before it hits, but tornadoes can happen within a matter of minutes.

Sometimes, we have a long time to adjust to the inevitable, but often we are blindsided by grief and despair. Examples may include long-term terminal illness versus a sudden, accidental death. Both are tragedies.

In planning, it is best to pray AND prepare. Prayer is a priority because we invite God into our situation. He is our Creator and can do the impossible. He is the difference-maker.

God can weaken any storm or turn it away. We trust Him to protect us and provide for us.

At the same time, we would be foolish to ONLY pray. God has given us many resources to use, such as creative thinking, strong bodies, hands to work hard, and other people who offer practical support.

Often, by preparing and helping each other, the impact of life’s storms is minimized. We can build a stronger community when we all come together and help.

Even before disasters strike or hardships come, we can pray, asking for the Lord to intervene. Then, we can use our God-given resources to spread love and encouragement to those in need.

God’s grace shows up in the ‘sweet spot’ of prayer and preparation.

On Monday, I was struck by a hurricane headline that stated ‘Millions united in fear.’ What a misguided scare tactic! We have God Almighty on our side… Regardless of what happens, our Victory is in Jesus!

We do not need to fear when bad times come… Instead, we can live prayerfully and give generously knowing the Lord will provide for us and use us to bless others.


Heavenly Father, thanks for your provision and protection. Help us to seek You and see the needs of those around us. Help us be a blessing to all we meet. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Do you have a disaster plan for your home and family? Does everyone understand the plan? Do you regularly practice what to do in an emergency?

Tasks: If you don’t already have a disaster plan, create one! Do this out of wisdom, not fear. Think about all sorts of what-ifs, like fires, floods, tornadoes, and hurricanes. Keep a small store of water, canned foods, blankets, flashlights, and cash on hand.


Awesome Accountability

What do you do when you have a lot of goals, but keep losing motivation?

You get an accountability partner—or several!!

There are many benefits to having personal accountability. Often, it can mean the difference between success and failure.

We see the lack of public accountability in politics, but I’m not focused there today. In my own life, I appreciate having accountability because I am more likely to meet my goals!

Not meeting our goals can lead to a domino effect. We can slip up or grow stagnant in our life and faith walk. So it is imperative to have others around us who speak into our lives and provide wise counsel.

Thankfully, an accountability partner can check on progress, challenge you, and partner with you in prayer. As we draw closer to God and each other, we are encouraged, strengthened, and grow in character and fellowship.

When someone asks how it is going, it can feel like a pep talk or a call out. It can feel awkward at times, but if we are teachable, we will learn and grow!

Recently, some friends kept me accountable to reach some goals. I was sleeping in a little too often but wanted to maximize my time by getting up early. The hurdle was difficult to get through on my own.

Getting a head start on my day meant I could spend more time with God. I also decided to exercise early before distractions crept into my day. And, I wanted to work toward a personal deadline, where I have previously been procrastinating.

Bring on my accountability partners! I explained my goals to the ladies in my weekly small group. Amazingly, even just the idea of someone checking on me did the trick. I woke up early and did the work!

Friends and family are vital for our own accountability. It is so encouraging to have people rooting for me and cheering me on. Life just goes better together!

Thankfully, the Holy Spirit is an ideal accountability partner. He leads and guide us perfectly, though it’s up to us to listen and obey. Jesus personally intercedes for us as well. We can’t go wrong with that!


God, thanks for putting wonderful people in my life to keep me accountable. Help me seek Your input and guidance every day. Help me make wise decisions as I live for You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Who helps keep you accountable? What are some goals you are working toward?

Tasks: Seek one or two people to keep you accountable as you take steps to reach your goals.

Holy Hustle

Sometimes I just have to laugh when we struggle and then we see how silly we are. We are fooling ourselves if we think we can handle life on our own without God.

As a mom, when it comes to self-care, I have to be creative. For example, when I exercise with Lydia, I have to slow down to her pace. As a single mom, I have other inherent issues. So often, working out indoors is my best option. Getting outside is a bonus!

Recently, I prayerfully started looking for a new treadmill. My old one is over 11-years-old and has a few glitches. The dashboard only works when it wants to. Sometimes I can’t control the speed or incline, and the belt catches at higher speeds. Twice now, it has suddenly stopped right in the middle of a run. It’s becoming a safety issue.

Dave and I bought the treadmill two weeks after getting married. It was our first ‘big’ purchase together, so it does have some sentimental value. However, I’ve accepted the reality: I am afraid to use it for higher speeds because it is unreliable. I don’t want to get hurt!

For the last 3 years, and even more in the last 6 months, I’ve been telling myself that the slower, safer pace is just as effective. Slow walks are better than nothing, but at some point, I need to step it up for a better cardio workout. I do have other equipment, and it’s not necessarily a rush. But I need to stop making excuses.

So, I have been looking online for new and used treadmills. I have been reading reviews. My friend who was visiting this weekend is an avid runner so she helped me too. I even went to scout out some options in the local stores.

For now, I haven’t found anything that stands out aesthetically and is also a good price. I don’t need all the latest features, but I do want something that will last since this is not a frequent purchase.

On the one hand, home exercise equipment can be worthwhile if used regularly. For me, it’s an investment in my health. I want to take care of myself so I can take care of Lydia and all God has given me. It’s a fine balance.

Then again, I’m trying to be a good steward and use my money wisely. I can rearrange my budget to some degree, but I have been working towards other financial goals and can use my money elsewhere. It is good to be content and weigh my options!

Besides, when it comes to buying a new (or new-to-me) treadmill, there could be several hidden costs. Some places charge shipping or delivery fees. And, I would likely need help removing the old treadmill and assembling the new one.

There are many different factors to consider… Yesterday, after praying again for wisdom, it occurred to me that maybe I could fix my current treadmill.

Perhaps that’s not the best idea because replacing the individual parts could really add up. But I decided to at least clean it well and see what happens. It was worth a shot!

I watched some YouTube videos on what to do. I learned how to check the belt and internal components. I learned how to tighten screws and grease joints so it is less squeaky. It seemed fairly simple!

Then, in the afternoon, I started to deep clean the machine. I vacuumed up dust and checked the belt. It seemed fine because I’ve done regular maintenance on that. Next, I took off the motor cover and **GASP!!** it was sooo gross!

It was clear to see that it had not been cleaned inside for over 11 years. I was both embarrassed and slightly amazed it has lasted so long while being so dirty! Frankly, I praised God that it never caught on fire with all the dust and debris I found!

I did what I could but time will tell if it was enough! The dashboard still has electrical issues, but I’m hoping I can work around those. It’s still squeaky, but the above picture shows the improvement after cleaning.

My treadmill is a good object lesson for me. We often try to fix our own problems. We look for solutions but go nowhere fast. There are times to hustle, yes, but we still need to trust God to provide. We can’t neglect our relationship with the One who has the Master plan for our lives.

We often make excuses for our behavior. Unfortunately, living in our own strength often brings fear, frustration, and even failure. But when we seek God’s input through prayer, we can be grateful while we wait for Him to handle it and provide for us.

He generally doesn’t make all our problems go away overnight, but He does give us wisdom and grace to handle them. And, sometimes He shows us how to “clean up” our lives and messes so we can live freely, unhindered by all that tries to weigh us down.

I hope my treadmill is able to last a little longer with maintenance. Perhaps I can run outside this summer, though I’ll have to make some adjustments for Lydia. I’ll also keep looking for a good deal, knowing God will help me find an upgrade in His timing.

He is so good!


Heavenly Father, thanks for all You do for me. Thanks for reminding me of Your grace in tangible ways. Help me trust you, work hard, and wait for Your timing. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Questions: What is your favorite exercise? Do you prefer cardio or strength exercises?

Tasks: Check out the “Trust, Hustle, Rest” devotional in the YouVersion Bible App. Also, consider this your friendly reminder to deep clean your exercise equipment! 😉

Known and Loved

Yesterday morning, I was serenaded by a little songbird called a tree swallow. Blue is my favorite color and the male’s blue coloring was particularly pretty. The female is more of a greyish brown. She joined him on my deck after he had been singing for a few minutes.

I thought it was sweet to watch as I was eating my breakfast. Soon, however, I started to discern something else might be going on. I’m no bird expert, but it seemed like I was watching a turf war!

A third bird kept landing on my deck, which prompted all the birds to ‘hiss’ at each other and scatter. I don’t know if the males were fighting over the female or if there was a nest nearby.

I would have loved to stay and watch this scene on repeat through my binoculars… but I had to go to work. Still, it reminded me that we are also in a daily battle that often is difficult to discern.

There is a battle for our souls. Our enemy will use any means necessary to distract us, get us off course, and make us doubt God’s love. We have to be aware of these methods or we will start to lose ground.

Case in point: Yesterday afternoon, I was fighting a bad attitude because I perceived something unfair. I was a little upset about things I can’t control. Left unchecked, I then let even minor inconveniences affect me and become major annoyances!

For example, when I walked to the bus to pick up Lydia, the wind kept blowing my hair into my face. Grrr… Yes, I could have driven around the block, but didn’t. I could have grabbed a hat, but then I would have had hat hair… oh, the injustice! 😉

Thankfully, I soon confessed what was bothering me to the Lord. I also apologized for being annoyed about the wind. It wasn’t a quick turnaround, but slowly, I switched gears. Walking against the wind on our way home from the bus also helped!

Lydia happened to be in a really funny mood, which also helped mine. After listening to her chat about her day, I turned on the radio to help me get out of my funk. Lydia had plenty to say about the songs, and the lyrics spoke precisely to my heart.

I was glad to draw near to God and worship. Each song felt like it was hand-picked by Him—I felt He understood just what I needed. More of Him.

As Lydia and I made dinner together, I prayerfully poured out my heart to the Lord. Later, I explained the basics of how I was feeling to Lydia and thanked her for helping me cheer up. She hadn’t even noticed!

I didn’t tell her all the details, of course, but she was supportive and gave me lots of hugs. We talked about our various emotions and how we can bring them all to God—good or bad. We don’t have to live in fear, doubt, or defeat.

I could have stayed in my bad mood, but I’m glad I asked the Lord for help. God knows each of our needs even before we come and ask. We can trust Him to take good care of us because He loves us so much. His love never fails!

God provides for all the birds and knows each one. But we are far more valuable to Him. He knows us fully and sees all our selfishness, yet He loves us anyway. Wow.

With Jesus, we have all that we need….and He already won the war. We don’t have to fight it out on our own. We just have to stand firm and not give up any territory. Victory!


Heavenly Father, thanks for Your forgiveness and grace. You take such good care of me and provide for all of my needs. Help me trust You more. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: When you are in a foul mood, how to do you get out of it? What do you do to renew your mind with God’s love and truth?

Tasks: Let your emotions lead you to Jesus. Listen to the song, “Known,” by Tauren Wells.


I previously mentioned how much I enjoy documentaries. Lately, I have been watching a show called ‘Breakthrough: The Ideas That Changed the World’ on PBS.

A few weeks ago, I watched an episode on the telescope, showing all the scientific advances and even some ‘chance’ occurrences over the centuries. The show began with people following the night sky to discern the seasons. It then covered advances in blowing glass… to the development of the spyglass… to Galileo’s telescope which he focused upward…and later, to Edwin Hubble and space exploration. It is fascinating how people came up with creative solutions to perceived problems.

Then, last week, I watched the episode on the history of airplanes and flight.

Apparently, Leonardo Da Vinci dissected birds and studied their movements trying to understand how they stay in the air. Interestingly, despite his magnificent in-depth drawings, his creations never seemed to get off the ground. There was still much to learn.

The intrigue around flight persisted and several people tried oversized flying toys, gliders, and even fake wings. I enjoyed seeing how each person built on the work and knowledge of the people before them.

Eventually, the Wright brothers decided changing the wing shape would yield better control. Then, various engines were trialed until someone created what we now know as the jet engine.

The first flight from New York to Los Angeles took 48 hours, several planes, and made quite a few stops for fuel. I’m grateful flights don’t take that long today!!

As much as I liked watching these documentaries, they show how much we still don’t know. Yes, we have come so far, but there are still problems to be solved!

For me, these documentaries are also a revelation of God’s wisdom. It has taken us centuries to accomplish as much as we have collectively. No one person can really take credit for any specific achievement…

Yet God spoke creation into existence with just His word… instantly from nothing. And, He already knows how telescopes work because He created light from darkness!

Da Vinci, as smart and advanced as he was, could never quite figure out flight. Similarly, we ‘only’ made it to the moon a mere fifty years ago.

But God understands what we can barely fathom. He created hundreds of different types of birds—and our brains so we could explore all of these wonderful concepts.

Scientists recently captured an awesome picture of a black hole! We still don’t have all the answers about how black holes work, but the picture is certainly an amazing feat.

However, God knows all about black holes because they were His idea. He who made the stars set our world in motion, too. He created the universe, but we still aren’t even sure just how BIG it is.

All of our technology, skills, and knowledge will never match God’s infinite wisdom. Even so, we are not just a science project to Him. He loves us beyond measure… so much that He sent His son, Jesus, to die for us.

No matter what you are facing today, God knows all about it. The one who created the stars knows the number of hairs on your head. He is ready, willing, and able to help you solve your problems.

Only God can bring the breakthrough you need. His promises are sure and His word is true. Your breakthrough will come if you don’t give up. Trust Him!

Heavenly Father, I’m amazed by You. No one compares with You, God. Give me wisdom and understanding, Lord. Help me see my problems through your eternal perspective. Give me the grace to trust You more. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Questions: What are your favorite documentaries? Are you trusting God for a breakthrough in your life?

Tasks: God has something to say about your problems. His word speaks directly about all sorts of topics, including fear, gossip, promotion, finances, marriage, loneliness, love, joy, peace, patience, and more. The Secret Power of God’s Word, by Joyce Meyer, can help you find a Bible verse which applies to your situation and pray about it!

Insult and Injury

Have you ever felt like just when something got good, it all went bad?

Have you ever felt like just when God started moving, Satan came to steal it all away?

Our enemy wants nothing more to do than to get us off God’s path. He stirs up trouble using fear and uncertainty to make us second-guess what is going on. He lies to us and does anything he can to derail us. In the chaos, he steals, kills, and destroys. 

But don’t throw away what is good, all you have worked for and what remains. There is so much at stake, far beyond what we can see. If we don’t seek God’s Truth and perspective, we risk losing it all. Yet nothing is impossible with God. There is always hope!

He who began a good work in you will be faithful to complete it (Philippians 1:6).

Just about everything in life has the potential to turn sour. A job, a relationship, a home, a vehicle, your health, your plans, or your finances… It’s even worse when these things are all connected. It can feel like the enemy is winning.

Clearly, having healthy boundaries and making wise decisions is important. We have to take responsibility for our choices. We have ‘free will’ to make decisions, but we are not free from the consequences. Occasionally, the circumstances are out of our hands.

For many of us, the temptation is to live by our emotions—to worry about what went wrong or to blame someone else. We want the pain to go away, so we tend to either run away or retaliate. Don’t give in.

In some cases, we choose to move on and hope something better comes along. Yet avoidance can be confusing and depressing if we don’t deal with the problem in healthy ways. It can fester and often becomes worse.

When someone doesn’t meet our expectations, we take offense and want to get even. When we don’t get what we wanted or thought we needed or deserved, we understandably grow mad. Yet, we can choose to offer the grace of forgiveness.

Dear Friend, I don’t know what happened, but I know it hurts. Whatever went wrong, I wish I could take away your pain. I know it may feel unfair, but please don’t give up. Forgiveness is just as important for you as it is for the other person (or people). You can never grow past this if you do not release it and learn from it.

Life is full of challenges. When we get passed over for a promotion, we focus on our failures. When we take a financial hit, we try to figure out how to make ends meet. When our health is affected, we wish things were different. The more we think about the injustices, the more power they have over us. Still, we can choose to think differently.

Many times, we did everything right. What happened as a result is not our fault. But even if we do have legitimate reasons to be upset, we weren’t meant to live under the duress of insult and injury. We were made for freedom!

Our emotions are volatile. There are days when our feelings can change every five minutes! Take some space if needed, but don’t rush a decision. Wait it out.

Imagine what could happen if you stay still and don’t overreact. Your situation might be different than expected, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be turned around for good. Especially if God is in it.

Perhaps you’re going through something that is testing everything you thought was sure. The pain and sorrow are more than you can bear. It’s going to take a lot of patience and effort, but you are not in this alone—bring it to Jesus and let Him handle it. He sees the big picture; our victory is in Him alone!

By faith, do what you can to make things right and leave the rest with Jesus. He knows all about unfairness and can help you work through it. He provides for you, loves you dearly, and always has your best in mind. Forever faithful, He will make a way where there seems to be no way. Trust Him!

Heavenly Father, thanks for Your constant love and grace. Help us to make wise decisions in the midst of trials. Give us peace and help us trust You more. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: What if all you’ve been going through will be used to strengthen you and even help someone else? Would that change your perspective and help you endure it? Would that change how you are dealing with it?

Tasks: When trials come, we want to take matters in our own hands, but don’t do anything you’ll regret. Life is short; don’t spend your days in anger or bitterness. Find a trusted friend and/or seek wise counsel. Take it to Jesus and let Him fight for you. God’s got this!

Finding Grace #163

I love giving God a shout out for what He has done. We don’t do that nearly enough!

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?

This was a full week and I saw God’s grace all around me! It was great to talk with family members in three states this week. I’m grateful for our conversations, funny stories, and support through prayer despite the distance between us. I got to support Lydia by attending her spring music program too. 

I participated in a couple of short online Bible studies with people this week. We all used the YouVersion Bible app and covered topics like having victory over fear and understanding the importance of Easter. It was so fun to connect spiritually with God’s people from a variety of locations and walks of life.

It was awful to watch Notre-Dame Cathedral burn in Paris. My sister and I had a wonderful time visiting France on a school trip in 1997. The destruction is hard to fathom, especially in the midst of ‘holy week’ leading up to Easter. However, it has been encouraging to see the collective response of grief from around the world. I enjoyed this picture of the aftermath, and I believe God spared many parts of the building.

This week, I received updates on several prayers this week. I have been praying for peoples’ jobs, health requests, relationships, and more. No request is too small to pray about. It is great to see God at work and to join Him!

We had beautiful weather this week. A couple days of scattered rain followed by the warm sun! Lydia spent a lot of time outside playing with friends. A neighbor helped me with my mower, as I was getting it ready for summer. The blade fell off last summer and I needed a little help putting it back on properly.

This week has been a wonderful reminder of Jesus’ love and sacrifice. Lydia and I have been using the Easter Story Egg each day. On Good Friday, we enjoyed a day at home followed by a wonderful church service. Thank You, Jesus!

I always want to keep the focus on Jesus for Easter. Sometimes, the candy and the fun can distract from Him. In our rush to “do all the things,” we can forget what matters most. So this morning, I let Lydia do our Easter egg hunt early so we are not rushed tomorrow.

About half of the Easter eggs contained a small amount of chocolate candy or my spare change (about $1.28). The remaining half had little pieces of paper with various instructions. Lydia had to do different exercises, give me a hug, tell me a joke, and list 5 things she was thankful for. We both enjoyed it and it didn’t take away from Jesus.

I’m grateful for how God always directs our path and blesses us. He is so good!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!