You’re Gonna Get Wet

We’ve had some rainy weather this week, which is certainly not unusual for spring. Can you say, “green grass?!” Thankfully, the rest of the week is supposed to be mostly sunny. The sun did come out today, proving rainy days don’t last forever!

Nonetheless, yesterday, it was sprinkling all morning. I needed to mail a little package, but I also needed to drop off Lydia at daycare (nowhere near a post office).

I usually try to fit quick errands in either before work or after, depending on the timing. Often, I plan ahead, but yesterday, I only had a few minutes to spare.

I didn’t want to be late for work, so I looked at the forecast and my weather radar app. As I tried to decide if mailing my package could wait until later, a thought occurred to me. 

“Either way, you’re gonna get wet.”

The forecast was cloudy and rainy all day. So my choice was really between if I should go when it was sprinkling or wait, hoping it would not be downpouring later.

The odds were not in my favor.

In the end, I decided I was cutting it too close and waited until after work to run to the grocery store, which conveniently has a little post office, too. 

Thankfully, the weather was still only sprinkling! It worked out well, and I was able to pick up a few other groceries before getting Lydia at daycare.

In life, we face many storms (real and metaphorical). It is inevitable that at some point, we’re gonna get wet. Many storms pop up out of nowhere. 

Yet, sometimes storms are related to consequences for poor choices. Sometimes we can look ahead and see what’s coming. In those instances, we may be able to avoid the storm altogether. But not always.

Although it is nice to stay warm, dry, and well, comfortable, it is not possible to always avoid storms. However, we can still be prepared.

We can review the forecast and radar. We can keep an umbrella in our car. We can stock up on a few key supplies (like water and flashlights, not toilet paper!). We can use wisdom.

We can also pray ahead of time, asking God for help. He alone knows what is coming and will lead us in our preparations. But, we have to be willing to make adjustments accordingly. He will never lead us astray!

Often, our attitude will determine how we come through the storm. Yes, we can make up our minds ahead of time–set our attitude–for how we will handle getting wet.

It is unrealistic to think we will never have to deal with life’s storms. We are going to get wet, so we might as well make the best of it! Let’s splash in the puddles!

We can hopefully prevent some of the pain storms bring, but it is even wiser to check our attitude and trust God. Jesus said we would have troubles. But, He is faithful.

Jesus is both above the chaos and with us in it. He can bring peace and help in any storm.


Heavenly Father, thanks for bringing the rain and using it to provide new life. Help us make wise decisions and have a good attitude. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Do you like thunderstorms? Do you have an emergency kit on hand?

Tasks: Read about when Jesus calmed a storm in Mark 4:35-41!


On Beating Boredom

We all know what it feels like to be bored (or in a pandemic, cooped up with nowhere to go). I have previously listed many wonderful options, such as virtual tours of famous cities, zoos, and museums, so will take a different angle today!

During this time, I have not been very bored. But, unlike many people, I have not been ‘stuck’ at home for the last month-and-half. I am thankful I’ve had the opportunity to work!

At home, Lydia and I often talk about being content and making the best of each situation. We probably talk about gratitude just as much as we talk about healthy grieving!

I am so happy Lydia is not a routine complainer. That all makes the difference! 🙂

Yet, in my tenure as a parent, I have periodically heard her say, “Mom, I’m bored. I have nothing to do.” Sure, as an only child, Lydia has no built-in playmates. But she still has loads of art supplies and a fair amount of books and toys.

Awhile back, I read an article (somewhere) about how boredom can lead to creativity. So, I am not worried about Lydia being bored, per se. Instead, I encourage her to do something creative… or I give her a chore to do!

The more she starts to whine, the more I lean toward chores…

Naturally, in terms of personal application, this makes me wonder…

How often do we tell God we are bored or stall in disobedience? How often does our attitude affect how we see what is going on in our lives? How often do we overlook the good and complain about what we still don’t see?

When life is stable, isn’t that a good thing? Still, there have been times, in my life at least (ahem), when I have been tempted to complain. “God, when will my circumstances change? I’m so bored doing the same old thing. Hurry up and do something new!”

But, when we simply change our attitude, it’s amazing how quickly our perspective can change! How about this instead: “God, here I am. I am available. Let me know what You would like me to do. Help me be content.”

Then, suddenly, our eyes are open to what God is doing around us! We start looking for opportunities to serve others and find joy in meeting their needs. Having an outward focus and blessing others is what makes life exciting again!

Reminder: This life is not about me, it’s about loving God and loving others.

Ironically, at other times, we can grow so comfortable in our own little bubble, that we don’t appreciate or enjoy when God shakes things up or challenges our security.

How fickle we can be! I’m sure grateful for God’s mercy, grace, and patience!

Lydia and I were recently discussing the concept of ‘beating boredom.’ We decided instead of saying, “I’m bored, I have nothing to do,” we should say, “Well, I have a lot of time right now.  Is there someone who needs help? What can I do?”

Just that little switch helps us recognize the gift of time, which is from God. May we use our time wisely and not waste it with grumbling and complaining!


God, thanks for the gift of TIME. Thanks for giving us so many resources and creativity. Help us use all of our gifts and talents to bless others and bring You glory. Make us aware when we start to complain or take it all for granted. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: How are you doing this week? Are you bored or do you have plenty to do? Either way, how can you bless someone else?

Task: Next time you are bored, consider how best to use your time. Sure, you can learn a new skill or clean out a closet, but perhaps you can find a way to help someone else!




The Eyes Have It

I am glad that more and more people are wearing homemade masks in public, per current CDC guidelines. The masks are helpful to prevent spreading germs in the midst of this pandemic.

There are several easy and inexpensive ways to make a masks, but I purchased a few masks online. Lydia got a few for daycare and I got a few for work.

While we waited for those masks to arrive, my mom’s cousin also sent us each a homemade mask. We were so thankful for her generosity and support.

When they came, Lydia tried hers on right away. She was super excited and asked me to take her picture. “Mom, please make sure to tell Elizabeth that I’m smiling!”

It is a little strange wearing masks at work and throughout the day. I typically take mine off in the ‘safety’ of my own office. After all, it can be a little awkward to talk on the phone with a mask!

But, I forgot to put it on once yesterday and was walking around wondering why people were looking at me. Whoops!

When wearing a mask, I have noticed it is even more important to look people in the eye and acknowledge them. Otherwise, it makes everyone feel alone and unseen.

There are several ways to reach out while still needing to social distance and wear a mask.

You can still say hello, call or text someone, and yes, even smile at those around you. Often, someone’s smile reaches all the way up to their eyes. Smiles are contagious, even if they are hidden.

We’re all facing uncertainty, so look out for ways to help ease the burdens of others. For example, you can still hold doors for people or stop and answer their questions.

Even with a mask, you can still say thank you or write someone an encouraging note. You can even do random acts of kindness, like paying for someone’s coffee or giving an extra large tip.

Thankfully, I don’t foresee most of us wearing masks forever. A little discomfort now will pay off in saved lives. Then, we can keep moving forward!


God, thanks for protecting us and providing for us. Help us have awareness to the needs around us. May we bless others with Your kindness and love. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Are you wearing homemade masks in public? Did you buy them or make them? How is your quarantine season going?

Task: Be on the lookout for ways to help someone else today!


On Compromise

Hello! How are you holding up this week?!

So far, Lydia and I are doing well. We had a peaceful holiday weekend and then hit the ground running on Monday. Suddenly, I had about fourteen emails, calls, texts, and social media requests to attend to (after work, homework, an online meeting, a hangry meltdown, dinner, and an impromptu phone call).

Every day can be so different. A global pandemic doesn’t help! Whether you are staying home every day, or are able to still go to work, we each have complex circumstances.

Let’s extend each other an extra measure of grace.

In many ways, I have had to let go of what other people think and attend to what’s in front of me. Some things are more relaxed, but as always, I still have a lot to do. So do you! 🙂

Of course, anything worth having or doing takes intention. I look forward to warmer weather and hopefully, the ability to reconnect with people in person. Until then, I have been keeping in touch via texts, calls, and video chats. I’m grateful for technology!

And, I know it is important to pick my battles. Crisis or not.

One key to coping well is learning to adapt. For example, I’ve had to change my route to work about four times in the last six weeks. I have reframed my (now longer) morning drive, and I am choosing to view it as taking the scenic route.

Another key to successful coping is compromise. That may include setting aside certain projects or tasks in order to focus on your family’s needs. Compromise may mean preserving your sanity by taking a break from social media or even the news. It may include setting boundaries in relationships or taking time to regroup. Or, maybe it’s serving others and going all in. There is give and take, and that looks different for each of us.

One important note, however: We cannot compromise regarding what God is calling us to do. We cannot compromise our values or integrity. We cannot compromise faith or obedience. We cannot give up holy ground.

I am NOT talking about our rights as citizens or church-goers. We absolutely need to follow the law and health recommendations. This is not the time to push an agenda.

During this time, we all should lay down our own goals, plans, and desires for the good of all. Stay home. Wash your hands. Wear a mask. Keep social distance. Yes.

What I am talking about how it is easy to let important matters slide under stress. It is easy to give up or make excuses when times get rough. I have heard of many people making decisions lately, without thinking about the long-term consequences.

People have been cutting their bangs, taking money from retirement accounts, turning to bad habits, and accepting less than they deserve. The long-term impacts could be financial, relational, or yet unseen.

I don’t know all these people personally, or the various factors and circumstances they are facing. I am merely using these points as examples. But I do know that God understands each person’s situation. He cares deeply and is ready to help!

Sure, desperate times call for desperate measures. Maybe you are totally confident cutting your bangs. Or, maybe you have a specific plan for using your retirement money. Awesome!

But, let’s not forget Who is fighting for us. We do not HAVE to be afraid or make fear-based choices. Trust Jesus!

We are not left on our own to fend for ourselves. God is on our side. He is for us and promises to provide for us! When we bring him our weaknesses, He will give us His strength.

In times of distress or despair, pause and consider what is at stake. We cannot afford to just get by! Instead, we need to stand firm and seek God’s input.

We can’t see the future, yet He knows the end from the beginning. He’s already there!

We can trust God fully. Crisis or not, He never compromises. He does lead us with mercy and grace. And if we let Him, He will get us where we need to be. No doubt.


Father God, thanks for Your peace and provision. Thanks that we don’t have to live in fear. You are so good to us. Help us trust You with our decisions, our finances, our health, and our relationships. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Do you find it easy or challenging to trust God? Is there one area that is more difficult than another?

Tasks: Bring all your concerns to Jesus. Before making a big decision, check-in with Him first. He may give you the green light to go ahead, or He may surprise you with a different (better) answer. He loves to bless us!

Finding Grace #214

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?

This was a good week. It was pretty low-key, though that’s not necessarily bad. I think it’s a good sign that things are stable! While we don’t know the future, God does. He is in control, and He will help us handle anything that comes our way.

Our week consisted of normal activities like work, daycare, (and now) online school. We also managed to play frisbee outside and chat with some friends who stopped by to visit. Lydia also had fun Facetiming with a friend from church.

This week, we celebrated Holy Week, by using the Easter Story Egg and dying eggs. Tonight, I will hide Easter eggs for tomorrow. Tomorrow, I will attempt to make cinnamon rolls, so we can enjoy them while watching church online, too!

Happy Easter! We are eternally grateful for Jesus’ sacrifice!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

Giving God Credit

During times of uncertainty and stress, it is easy to doubt and question God.

How could God let this happen? Does He still love me? Where is He in all of this?

For many people, spiritual doubts and discouragement can cause them to turn away from God. They feel guilty for testing their assumptions, as in, if they had more faith, they would not be doubting. Or, perhaps people on the fence feel they are better off doing life without God. Maybe their doubts make them feel He let them down.

But tests are meant to get us to the next level, not stop us from growing.

I have learned doubt is okay (and healthy) as long as we keep bringing our questions to the Lord. Don’t give up or walk away! He is not put off by our uncertainty.

God desires fellowship with us and wants us to come with all of our questions. In fact, when we ask the Lord to walk with us and show us His truth, we actually grow in faith!

God has firmly promised never to leave us nor forsake us, but fear likes to mess with our faith. However, we can take an active stance against fear by choosing faith. It’s not always easy, but one thing I have found helpful is to give God credit for what He is doing.

When we intentionally give God credit for all He is doing for us and through us, our perspective changes and life starts to look a little more joy-filled and peaceful.

One way to give God credit is to be grateful. Instead of complaining about our lives or what is unfair, we can make the daily choice to move forward with grace and love. Instead of holding onto resentment when things don’t go our way, we can thank God for how He is moving on our behalf. 

We can thank Him for being with us, and we can thank Him that our circumstances are not worse than they are. Yes, on many levels I understand how desperate times can be! But, even so, when we look back, we can see God’s grace bearing the brunt of our suffering and holding back the full effect of the evil thrown against us.

When we call out the goodness in our lives, we see how gracious God is!

Galatians 5:22-23 says, “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.”

So anytime we see these qualities in ourselves or others, we can acknowledge God is in our midst. We can give Him credit for all the love, joy, and peace around us. We can praise Him for any acts of patience, kindness, and goodness we see. We can let Him flow through us by being faithful and gentle, and using self-control.

If we don’t see these qualities directly, we can ask the Holy Spirit to develop them within us and open our eyes to see what He is doing. Soon, we “see” God all around us and feel His presence and love! Our faith in Him and His ability grows!

Most recently, I have noticed Lydia’s resiliency through her incredible belly laugh. She has a great sense of humor, but lately, I have seen joy move all throughout her body. She throws her head back in laughter and then it cascades all the way down to her toes.

The extra time together has brought us closer through games, cooking, and other activities. It’s also evidence that she is growing up. But, if we weren’t in this quarantine situation, I may have totally missed these little signs and moments.

It is fun to see what Lydia finds funny. Jokes, puns, games, cute animals, you name it. And when she finds something joyful or good, it prompts me to see it, too!

We talk about being thankful for the beauty of Nature, good food, our home, technology, friends, and family. We praise God every day for keeping us safe and healthy.

I am also thankful for my job and daycare. God is Jehovah Jireh, and His provision is undeniable. If it is difficult to see His provision in your life, ask Him to show you how He is taking care of you. Then, expect good things!

Ironically, you don’t have to agree with someone or something in order to find goodness or celebrate it. Lately, it’s hard not to find amazing stories of compassion and generosity! Everywhere I look there is good news of people helping each other despite their own hardships and pain.

Even people who don’t know God directly still recognize godly qualities and values. The fact that they do good things shows me He is reaching out to them. God is the source of all love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, and goodness. So, even if they don’t realize it, He is present and working in their lives. His utmost desire is to have ALL people turn to Him.

What a gracious God!

Every day, His goodness and mercy chase us down to bless us. Let’s call out GOOD when we see it. Let’s point people to Jesus by giving Him all the credit. All glory to Him!


Heavenly Father, thanks for Your goodness and mercy. Open our eyes to the work You are doing in and us and around us. Help us see Your grace and walk in it. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Where do you see God’s goodness in your life? How can you walk in His grace and bless others today?

Tasks: Listen to the song, “Good to Me,” by Rhett Walker. Make a list of all the ways God has been good to you, both in the past and presently!

Finding Grace #213

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?

This week went well, and I sensed God’s grace all around me. I have continually praised Him for my stable job and for Lydia’s daycare. So many people are facing financial uncertainty (due to layoffs and/or daycare issues, etc.). I am not immune to this, but I can see how God led me to this position and daycare over seven months ago. I could never have foreseen this global pandemic, but I am grateful He had me covered.

On Wednesday, Lydia started online schooling through her school district. So far, it has been pretty manageable. She could do some of it at daycare, but we have just been doing after we get home in the afternoon.

We had beautiful weather early in the week! Lydia and I took some walks in our neighborhood after work and daycare. It felt great to get fresh air and enjoy the spring sun! It was also fun to see much of the snow gone!

Then, on Thursday, we had a spring blizzard! It was a little weird since we haven’t had snow in several weeks. Nonetheless, it was quite pretty and I’m grateful we could stay home for the rest of the weekend. (I don’t work on Fridays.)

I was able to call or video chat with several people again this week. Last night, one of my dearest friends and I video chatted for over two hours. It was so much fun. I casually rode over 26 miles (yes, a marathon!) on my exercise bike during some of our chat!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

Strong, Resilient, and Capable

Happy April Fools Day!! Can you believe it’s April already?

This day can be fun for many people, as they play hilarious pranks on their friends.

But maybe today feels like a cruel joke. Social distancing has a way of making us feel isolated and alone. I’m sure we’ve all had moments of doubt and questioning lately.

What is going to happen? What if someone I love gets sick? Will we be okay? 

Much of what we are collectively feeling is grief. Lydia and I talk about grief often, so we are fairly familiar with the concept of loss. It’s not a far stretch for us… But, that doesn’t mean it is easy or comfortable.

Perhaps you have feelings of loss or missing out. Not to mention sadness, uncertainty, and possible despair. Grief is not just about death. It’s about learning to make adjustments. 

This sense of grief is totally normal, but now is the perfect time to make lemonade.

Earlier this week, I read some words of encouragement from someone at work. These words stood out to me: IMPROVISE. ADAPT. OVERCOME.

We have a choice to make: We can try to make it on our own, or we can ask God to help.

The truth is, only Jesus can give us the fortitude to make the best of the situation. Only He can bring something good from overwhelming evil and pain. He alone is the source of all wisdom. His Name is Power!

Only He can teach us how to improvise, adapt, and overcome.

If you are alive today, you come from a long line of survivors. Our ancestors had their own share of problems. Most recently, they dealt with the Spanish Flu, the Great Depression, and two World Wars. Sure, maybe they were afraid, but they pushed through, made sacrifices, and did what was needed. And so, here we are.

Strong. Resilient. Capable.

Overall, Lydia and I are adjusting well. I am still working and sending Lydia to daycare. We are saving some time each day by not running errands or driving to activities, but we are still involved remotely. Oddly enough, we really haven’t had much downtime!

Lydia starts online school today. There will be some challenges, but I know she will do well. I’m grateful for her teacher, our school district, and all those working behind the scenes!

I feel our personal grief experiences have served us well over the years. Here are a few takeaways I have learned that may help you.

First, lean on the Lord as if your life depends on it. Give yourself credit for what is going well. Celebrate wins, no matter what size. And, finally, this will not last forever.

Be strong. Be courageous. Remember God is with you and for you!

Grief looks different for everyone. Sure, there may be similarities or patterns, but each of us copes in unique ways. There is no right way to get through something painful.

Yet, as long as we don’t give up, we will get through it together! Let’s cheer each other on! God’s got this. With Him, nothing is impossible! 


Father God, thanks for being our refuge and hiding place. Thanks for giving us Your strength! Please protect us and help us trust You more. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: How has social distancing affected you? Has it been difficult or are you glad for the ‘break’? How can you encourage your family, friends, neighbors, and community?

Task: Fear is a normal reaction, but we don’t have to let it run our lives. When you feel afraid, challenge those thoughts and feelings with God’s Word!


Finding Grace #212

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?

This week felt smoother than last week! This week, I received some solid answers about Lydia’s child care, in that they will continue offering services. I am really thankful for their efforts to provide continuity of care. I am also grateful for God’s provision while I work.

The week started off with gray skies but turned out sunny and bright. With Jesus, we are never without HOPE!! Lydia and I saw several birds this week, including a robin, a sparrow, and several geese. Thank You, Lord!

On Thursday night, I was also able to video chat with some ladies in my small group from church. It was fun to see parts of everyone’s houses and hear how they are coping. I’m grateful we can support each other through prayer and encouragement.

One afternoon, Lydia and I saw our neighbors outside enjoying the relatively warm weather. It has been a while since we connected, so we took the opportunity to catch up with them (from ~6 feet away!). It was fun and felt at least a little more like normal!

Because we canceled plans to visit family in Illinois, we switched gears and decided to meet virtually. Last night, we met with everyone online via Zoom! Although we were in four states and two timezones, we had a fun time laughing and visiting for ~two hours!

This week, Lydia was able to do some practice school work online. Her actual coursework will resume online next week. It will be an adjustment, perhaps, but I am glad for this option. Really, it adds another layer of resiliency for our school district! We will get through this together, and I bet many of the kids will remember this as a positive time!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

The Sun Will Come Out

I hope you are doing well during this time of social distancing!

Not too long ago, Lydia wanted to watch the movie, Annie. We haven’t gotten around to it just yet, but it is a classic. Then, yesterday, I woke up to foggy, gray skies, and the song, “Tomorrow,” came to mind and filled me with hope.

When I’m stuck a with day
That’s gray, and lonely,
I just stick out my chin
And Grin, and say,

The sun’ll come out
So ya gotta hang on
‘Til tomorrow
Come what may
Tomorrow, tomorrow
I love ya tomorrow
You’re always a day away

Our present trials (however drastic) are temporary. Although it can feel inconvenient and scary at times, there are many positive things about this quarantine situation.

In fact, a friend of mine likened it to a Sabbath opportunity. Instead of “we have to” we can say “we get to” stay home and enjoy time with family. This forced rest period can be a blessing if we choose to see it that way.

We can grow through adversity, and this situation is still better than most. For example, we are being asked to stay in the comforts of our own homes. Netflix and chill.

Sure, we’ll miss out on our plans, and need to make some sacrifices and adjustments. Yes, it may feel extreme and uncomfortable, but we can do this. After all, this is not war.

Working with Veterans, I see the after-effects of war every week. Quarantine is far better. I’m thankful we can do our part with relative ease.

My grandparents were all part of the Greatest Generation. My grandfathers fought in World War II, and my English grandmother was a war bride. Growing up in Co. Durham, in Northern England, she always said it was a ‘good day’ if they didn’t get bombed. There was the constant threat. Not to mention rations and soldiers going off to war.


Of course, no one knows how long this need for social distancing and quarantine will last. It is hard to see how much difference is made by staying home. In fact, if the coronavirus is contained, it will feel like nothing is happening.

At times, doing the right thing is somewhat boring. But, if “nothing happens,” that’s good! In these uncertain times, a little common sense and a cheerful heart go a long way.

What good can we find in all of this? I have seen resilience and unity and kindness. Hearts in windows, strangers smiling and helping each other. Kids staying calm.

Of course, we are not left on our own. God is right here with us, enabling us to handle these unusual circumstances with grace. We can count on Him!

Stand firm. Stay strong. Don’t give up!

Lydia and I heard the first of many songbirds chirping this week. We have also seen some geese and a spider. I even saw some green grass peeking out from under the snow. 🙂 If we were rushing around like usual, we would have missed these sure signs of spring.

Yes, despite some challenges ahead, we have so much to be thankful for.

We don’t have to be afraid. God is still on His throne. The sun will come out again. After all, God always brings the spring. And, He brings the summer too!

Indeed, we can look forward to greater things. The best is yet to come!


Heavenly Father, thanks for taking such good care of us. Please give us wisdom, direction, and peace during this time. Help us rely on Your grace and extend it to others. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Are you coping well or do you find social distancing more challenging than expected? How can you make it easier on yourself and others?

Tasks: Social distancing does not mean emotional distance or the end of relationships. Use this time to connect with others via online platforms and video chats! Reach out to your neighbors; perhaps you can help them in creative ways!