Get A Grip!!

Last week, my coworkers and I received training on a device that measures grip strength. The tool is called a dynamometer (say that three times fast!). There are other types that measure torque for engines, but, in healthcare, they are much more simple.

Dietitians use dynamometers to measure changes in grip strength over the course of time. We had fun figuring out the devices and practicing our skills on each other.

Through assessing grip strength, we can see changes in overall functional status and assess a patient’s risk for malnutrition. If you have lost a lot of strength in your hands, you have most likely lost strength elsewhere. Not to mention balance and coordination of major muscle groups. Think… stairs and fall risks.

Plus, if you are having difficulty opening jars and cans, or spreading peanut butter, or carrying heavy pots and pans, you may not be getting much variety in your diet. So, this could lead to other nutrition concerns, as well. Needless to say, building and keeping our strength is important!

While we were learning, the phrase “get a grip” came to mind. This translated to thoughts about how it might pertain to both God and life!

“Get a grip!” is often said in regards to someone losing it. In this context, it is most likely said in reference to a mental or emotional battle. However, that’s not really a fair assessment, as our individual struggles can’t really be measured from the outside.

We each face life with different coping skills, too. If two people are facing the same challenge, one person may fly through it and the other person may crawl. Especially during the holidays, in pandemics, and in times of grief.

Fear, anxiety, or worry all can build up and make us lose our focus. Or, we can feel out of control when we let obstacles overwhelm us. If this cycle continues, it can keep us from making progress in life.

Thankfully, our weaknesses are no match for God’s strength!

The Bible is full of verses about the strength of God’s hand. He is quite formidable toward those who are against Him. But even amid conflict and trials, He never stops thinking about and protecting His loved ones.

Psalm 138:7 (NIV), says, “Though I walk in the midst of trouble, you preserve my life. You stretch out your hand against the anger of my foes; with your right hand you save me.”

When God gets a grip, He never lets go! From my limited human point of view, I imagine this looking like a REALLY BIG bear hug.

To anyone who messes with us: “Don’t you dare mess with her!! Get out of here!! She’s mine!!”

And to those He loves: “Come here, dear child. Rest easy. I’ve got you right here, protected. You are mine.”

Whatever you are dealing with today, or this season, or this year, you don’t have to handle it on your own. Give it to God. He will sort through the mess and give you rest and peace. He will hold you close and give you His strength.


God, thanks for taking such good care of us! You go before us and fight our battles. Please give us wisdom and courage as we rest in your grace and peace. Surround us with Your love. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Have you ever used a dynamometer? For engines or hand grip?! What comes to mind when you hear “get a grip?” How can you bring your worries to God today?

Tasks: Remember the impact our words can have on others. “Get a grip” comes in many other flavors, such as “get over it” and “move on already.” Be gentle and gracious.

Paper Chains and Peace

You’ve probably heard the saying, “If you don’t like the weather, wait five minutes and it will change.” Just about everything cycles back around, including emotions, birthdays, and holidays. There are seasons of much and seasons of little.

There are days we can’t get enough of something, and there are days we get tired of the very same thing! Excitement gets balanced by apathy, as the newness wears and off, and becomes, well, old. But, like most things, soon we start the cycle again.

As we start December, I am grateful. I’m praising God that when everything else changes, He remains the same. Jesus is our one constant in amid chaos and change.

Whether I am having an awesome day or a less-than-stellar day, He is there. When I feel on top of my to-do list, or when I can’t even find my to-do list, Jesus is my guide.

As we head into the Christmas season, remember you don’t have to have it all together. Grief can be particularly difficult during the holidays. It’s okay not to be okay. Especially this year!

But, when darkness presses in, cling to Jesus, the Light of the World. 

Also, don’t be afraid to switch it up. Certain traditions can take a break if needed. If that happens, perhaps even some new memories will be made!

Maybe, like me, you are keeping the decorations simple. Going through a pile of memories and ornaments isn’t always helpful, so this year, we opted for a red, white, and green paper chain while watching Home Alone. We may still add a few ornaments, when we get the time, but I am giving myself the grace to just see what happens. No pressure.

For anyone struggling this season, it’s okay to feel how you feel. Just remember to take it to Jesus. He loves you more than you can understand, and He knows exactly what you need. That’s why He came… to save us and help us. He is our Living Hope!

I’m grateful that Christmas is not about the decorations, gifts, or even the wonderful Christmas music. It’s about God seeing our pain and suffering and sadness, and then doing what only He could do to bring peace, healing, comfort and joy… for good.

Christmas is all about Jesus; some people will understand that this year more than ever. There are many beautiful aspects of the season, but let’s keep it simple and focus on Jesus. Just like the song, O Holy Night, says, “fall on your knees” and worship Him!

Only He can make all things right in due time.


God, thank you for Jesus and all He is to us! Thank you that He came to save us, something we could never do on our own. Lord, You are so good. Help us glorify you in all things. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Have you already started decorating for Christmas? Are you planning to keep all your special traditions this year… or switch it up?

Tasks: I challenge you to rethink your traditions and why you do them. Do they honor God and family, or are they really just a distraction? Pick your best options and consider letting go of the rest (at least for this year).

Special Days Are Still Difficult

As I previously mentioned, Lydia’s 9th birthday was last weekend! We had a fun day together, as you might expect. But, as the evening wore on and bedtime grew close, Lydia started feeling sad.

Perhaps she was already feeling sad, but she didn’t say anything earlier in the day. We were watching “Jingle Jangle” on Netflix, and I thought everything was going well. But toward the end of the show, Lydia started softly crying.

She said the show was sad, although I hadn’t noticed anything overly sad about it. It could have been the fact that it was growing late, or maybe it was just coming down after a high point (celebrating her birthday). Either way, I still needed to help her understand and deal with her emotions.

I silently prayed for help and asked Lydia to share what was on her mind. She couldn’t quite express her thoughts, so I asked a few questions to get her talking. She missed her dad, my late husband, Dave.

Soon, I remembered I had some of Dave’s clothes, saved for this very reason. Around seven years ago, I had packaged up a medium-sized box of his favorite shirts and a pair of jeans, so Lydia could one day understand more about how tall he was and his interests.

I asked Lydia if she wanted to see the clothes, and naturally, she said yes. Going through the box was bittersweet… and, I had to explain what that word means. Each piece of clothing brought back specific memories with Dave or reminded me who he was.

To me, the saddest part of all is that Lydia doesn’t have memories of Dave. She just has his clothes, his pictures, and other people’s memories. Nonetheless, I validated Lydia’s emotions and acknowledged that it was normal to feel sad, angry, or even a sense of unfairness. As she grows, so does her grief.

I offered to wash her Daddy’s clothes so she could hold them close. Just about every week, she wears her Caterpillar sweatshirt and a couple of t-shirts honoring Dave. She quickly asked if she could wear them around the house or to sleep in some of them. Sure!

I started a load of laundry, never thinking I would wash those items again… Then, I coached Lydia how to handle those difficult emotions.

I explained that some people want to run away from their emotions or numb the pain in various ways. But that doesn’t really take care of the problem, it just prolongs it.

I encouraged Lydia to do the following. We can:

  1. Draw near to God, asking Him to help us through the pain. We can tell Jesus all about it. He understands and knows exactly what we need.
  2. Share our pain with someone trustworthy. Our feelings are not the only thing, but they still are valid. Not everyone will understand, but find someone who will let you cry it out, if needed, and who won’t just tell you to get over it.
  3. Sit with the pain, as long as needed. Just let it be. Try to get to the root of the problem to understand how to deal with it appropriately.
  4. Then, find someone else you can help with the lessons you learned. Be gentle and don’t assume that everyone wants to be helped. Trust God to use your pain to bring comfort and peace where it is needed most.

Lydia and I sat on the couch for quite awhile, maybe an hour. My legs were falling asleep, as she was snuggled on my lap. It was well past bedtime when I finally turned out her light. Parents want to shield their children from pain, but there are still some situations where that’s not possible.

The next day, I gave Dave’s clean clothes to Lydia. She embraced them and took them straight to her room. She picked out the largest sweatshirt she could find and wore it the rest of the day. She even slept in it and said she had the best sleep ever. Thank You, Jesus!

Thanksgiving is tomorrow, and that will look dramatically different for many of us. For me and Lydia, it’s par for the course. We’ve had seven years to adjust, but then again, we’ve been adjusting for seven years! Special days are still difficult at times.

This year, people around the world are missing their loved ones who either passed from COVID or who are socially distancing to protect themselves or others. I’m so sorry.

In the struggle, remember it’s normal to feel how you feel. Let it out and deal with it in healthy ways. Pray, journal, call your loved ones, take a nap, go for a walk, etc.

Also please remember you are loved. You are not alone. We are in this together, and God is here with us. Despite all we have lost, we still have so much to be thankful for.


God, thanks for always being there for us, in the good times and bad. Thank you we can draw near to You at any time of day, no matter how we are feeling. Please be with each of us, and wrap us in Your love and grace. Help us keep our eyes on You, not our circumstances. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Are you altering your plans this holiday season? What is your favorite tradition, and can you put a new spin on it? What are you most thankful for this year?

Tasks: Make a gratitude list, or write down what is going well. Be on the lookout for ways you can encourage others. You might be surprised how God uses your pain to help someone else!

Finding Grace #245

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?

This week was went by quickly, yet it was full of God’s goodness. We had cooler weather this week, but that’s not unusual for November!

The VA was busy as usual, but I am thankful for the work we are doing. Lydia and I both were off for Veterans day on Wednesday, so we enjoyed a relaxing day at home. I met with my students virtually and graded papers, while she played games and cleaned her room.

COVID cases continue to rise all around us, so we continue to pray for those affected and play it safe. Of course, we are wearing masks, washing our hands, and social distancing. We have shopped online, minimized our social calendar, and met people online when possible. For instance, this week, Lydia’s teacher and I met virtually for a routine conference, and I am grateful Lydia is doing well.

Tonight, I am meeting a friend on Zoom to catch up. And, Lydia is having a friend sleepover for her birthday (which is next week). We see this little girl often, though of course, there are no guarantees. We are doing our best to live in this strange time!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!


NOTE: I started this post before the election, so I could watch the results roll in on election night… and, I wanted to minimize my own biases.

While this is not political blog, I do value the right to vote. I appreciate all the women who fought for me to choose our government leaders. I don’t take that lightly.

However, regardless of the outcome, the final results are only one part to consider. The results carry a whole lot of impact, but they are not the end-all-be-all.

That’s because our eyes are on Jesus. He is not swayed by American politics, or any others, for that matter. He is not impressed by catchy campaign slogans or snappy comebacks. He does not rely on our (sometimes misguided) choices to inform His will.

He is above it all, and He reigns SUPREME.

It seems every four years, or perhaps every two years (midterms), people get all worked up. They get mad, and many make fools of themselves. What happened to civil discourse and agreeing to disagree, while still being friends?

Then, we readjust and life goes on. Of course, that may change from one decade or generation to another… but for better or worse, true change takes time.

It still comes down to individuals doing what is right and good, not strict government mandates. This requires each of us to stand in the gap and look out for each other.

You know, be kind to each other and consider others before ourselves…

If you are overly anxious about the election results thus far, perhaps it’s time to take a break. Yes, we can pray and vote our conscience, but we only have one vote. 

Don’t carry a burden that’s not meant for you. Do what you can, but then, let God be God.

Like many people, I look forward to watching the results. It’s easy to be on edge as things progress, especially if there are surprises! But, no matter how you voted, it’s a new day.

If our country is going to experience healing and move forward, we have to put our differences behind us. Let go of any bitterness or animosity.

Each of our choices matter, but we don’t have to wait another four years to get involved. Be the change. Join a campaign. Volunteer at a local shelter or run a food drive. 

At the end of the day, we are all works in progress. So, let’s give God credit and know He has a plan for us and America. He is always faithful and will not forget about us.

In God we trust!

What happens in the next four years is not a surprise to God. And, we don’t have to have all the answers to walk by faith. God is still on His throne, and He is always good!


God, we praise You! You are not surprised nor swayed by politics, yet You place leaders in charge. Then, You guide those who are willing. Lord, we need revival! Turn the heart of our nation to You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Question: Do you enjoy watching the election night results come in?

Tasks: Regardless of who wins the election, keep the bigger picture in mind. Be kind, pray, and get involved. Check out these Bible verses: Isaiah 9:6; Romans 13:1.

A Simple Hello

One thing I appreciate about my job is that people say hello to each other in the hallways. Not everyone does this, but most people I see do reciprocate.

It makes me feel welcome and like I am part of the team. It helps promote a culture of respect, but it’s also good for employee morale and customer service.

Yesterday, I had an interesting thing happen. Someone I have been greeting over the last year finally greeted me back for the first time! It helps that I wasn’t focused on my phone.

I said ‘good morning’ to a lady and was so pleased when she said good morning to me! Now, that may not seem like a big deal, but to me it was.

You see, I always notice people from other cultures and backgrounds. It may be the style of dress or accent, but I love learning about other cultures.

I always put myself in their shoes (as much as I can) and consider ways to include them so they don’t feel like an outsider. 

I do not know why this lady never responded before now… Perhaps it is simply her personality. Perhaps she is shy or quiet by nature, but I felt it was a breakthrough.

To me, it seemed she is more comfortable and willing to open up a bit. She may not want to be close friends, and that’s certainly okay. I just hope she feels like she belongs.

Of course, someone doesn’t have to be from another culture in order to honor them. Truthfully, there are plenty of people who feel like outsiders.

We don’t have to automatically agree with others, or buy into whatever makes them different, but we should prioritize being kind and friendly.

Often, we don’t know what someone else is going through. In this current season, there are so many variables! Especially when we are wearing masks, it could be enough just to see them and listen. Encourage them to be who they are.

Or, maybe you can spend more time together and by doing so, point them to Jesus. Either way, be open and willing to learn.

Yesterday, when the lady greeted me back, I was so pleased because it showed something so simple can brighten someone’s day. It also showed me the power of being kind.

Additionally, I was reminded that we should keep doing good even we do not see results. Persistence pays off and Jesus is glorified!


God, thanks so much for creating us uniquely. Help us look for the good in others and find common ground. Help us be a blessing to those around us. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Questions: How does the environment where you work affect your performance and job satisfaction? What can you do differently to change your work culture in a positive way?

Task: Try greeting everyone you see today! Look for ways to show God’s grace and goodness to them. It could be a simple smile or hello, or it could be going deeper and getting to know others. Whatever it is, pray for wisdom, put down your phone, and be brave!

The Benefits of Looking Back

I am currently reading a book series by Lynn Austin, called Chronicles of the Kings. For me, reading is a fun way to relax. I love being transported to different locations and time periods. I enjoy learning and dreaming along with the characters.

In this series, the author takes the true Biblical account of King Hezekiah and adds fictional details to flesh out the story. The Bible doesn’t tell us each and every detail, so we are left to fill in the gaps. We have to be careful, yes, not to add too much or misinterpret the words… but I think this series was well written, overall.

Historical fiction is one of my favorite genres, because I learn about history in an exciting way, as if I was there. I generally remember more of the details, facts, and life lessons. In terms of Biblical fiction, it helps to consider what happened beyond the text.

(The author uses other traditional Jewish resources to make some assumptions, but provides most relevant Scripture references, too.)

Right now, I am in the third book, The Strength of His Hand, and this is where King Hezekiah gets very sick. The Bible doesn’t explain what the sickness was, though other sources say it was related to a boil or inflammation of some sort.

The author writes her theory into the story, of course. I won’t ruin it for you, but I thought it was compelling.Either way, the King is close to death and indeed, Isaiah hears from Yahweh that he will die.

Isaiah goes to tell this to Hezekiah and then mournfully leaves (Isaiah 38). Then, Hezekiah prays to God and weeps. Soon, Isaiah returns with good news. Hezekiah will live.

Hezekiah asks for a sign, and per the Bible, the shadow moved back ten steps. He does recover within three days, just like Isaiah prophesied. He lives another fifteen years.

In the book, when King Hezekiah was sick, I was also thinking of what I already knew about the story. I had forgotten about Isaiah’s prophecy, but I did recall Hezekiah lived.

 I didn’t know how the author was going to reconcile the Biblical account with her fictional narrative, but I knew it would all work out somehow. You see, I had the advantage of seeing King Hezekiah’s story through the lens of Scripture, after the fact.

God’s Word, the Bible, is living and active. Its power is unchanging and its lessons are just as applicable today as they were thousands of years ago.

At the same time, each of us can trust God with today’s challenges, because we know He came through for us yesterday, last week, and last year… There are benefits when we look back and see God’s faithfulness. His love never fails!

When we trust God to write our story, we most certainly will face many unknowns and fearful moments. This is a normal part of life on Earth, but thankfully, we see all throughout the Bible that God shines most when we seek Him in our difficult circumstances!

All our present trials might become more bearable if we could envision what our future self will think, or how others will one day praise God for how He came through for us. There is purpose in our pain, and God will use that for His glory and our good. Trust Him!

Remember He is with you and for you; the best is yet to come!


God, thanks for letting us see You at work in Scripture. Help us have faith today. Help us trust that You will come through for us. You always do! Show us the benefits of looking back, but don’t let us get stuck in the past. You are are hope for today and tomorrow, too. Thank You! In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: When you look back through Scripture, or even your own life, do you see how He came through for you in the past? What does that mean for you today?

Tasks: Make a list of all the ‘evidence’ of God’s faithfulness. List your most trying times and write down how God helped you through them. Then, fan the flames of faith and trust God today.

Finding Grace #239

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?

This week was full, but really good! A friend came over on Sunday, and then we had our family Zoom time. My little nephew gets cuter by the day!

On Tuesday, Lydia and I took advantage of an opportunity for free mulch down the block from us. We took five loads/roundtrips with a shovel, loaded wheelbarrow, two 5-gallon buckets, and another small bucket, but we got all our steps in and then some!

Work was a little slower paced and more manageable this week. It seemed quieter with less activities, and I appreciated the chance to catch up! That said, I am grateful for the work God has given me to do! 

Yesterday, I fixed my coffee maker and saved a fair amount of money (by not replacing it). It had recently started leaking water underneath, which was odd. So, I went shopping for a new one, but they didn’t have it in store. Then, I researched similar models, but finally decided to try fixing mine, and as a backup, order one next week. Thankfully, I found a couple videos online. One person had taken their machine completely apart, while another used a dremel. I tried the first way, but it was very tricky. So, I borrowed a dremel from my neighbors and reattached the hose (in back). Success!

Then, in the evening, Lydia and I made some chocolate chip cookies, watched a show, and called my parents (to tell them a couple jokes). We enjoyed the quality time together!

Today, I graded some assignments, worked on a couple projects, cleaned the house, replaced a faulty light switch in the bathroom, and ran some errands with Lydia. She especially enjoyed walking around the arts and crafts store!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

Finding Grace #238

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?

This week was a little smoother than last! It was still somewhat stressful, but I’m grateful a friend stopped to pray for me. I tried to get more sleep, too.

Lydia had a fun week. She continues to enjoy school and daycare. Also, on Wednesday night, a friend offered to take Lydia to church with her family, so I could have a little extra time at home. I picked her up afterward, but it was very helpful!

Work continues to be busy, but I am enjoying what I do. It was fun to grade some assignments this week, though it can be difficult at times to assess someone else’s learning! Nonetheless, I feel privileged to work both with Veterans and college students.

Yesterday evening, I mowed the lawn, hopefully for the last time this season. I had to run and get gas beforehand, so it was a last minute choice. I mowed as fast as I could and finished just before it got too dark. The street lights came on, so that really helped! 😉

This weekend, I have some more assignments to grade and prepare. I have a couple of projects to continue working on, too. I’m trying to find a good balance!

Tonight, some friends are coming over. It will be the first time we have been together since March! I am looking forward to catching up!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

Finding Grace #237

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?

This week was good, but I didn’t get enough sleep! I stayed up late several nights for various reasons, only to get up early to go to work and daycare. I had some technical difficulties that took until Wednesday to resolve. Thankfully, there were no serious problems, just a lot of back and forth and playing phone tag with IT support.

Lydia had a lot of fun at daycare and school this week. She worked on several really cool artsy projects at daycare and home. At school, she enjoyed seeing her friends and bringing homework to do on her days off. A win-win, perhaps?!

Work went well for me this week all around, but there is just so much going on! Thankfully, the activities I get to do are all worthwhile. It makes a huge difference when you enjoy the tasks overall and see the purpose behind the work. I had some fun, engaging conversations with both Veterans and students! Thank You, Jesus!

This week’s weather was gorgeous. I enjoyed driving all over town to work, school, daycare, and a few stores while running errands. I love seeing all the stunning colors!

Today, I worked on a project and graded some assignments. Tonight some friends were supposed to come over, but we cancelled when some of their family members weren’t feeling well. It’s better to be wise and safe. Instead of visiting with friends, I am continuing my projects and enjoying some time with Lydia!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!