Finding Grace #356

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Free photos of Winter

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?!

This was a unique, celebratory week! We enjoyed having my sister’s family here, Zooming with the rest of the family on Christmas on Sunday. That was really special. 

I worked on Christmas and was off Monday (the federal holiday observed). Then, I worked half days Tuesday through Friday, partly because our family was here and partly because school was out. It was a slower week, with a few cancellations and no-shows. It was nice because I kept up with my paperwork and cleaned my desk!

Lydia had a bad cough and fever on and off, but she is mostly better now.  Even so, it was good to take it easy in this weird week between holidays. It’s actually my favorite week of the year because it’s relatively low-key with minimal obligations and expectations. I can do what I want, for the most part! 🙂

Today, we have just been relaxing and getting ready for the new year ahead. Tonight, we will celebrate with friends who live around the corner from us. We had fun last year with them, and I am sure it will be a fun evening again! I pray this next year is full of God’s wonder and grace… may we know Him more fully each day!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

Finding Grace #355

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Free photos of Christmas

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?!

This week flew by! We enjoyed seeing our family on Zoom, and it was fun to compare the weather across three time zones and four states.

I worked Monday through Wednesday and took the rest of the week off. We celebrated with a potluck and white elephant gift party. We shared a lot of laughs!

On Tuesday, I went to work late as Lydia and her classmates took part in a ‘wax museum’ presentation. Lydia was Louis Braille, and I also saw several friends and neighbors dressed up as famous people and stayed in character during their speeches. Abraham Lincoln, Alexander Hamilton, Marie Curie, Galileo, Leonardo da Vinci, Louis Armstrong, George Washington Carver, Booker T. Washington, Aretha Franklin, Babe Ruth, Maria Tall Chief, Sitting Bull, and Sally Ride were some of my favorites!

One main ‘event’ of the week was the weather. Or, rather, talking about the weather! In Fargo, it is fairly normal, but online, friends and family across the midwest were posting various viewpoints and grievances. I saw some friends back home discussing North Dakota weather and how tough we are. It was funny, though I didn’t chime in with my two cents!

One exciting surprise is that my sister, brother-in-law, and toddler nephew all arrived a day early! They were planning to come Thursday, but I reached out about the impending weather and they decided to start off Wednesday instead! It has been so fun to have them here for Christmas! We have several activities lined up; we’ve already done some shopping, baking, toddler-chasing, and movie-watching!

Today it is Christmas Eve. We went shopping, celebrated Jesus’ birth at church, had a gourmet Italian meal with authentic Bolognese sauce, and are opening up presents tonight. We are celebrating a little early because I have to work tomorrow morning. I don’t know for sure when I will get off (at least Noon), so I am grateful my family can stay with Lydia! Merry Christmas to you all!!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

Finding Grace #354

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?!

This week was a little unpredictable but good! Mostly it was all related to the weather. We had snow from Tuesday night through today!

The schools were closed and had virtual learning Wednesday and Thursday, and then started two hours late on Friday, so people had time to clear the snow. Of course, this altered my work schedule. I decided to go in for a few hours but also needed to balance everything with Lydia. Thankfully, my boss is understanding – and everyone else was in the same situation! It all turned out well enough!

The snow itself was quite pretty and really was ideal considering how it could have been. I was grateful for a timely reminder from the Lord that I am not alone. My snow service took care of most of the driveway and sidewalks. I just cleared the parts closest to the house.

With the weather, my chiropractor moved up my appointment to Thursday morning instead of the evening. The timing was good since I hadn’t left for work. She mentioned her four-year-old daughter is into Belle from “Beauty & the Beast”. Well, Lydia voluntarily offered her a gently used blanket she hasn’t used in a few years. It has both Belle and the Beast on it, so the little girl will surely enjoy it! We washed it, so it was ready to go. It feels good knowing it is going to a good home!!

On Friday, Lydia and I each had eye doctor appointments. It has been four years since my Lasik surgery and everything looks well! Lydia’s vision has gotten a little worse, so she will need to get new lenses for a new prescription. But, overall things look good!

Today, we celebrated Dave’s 44th birthday, his tenth in Heaven. We love and miss him still. But, we are grateful for how good and faithful God has been to us! We made brownies, played a rousing game of Monopoly, and are now watching Home Alone. It’s been a sweet day remembering Dave.


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

Finding Grace #353

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Free photos of Winter

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?!

This week was fairly calm! I found myself ‘unplugging’ from various things, just to take in the peace and joy of the season. I spent less time on social media, the internet, movies, etc. and more time praying, singing, reading, and working around the house.

Work went well, and I had a good amount of breathing room. There were a couple of cancellations and some no-shows, so I was able to get caught up with other patients and tasks. It felt good not to be constantly behind, and I was able to have some flexibility to help my coworkers with last-minute changes!

We had a couple birthdays to celebrate – my sister’s on Tuesday and my dad’s on Friday. We sent some gifts and were sure to call my sister and dad/mom on their special days One of my brothers also called me, so it was fun to catch up with him. I am so thankful for my family and don’t want to take them for granted. I realize not everyone is close with their families, so I appreciate that we are.

After my internet was fixed last week, the technician recommended I get a wifi-extender. After some lengthy research online, I still couldn’t quite tell what might work with my current setup. So, I bought what I thought was best! Well, it arrived today, and I followed all the directions before something glitched. It would not work no matter what I tried. So, I called my other brother and he helped me get it started. So far, so good!

This morning, we attended a baby shower and also saw some mutual friends! It was fun to celebrate the mother-to-be and see how we are all connected.

The weather was a little warmer this week, which made everything more enjoyable. I was able to run some errands and clean off my driveway. This is good because we are supposed to get more snow next week! LOL


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

Finding Grace #352

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?!

This week was a little bit of a wild card! I didn’t feel great for most of it – just various things, including a cold, gut issues, stubbing my toe (it’s fuschia currently), and of course, my elbow is still bruised (but doing better) from a few weeks ago. I’ll be okay. 🙂

I went to work late on Tuesday due to not feeling well, but also on Thursday due to yet another glitch! On Monday, it was my internet, and on Thursday, it was my furnace! I went downstairs before work and noticed a burnt rubber smell. Thankfully, my neighbor had a reliable contact, and I was able to get a motor replaced right away! They came within the hour, but even then, the inside temperature had dropped five degrees. I’m extra grateful it wasn’t thirty below with a long winter waiting list!

The weather is turning colder, and we got another inch of snow this week. It’s not too bad, and staying inside gave us plenty of time to reorganize the office and a closet downstairs. We also put up our Christmas tree last night! Lydia chose a red theme, and I added a couple strands of lights since there were a few ‘dark’ spots on the prelit tree. We might add a few more ornaments later. It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

Today, we met a friend at a local coffee shop for a book sale. We each brought our self-published books to lay out. It was fun to meet new people and catch up over coffee! Can you believe my book has been out for over a year?!

Tonight, we were invited by some friends for a Christmas dinner at their house. Lydia enjoys playing with their kids, and it will be fun to get to know them better, along with the other guests. It’s always nice to be included!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

Finding Grace #351

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?!

This week was fun and relaxing! My family celebrated Lydia’s birthday over Zoom, and it was great to see her excitement with opening a few gifts and receiving a list of “everything we love about Lydia.” She is so special to us!

On Monday, we celebrated Lydia’s actual birthday. I left work a little early and took her to the mall after school to walk around. We bought a few little items and visited the puppy store, fountain, and a few other favorites. Then, we ordered pizza and picked up some cake and ice cream on the way home! We finished off the night with a movie. Lydia sometimes gets a little emotional missing her dad, Dave, but we ended on a happy note!

Work went well, on the three days I was there! I finally got caught up on my charting now that we are fully staffed again! It felt really good going into the long weekend!

For Thanksgiving, Lydia and I made a delicious meal together. Then, we invited our new African friends over for pumpkin pie. It was their first time experiencing this holiday, and they enjoyed it overall! I just wanted to make sure they felt loved; I have always appreciated people inviting us and looking out for us.

On Friday, I took the day off to hang out with Lydia and just relax! It was wonderful not to have to be anywhere or do anything. I slept in, exercised without feeling rushed, enjoyed leftovers, and set up Lydia’s new tablet (her birthday present from me and some other family – we all pitched in). Perfect!

Today, we did our Saturday things and mostly relaxed, similar to yesterday! I did run a quick errand, cleared out some old emails, and also cleared off the rest of the ice from the driveway and sidewalk, since it was close to 40-degrees!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

Finding Grace #350

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Free photos of Trees

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?!

This was a pretty good week! It was fairly calm and relaxing compared to some weeks. You could say I am cozy and thankful!

Work kept me busy, but most of the dietitians were back in the office, so I didn’t have quite as much on my plate. I was able to move back into my own office, as my friend is back from her maternity leave. It is quieter at my own desk because my office is a little harder for patients to find! LOL

We had more snow this week, but it was very pretty. I cleared snow several nights after work but thankfully did not slip again! My elbow is slowly healing – it is now a mix of purple and tan. It is still painful, so I appreciate your prayers for continued healing!

I rewatched Seasons 1 and 2 of The Chosen during the week, and then Lydia and I watched the first two episodes of Season 3 in the theater today! It was amazing! If you haven’t already checked it out, please download the free app so you can watch it. Season 3 will be on there soon… you don’t want to miss it!

On Friday, I got a small upgrade to my kitchen! I had a new faucet installed, as the old one was rusting out. It didn’t turn anymore and was having water pressure issues. The new one is bigger and works a little differently, but it is really pretty!

Tonight, Lydia is at a friend’s birthday sleepover. I ran a few errands and am catching up around the house… laundry, bills, cooking, etc. I also need to wrap some birthday presents for Lydia (for Monday!), so this is the perfect opportunity while she’s not home!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

Finding Grace #349

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Free photos of Snowfall

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?!

This week, was fun and good, but also a little crazy.

We had a fabulous time on Sunday with our African neighbors. I also called them later in the week to make sure they were prepared for our first snowstorm of the season. I encouraged them to get some groceries ahead of time. After the storm stopped, I called to check in. The kids loved the snow, though they are still getting used to the wind and cold.

My work-week was wild at times! It was a four-day week due to Veterans Day, so we had more to do than usual in a shorter amount of time. We have had a lot of coverage needs lately, but in a couple of weeks, we should be fully staffed again – the first time since July 15th! Nonetheless, I am glad to be doing the work I am called to do!

On Thursday, we had about seven dietitians out, due to the snowstorm, sickness, maternity leave, training, travel, etc. There were four of us left to get everything done! We each earned a ‘golden ticket’ which is a token of appreciation; they can be turned in later for some time off. So that was cool!

On Friday, Lydia and I both were home for Veterans Day. Some friends came over to visit. The mom and I caught up over a cup of coffee, while the girls made resin coasters. It will be fun to see how they turn out!

Today, Lydia was invited to hang out with another friend from school. She was at their house most of the day, so I did a few Saturday chores, cooked some food, and then relaxed.

Of note, I was clearing some snow in my driveway today when I slipped on the ice and fell hard. I hit my head, back, and right elbow. It was a little shocking! I did not pass out, thankfully, but I am fairly sore from my neck to my hips, and my elbow has a distinct greenish-purple bruise. I did put down some salt to help melt the ice, but I appreciate your prayers as I rest and recover!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

Finding Grace #348

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Free photos of River

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?!

This week, we had something going on several days/nights. Thankfully, all the activities were good… Monday and Tuesday were fairly normal besides some errands.

On Wednesday night, we volunteered at church. This time, we helped in the three to five-year-old class. Lydia had fun reading to the kids, coloring, setting up little bowling pins, and playing kitchen with them. The kids were so cute!

On Thursday night, Lydia had Biogirls. I ran a couple of errands and then picked up Lydia and her friends. It is fun to hear them chat in the back seat! Then, Lydia showed me some of the moves she has been learning! I am impressed!

On Friday night, Lydia had another friend’s birthday party at the Fargo Force hockey game. She had fun, and I had a little free time! I hung out at home and enjoyed doing nothing in particular. After, a long week, it was perfect! 🙂

Work was busy but good. I had a good performance evaluation and earned high marks! I also got to collaborate with several people in order to meet my patients’ needs. I enjoy what I get to do!

Today, I took Lydia and some friends to a pottery class at the local art museum downtown. During their class, I met a dear friend for coffee and had a fun time catching up! Then, I took the girls out to lunch. It was fun to see these little ladies at the restaurant, and it was a beautiful day for a little adventure!

Friendly reminder: Don’t forget to set your clocks back one hour tonight! I called my new African neighbors to explain Daylight Savings Time, and they were really grateful as they’ve never experienced this before!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

Finding Grace #347

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Free photos of Deer

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?!

This week was low-key at first but then picked up at the end.

Lydia was still sick on Sunday and stayed home on Monday. We used the day to rest, and I made sure she ate. Thankfully, she felt better (enough) Tuesday, and we went back to work and school! I am grateful for some awesome coworkers who could cover all my duties!

Work was busy as usual, but I did my best as usual. I had some fun patients and some good conversations with professionals in other fields. My dietitian coworkers and I had fun dressing up for an early Halloween party on Friday. We did a group costume where one person made a pool table costume to wear, and almost everyone else was the colored balls! I happened to be the cue stick. We all had a good laugh! 

My friend with the new baby came over for Chinese food and a movie. It is so fun to see how much the baby has grown over the last eight weeks. It reminds me of how Lydia was once so little… she really enjoys holding the baby, too. 

Today, Lydia had a playdate with a friend. They went to a dance class and had fun! I cleaned the bathtub and paid some bills in peace. 😉 Later, we bought some Halloween candy for trick-or-treat and ran a couple of errands. It was a beautiful day to get outside!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!