Finding Grace #328

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?!

This week had some ups and downs, but I certainly saw God’s grace all around me. The picture above shows some more beautiful flowers in the healing garden at work!

My arm is still a little bruised after falling down that small set of stairs almost two week ago! I have a little bump under the skin, and I am praying it continues to heal. It is right where my arm hits the table when I am typing… which probably means I need to improve my form at work and when blogging. 😉 Anyway, it is still a little painful and I appreciate your prayers!

I heard some sad news that an extended family member died early in the week. My uncle had Alzheimer’s disease and was fairly young. It had been a long time since I had seen him as he lived in Ithaca, New York, but I always think of him when I drink my Caribou Coffee at home or eat Thomas brand English muffins (so basically, several times a week!). Nearly twenty years ago, a good friend and I went out to visit his family when we were considering where to go to grad school. As you can imagine, we made many memories on that road trip! We visited Cornell and Uncle John introduced several foodie delights before they became well-known around the country. He was quite funny and will be missed.

Work was busy as usual, but went well. Every day was full of different meetings and patients, but I was able to connect with my coworkers, which always makes it worthwhile. We have some upcoming changes in the near future, such as covering a maternity leave and transition between two other staff positions. It was good to find out more about what temporary changes we will need to make, though we don’t have all the details just yet.

Today, we have been working on some home improvements. Most were little things, like tightening some screws on the deck or reorganizing our little free library. But, we also cleaned and rearranged some more of the garage. I definitely was thinking about how much Dave loved hands-on work as I swept, put things on shelves, put air in my bike tires, and used the shop vac. I started cleaning the workbench but decided to take a break. It’s looking good!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

Finding Grace #322

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Janet'S Foss, Malham, Yorkshire, Waterfall, River

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?!

This was a special week, and I saw a theme of kindness!

Once again, I was playing catch-up all week at work! I tried to catch up on charting in between patients, but I still had some late notes. I also helped out some of my coworkers and had some fun laughs along the way. We celebrated some birthdays, too! I’m grateful for an awesome team!

I saw kindness and joy all around me by way of greetings in the hallways, thank you notes received, and friends helping each other! I also received some really good news this week. A family, who is in my book and the main reason we came to Fargo, had moved away and is moving back! I am happy to see my friends again after four years, but also grateful for them because they knew Dave personally… always a blessing!

I signed and sold some more books this week and also received some payment for those sold elsewhere online. While I wrote the book without the expectation of ‘royalties,’ I appreciate the little bit of money that comes from selling them and encouraging others!

This week, I went to the doctor for my annual physical. We discussed a few of my questions and came up with a plan of care. I am grateful for a doctor who listens, and all the ways God keeps me healthy or leads me to better health and ways to take care of my body. Prevention is key!

Today, a friend brought her puppy over for a visit. The dog did so well and even took a nap! Then, Lydia attended a birthday party for a friend. It was a good, relaxing day!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

On Hearing God’s Voice

Recently, Lydia asked me a really great question: “How do I know if it is my conscience speaking or God?”

Well, it’s not always an easy answer. Generally, most of us won’t hear an audible voice!

But, I told Lydia God can communicate with us in a variety of ways. He can use circumstances, subtle impressions, our pastors, podcasts, billboards, books, songs, strangers, friends, family, enemies … really, just about anything to get our attention.

In the Bible, God even used a talking donkey (Numbers 22)! It’s so funny how Balaam just answered his donkey… like it was a completely normal occurrence!

Radar, Radar Dish, Earth Station, Fuchsstadt, Reception

So, Lydia and I talked about the art of discernment, which basically means deciding between two or more good options (what is good versus what is best). It does take wisdom to see all the different angles. Often, NOT making a decision is the same as deciding against it.

There are several ways to discern between options, and it is important to seek God’s input. We can review what the Bible says on the topic at hand, and we can check our motives. God won’t ask us to go against His Word, and our conscience is from Him.

Of course, we should pray and seek wise counsel. The Holy Spirit is within us to teach us, lead us, and show us the Truth. We can also learn from people with experience beyond ours. These may include a godly family member, a pastor or counselor, or a trustworthy friend. Is there someone who has a history of making good, wise decisions that turn out well?

We can make a pros-and-cons list, too. Sometimes there are good reasons for and against a certain option. But, seeing the ideas on paper helps us decide what the most important factors are. Is there one that is time-sensitive or weighs more heavily than the others? 

Sound, Wave, Audio, Frequency, Spectrum

I love how we can look back to see the trail of God’s faithfulness over time. He may decide to do something completely new, but there may be a pattern we can learn from as we move forward. Trust God to equip you and put you in the right place at the right time!

Of note, it is easier to hear from God if we are in the habit of listening to Him. Let’s tune our spiritual eyes and ears to Him, so we can see Him at work around us and hear His song (Zephaniah 3:17).

God also speaks to those who make the effort to know Him and seek Him out. Then, we are more likely to honor Him as we listen and obey.

Ultimately, PEACE is the final indicator for whether or not to do something. If you don’t have peace, then that’s your answer… don’t do it. Sometimes, there is peace in the presence of fear (that’s courage). Do it afraid!

When the way seems impossible and we want to give up, we have to choose faith over fear. That’s why good decisions often take time. Rushing means our emotions may still be all over the place.

For me, the sense of desperation is usually a red flag. So, it is good to be calm and clear-headed before making a decision. Especially if there is a lot at stake! 

Finally, we have to accept responsibility for our decisions and live with the consequences. Sometimes, there is an obvious win-win and sometimes we just have to make the best decision we can. Consider disconnecting from all the ‘noise’ of music, television, and social media so you can hear God more clearly.

We may not have all the answers or know all the details, but we can always take the first step, trusting God will redirect us and make our path clear (Proverbs 3:5-6). If we’re open to what He wants in our lives, He will make sure we know what that is!


God, thanks for filling us with the mind of Christ! We don’t have to be confused or concerned. You will tell us what we need to know and when. Help us to listen, Lord. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: What’s your experience in listening for God’s voice? Is it easy for you to understand what He is saying? How can you get better at this?

Tasks: Read Psalm 29:3-5 and Jeremiah 33:3. Next time you are faced with a big decision, try some of the ideas above to help you discern what to do! Remember to follow the way of peace!

Finding Grace #311

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Nature, Winter, Tree, Sunset, Dusk, Evening, Sky

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?!

This was a good week! It was less crazy than last week, for sure. Work was busy, but things were more or less back to normal.

My toenail is still not 100%, but it is slowly getting better with the antibiotic. I made another doctor’s appointment for later next week, but maybe I won’t need to go!

I joined a ladies’ group at church, while Lydia participated in Wednesday activities. We started a book about women in the Bible, which should take us through the next few months. It was fun to see some old friends and meet some new ones!

Lydia had a remote learning day for school (at the Y) yesterday due to another blizzardy Friday! It wasn’t too bad in town, but there were several accidents in the rural areas. I went to work, grabbed some groceries, and picked her up early so we could enjoy a little extra time together. This included a fun 2+ hour game of Monopoly. Lydia really enjoyed being the banker… even though I won!

Yesterday, I had a really encouraging call with my mom. I called just to say hi since I missed her, but then I asked her for some advice. Through her wise words, she confirmed that I am doing exactly what God wants me to do right now. I am so grateful for her and my dad! They truly are the best parents.

Today was another relaxing day with Lydia. We played with hair, clothes, and makeup; I am so glad to have a girl! I talked with my sister and made some delicious brownies, too. Weekends are perfect for trying new things!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

Finding Grace #309

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Travel, Tourism, Park, Spa, Relax, Source, Gazebo

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?!

This week started off a little shaky but ended well! Praise God! Early on, I was having technical difficulties with my internet. I had to manage my emotions and calm down. I was still able to post my blog for Wednesday, but I had to jump through a few extra hoops. Thankfully, on Friday, the internet company came and updated a few wires and such. It was very out of sync but now it is working very fast and very well!

This week, I was pleased to receive more compliments about my book. In one case, I called to make a routine appointment and the person on the other end was reading it! She said it was good to understand the challenges we faced, but she also appreciated how I regularly turned the story back to God. It is fun to hear from a variety of people and see how God is using my pain for His glory!

Today, Lydia and I relaxed at home. We made a breakfast casserole, and later, some cookies. We told jokes, read books, and made a music playlist with Oldies favorites with family input. We also played a game and watched a movie, which seems to be our winter-weather go to these days! 🙂 We really don’t mind!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

Small, But Significant

I am reading through the Chronological Bible again this year, and so I find myself in the book of Job. Even though it is full of suffering, it is also quite rich when we see it tied to purpose and perspective!

In short, Job was a wealthy and generous man who lost everything in a matter of hours. His sons, daughters, servants, and most of his property were gone. Soon, his health was attacked, too. How miserable!

It seems Job felt vulnerable and misunderstood, and it probably felt like God had forgotten him. I know how that feels, and maybe you do, too!

To make matters worse, Job had no support! His wife said he should curse God and die. Even his friends were awful, though perhaps they had a few good things to say. Yet, mostly they chided Job, thinking he must’ve brought all his tragedy on himself (that God was punishing him). With friends like Job’s, who needs enemies?!

Aurora Borealis, Northern Lights, Aurora, Northern

Now, we could spend our time comparing stories of how certain parts of our lives remind us of Job. But, to be honest, most of us haven’t suffered so many losses in such a short time. Though, it sure feels that way sometimes!

Either way, I don’t want to minimize our collective sorrow, and there is no contest here. Instead of one-upping each other with grief stories, let’s love one another.

As a reminder, there are many kinds of loss, including finances, divorce, death, unfulfilled expectations or dreams, and more. Each is difficult, and we all need Jesus.

Thankfully, our suffering is not for nothing. There is usually so much more going on behind the scenes. Still, God will use our pain for a new purpose. We can trust Him, and He won’t let us down.

Aurora, Polar Lights, Northern Lights, Aurora Borealis

Here are a few takeaways from Job so far: Despite all the calamity, pain, and doubts, Job kept working out his faith. Thus, he also had hope. He said, “I know my redeemer lives…”

Job lived around the time of Genesis. So even before salvation was here (Jesus Christ), He trusted God even when he could not see.

God Himself said Job was blameless and upright; there was no one like him. But still, he suffered major losses.

As Job later found out, he and everything he knew was quite small compared to God’s majesty and wisdom! Indeed, I love the end of Job when it’s God’s turn to defend Himself.

I find myself smiling at God’s questions to Job about creation and the natural world. An example, in my paraphrase: Have you seen the ostrich I made? She’s a terrible mom and kind of spacey… but wow, she’s a great runner! 😉 See the actual verses in context here!

Yet, through His discourse, God reminds Job (and us) that He has everything under control. In fact, the book of Job is less about his suffering and more about God’s character.

When suffering occurs, it is easy to focus on our problem and forget that God is greater and above it all. But in Job, we see though we are small, we are significant to God.

Whatever you are going through today, remember you are not alone. It may be the fight of your life, but God sees you. God hears you. He is with you and for you. Let Him comfort and carry you today.


God, amid sorrow and suffering, draw me close. When I can’t bear the burden, help me bring it to You. Be my strength and comfort and peace. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: When you think of all the losses you have faced, can You see how God carried you through? How does that knowledge help you in your current circumstances?

Task: Listen to this song, but Nicole C. Mullen. It’s a classic!

Finding Grace #307

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

The Road, Path, Winter, The Snow, The Sun, Snow

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?!

This was a good week left with some unknowns! Nothing too important for now, just I didn’t get some answers when I hoped to get them. Maybe next week, lol!

We enjoyed snow and cold, but also warm sweaters and boots! The snow is falling like a snow globe right now! I haven’t been out to clear snow, but might do it later!

This week, I felt like I was running in several directions at times, but I also enjoyed quality time with Lydia. We had food delivered and made buckwheat pancakes. We watched movies and played some games, too!

Work went well, and it was a good mix of being busy and catching up. My office, and the one next to mine, were really chilly, so we wore our coats for a little while. It was funny, and we made jokes that heat must not be in the budget. A work order was put in eventually and a couple of space heaters helped make it more bearable.

This week, I hosted two Zoom calls about writing and publishing. It was fun to “give back” and encourage these friends who are at various points in the creative process. Everyone has a story to tell! We discussed how they can get started or keep going, and I shared some lessons learned and what worked best for me and my book.

Today, we stayed home relaxed. Lydia cleaned her room while listening to an audiobook. I changed a light switch, repotted two plants, and did some reading. I prepared for some upcoming events, too.


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

Never Stop Learning

Sometimes there are those moments where you realize, “God’s not done with me yet.” Perhaps you survived a life-threatening event, or perhaps it’s just that you have more to learn. I’m sure there are many instances in between these two examples!!

In my case, lately, I have been learning more about all sorts of topics. These include health, nutrition, cooking, and also God’s Word, the Bible. I have even been playing around with calligraphy, painting and photography, too… nothing to show, just learning more about them!

I have also seen little reminders that I need to be vigilant against fear. If you have read my book, you’ll know I handle this much better now. Nonetheless, fear is subtle and I have to constantly be on guard and ready to defeat lies with the Truth.

No worries! Choosing faith over fear is just part of the life to which God is calling us.

Math, Blackboard, Education, Classroom, Chalkboard

Case in point: Have you ever felt like a challenge you are facing is a “perfect storm” situation? Like the situation evolved so “only you” can make a difference, or the battle is yours to lose? Like the situation was designed according to your fears or the problems you face?

I understand, and I am thankful that God Himself helps us carry the burden. But maybe you could think about it this way: Perhaps the problem is tailored to your strengths, to show what you know, so you can become more of who God made you to be.

And, if God is for us, who can be against us (Romans 8:31)? Failure isn’t really final if we acquire knowledge and skill. So hang in there!

It seems God lets us walk through trials so He can test us. He sees our gut reactions and if we are relying on Him or ourselves. He “proves” our heart to see if it is still tender and obedient, malleable to His will.

Yes, God uses these challenges to stretch us and prepare us for greater things. And, you know what? He walks through them with us.

I believe we can learn from anyone in any circumstance, what to do or not to do. I often learn from Lydia! One day, she came to me and said, “Mom, did you know the word ‘realize’ is like ‘real eyes’? I loved that she came up with that fitting way of explaining it!

My interpretation of Lydia’s insight is this: When we see our circumstances through our real eyes, that is God’s perspective and Truth, we will realize just how much He loves us and cares for us. He’s not done with us yet!

Our Heavenly Father is our Teacher, Protector, and Provider. He is infinite so there is always something to learn! Every day, we have new opportunities to go deeper with Jesus!


God, thanks for Your patience in teaching me. Help me rely on You in every circumstance. Help me grow and learn so I am not found lacking. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: What is God teaching you right now? What are you doing about that?

Task: Listen to the song, “God’s Not Done with You,” by Tauren Wells. Everyone learns at different paces, so what seems basic to you might seem life-changing for someone else. Maybe that you are struggling with someone else sailed through. Let’s bring encouragement and support!

Reflecting on Ruth

Recently I started another Journible! I went through the Gospel of John in 2018 and finished the book of Jude last month (a quick win because it’s only twenty-five verses)!

Next, I am going through Ruth! I just started this week, but already it has impacted me. If you have read my book, then you’ll know I pay extra attention to widows in the Bible. Ruth is not a new story to me, but I am learning new things as I write God’s word line by line!

In short, Ruth was an outsider and a foreigner. She left all she knew in the country of Moab to follow her mother-in-law back to Israel. She gleaned barley in a field to make ends meet. In time, Ruth met Boaz, and he became her kinsman-redeemer, marrying her.

Then, they had a baby, and eventually, Ruth became the great-grandmother of King David. All in all, the book of Ruth is a beautiful love story showing God’s faithfulness.

But, that’s not what caught my attention.

Jesus, God, Christ, Holy, Spirit, Ruth, Bible, Gospel

Instead, I quickly noticed how Ruth went against the grain. She moved toward God when most people at that time were doing their own thing and worshiping other gods (Judges 17:6). Yes, Israel was a mess!

Ruth wasn’t the only one, of course. Boaz and Naomi, among others, also followed Godly principles. Though, because Ruth was a foreigner (not a Jew), technically, God’s promises didn’t apply to her. She would have been considered a nobody by the rest of society.

Additionally, Ruth was grieving and suffered major losses. I can understand how she must’ve felt as she lost her husband, her status as a wife, her local support system, her home, and even her culture. She didn’t have much left.

Nonetheless, she bravely sought God above all else.

I appreciate her example!

When everyone was running away from what they knew was right, Ruth ran toward God. She trusted Him to provide for her and protect her. She was willing to work hard and make a fool of herself. Because of that, God honored her decisions.

We have similar choices to consider today.

Has God asked you to do something that seems like a stretch for you? He may be calling you to move forward in a new direction when everyone else is standing still. It may be scary, but don’t be afraid to stand out and take a chance. He’s got you covered.

I love how God used Ruth’s character to change the course of history. (Ruth is in the bloodline of Jesus (Matthew 1:5!!) She could have stayed down and out, disqualifying herself or discounting her skills and purpose. Instead, she chased after the only One who could make it right. 

Let’s be like Ruth and pursue God, not for what He can do for us, but for Who He is. Soak up His grace, mercy, and love. Then, out of that abundance, let’s watch Him move on our behalf!

Today, remember God sees you and knows the challenges you face. Your situation is not a surprise to Him. He has not left you all alone or without help. Trust Him and do the difficult thing!


God, You are so kind and generous! Thanks for Your grace, mercy, and love. Help us shake off all our doubts and come to You wholeheartedly. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Did you know Boaz’s mother was Rahab, the former prostitute from Jericho? They also were ancestors of Jesus… so don’t you think He can use you, too?

Tasks: Check out the Journible website and join me! Remember, no one is too far gone to be used by God. He can use anyone who is willing to follow after Him!

Finding Grace #305

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Landscape, Winter, Forest, Snow, Plantation, Sun, Japan

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?!

This was a cold, snowy week! The cold and snow are both very normal for this time of the year, so I was not too worried about them. But, a few other factors made for an interesting show of God’s grace!

On Wednesday, Lydia had an unexpected snow day off from school. It was a last-minute decision by the school district. I agreed with what happened, yet Lydia could have been left outside all alone. (The day before, I left her at the bus stop because the bus was running late and I needed to get to work.) I ended up staying home with her,  and we reviewed what to do in that type of situation. I also gave her a house key!

Usually, I work a half-day on Fridays, but this week I was able to work a full day and basically swap my hours from Wednesday when I took off. Essentially, I was able to take the equivalent of a half-day off instead of a whole day. Plus, I was able to cover for a couple of coworkers who were gone on Friday, so it worked well all around!
Friday also happened to be my 14th wedding anniversary (my 9th without Dave here). Lydia and I always miss him, but we had a nice dinner and watched a movie together! A friend sent me a picture of someone reading my book at a gymnastics class. It made my day a little sweeter knowing someone was reading about us!
Today, we went to brunch with a friend/coworker. Then, we went to “help” her pick out a dalmatian puppy! We played with thirteen puppies, and Lydia had fun cuddling one in particular. We are not getting a puppy at this time, but it was sure fun to dream! In reality, I don’t have the bandwidth right now to put in the effort a puppy would require. But, my friend does, so I’m sure we will get to play with her puppy soon!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!