Pain Has A Purpose

Lately, I’ve seen many people dealing with challenging circumstances, quite a few of which have worsened in recent months. Whether someone’s pain is related to financial health, physical health, mental health, consequences of someone’s actions, grief or loss, or something else, the emotions are very real.

When life throws you a curveball, how do you respond?

Undoubtedly, we’ve all wondered why bad things happen to good people. I covered much of this in my book, based on my own experiential understanding of pain. But it has been a while since I talked about it here. Each of us handles pain a little differently, although there are probably some broad similarities, too.

The world sees pain as proof that God doesn’t exist. “If God really loved me, why we would He let that happen?” The devil uses pain to make us believe that God doesn’t care, that He has abandoned us. He twists God’s character and lies to us, sometimes leading us toward a sinful response when we mistrust God.

Free Landscape Winter photo and picture
Yet, pain is a tool God uses to get our attention and to teach us. As C.S. Lewis wrote, “God whispers to us in our pleasures, speaks in our conscience, but shouts in our pain: it is His megaphone to rouse a deaf world.” from The Problem of Pain, chapter 6

In reality, it’s good for our faith to be tested sometimes. We find out who or what we’ve been relying on. Anything less than Jesus is going to fail. Let Him refine you.

We have small tests of faith daily. If I sit in a chair, there’s a fleeting moment that I have to trust it to hold me! We trust total strangers, such as airplane pilots, firefighters, and even garbagemen, to do their jobs and come through for us. But, we can struggle to trust God, who created us and loves us so much.

It is much easier for me these days to trust God because I have put Him to the test. But, that doesn’t mean I never face another challenge. I will face trials as long as I am here on this lovely planet. Jesus reminded us of that, but He also reminded us He is always with us. That’s a promise! 

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Pain and trials are often linked. We may not understand the purpose until much later. Nonetheless, I heard an interesting perspective this week that I am still thinking about: It may feel like God is picking on us, but really, He is picking us. There is a big difference!

We see this in full force when reading the book of Job and other books of the Bible. God had a special purpose for Job and his pain. It brought Him glory in the end. And, God ended up blessing him with much more than he had before. God’s blessing is not always financial, and I am happy to let Him choose what is best!

Ultimately, we can see pain as an opportunity to grow and reflect God’s character. So, instead of grumbling and complaining, we can choose to draw close and worship Him. We are more than conquerors in Jesus!

Through trials, we see and learn new things about ourselves and God. It takes maturity to see God’s goodness in the pain. Yet, we cannot always have only goodness – that’s not real life! As we lean on God, we remember He is Supreme and reigns over ALL, the good and the bad.

“And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.” Romans 8:28

“But he said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.’ Therefore, I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me.”
2 Corinthians 12:9 (ESV)

We can trust God and lean on Him as our Heavenly Father. His joy is your strength! He is faithful and true. He will never let us down!


Father God, thanks for being with us in our pain and trials. Help us see your purposes in our pain. Help us trust You more and bring You glory. In Jesus’ Name, Amen 

Questions: What is your gut reaction to pain and trials? Is it fear and worry, or prayer and praise?

Tasks: When painful trials come, dig in deep. Draw close to God through prayer, worship, and reading His word. Trust Him to come through for you!

Finding Grace #455

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Free Forest Path photo and picture

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?!

This week was thankfully less busy than the last two.

Sundays have been more relaxing since we’ve been attending the early church service. We’ve had time to prepare for the next week at a slower pace. It feels like a longer day and I feel more refreshed!

Work was a bit slower, though still steady. I simply had less patients scheduled but still got a lot of things done. It was nice to have a lighter load. As such, I had time to call some extra patients and finish a few small projects.

We received a few inches of snow on Tuesday night and Wednesday. I did a little shoveling but left the main part for the snow service. It is nice to have them come help me, though I still do a fair amount of work throughout the season!

Lydia’s birthday was on Thursday, and she was tickled by the special letter I wrote for her! She wanted to go to dinner and then watch a movie at home with some ice cream. In a way, we have already been celebrating for a week or two. That’s becaue she received various gifts when my mother-in-law visited and through the mail from family.

Friday after work, I ran a few errands and then called my mom to catch up. We had a great time chatting and it is always so encouraging. Later, my dad called to say hi, too. I always appreciate those calls!

Today, we saw Wicked (part 1) at the movie theater. I saw the Broadway production years ago, but it was fun to introduce Lydia to it. In fact, I like Wicked better than the Wizard of Oz! The movie version had some fun cameos and great music. The flying monkeys were still a little scary, though!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

Finding Grace #424

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Free Tulips Tulip Field photo and picture

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?!

This week was bittersweet. We laid my Aunt Deb to rest in my small central Illinois hometown. It was a long way to travel, but I am so glad we went. We even visited with my mom’s side of the family for a little bit. Being with extended family was good, and I feel blessed to reconnect with my roots.

The weather was warmer in Illinois, and I had forgotten the grass greens up quicker than in Fargo! The tulips and crabapple trees were blooming in full force—so pretty! Lydia and I were gone for nearly a week, and I was so happy to see our own grass had started turning green by the time we returned to North Dakota!

During our road trip, we stayed overnight with my mother-in-law in Rockford. We enjoyed hanging out with her and Dave’s brother before heading downstate the next day. We then stopped by my brother’s house to hang out before the rest of the family rolled into town. On the way back, we stayed in a Chicago suburb with my sister and her family.  It was great to see where each of them lived because they all had moved since we last drove to Illinois. Now, when they tell us about their day, we can envision it a little better.

Seeing old friends in Illinois was heartwarming, and I appreciated the kind comments about my blog and book. Thanks for your ongoing support and encouragement!

Lydia and I went back to school and work on Friday. I was so honored when several of my coworkers sent me texts to say hi or stopped by to see me in my office. I shared some goodies I had brought back from my trip and thanked them for covering for me. It was nice to be missed, but I was also glad to be back.


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

Finding Grace #421

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Free Robin Red-Breasted photo and picture

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?!

This Holy Week was good. I did a daily Bible devotion on YouVersion about Jesus’ las week, and it was good to keep that at the forefront of my mind.

On Sunday, I met with a dear church friend for coffee. She has been growing in her faith but is working through some tough issues. I am so proud that she mentioned her questions to me, and we were able to discuss them. She was dealing with fear, and I encouraged her and challenged her to not give up. As long as we keep moving forward toward Him, we will have Victory!

Work was surprisingly slow! I had a lot of patients, but a few canceled or no-showed, and some rescheduled or just didn’t want to talk long. I was able to stay on top of my charting and am fully caught up! I was able to do a few projects and even cleaned my desk!

Otherwise, it was a quiet week. I have enjoyed the calm, and often, during these peaceful moments, I can hear from God best. Of course, He has given me a few new things to think about and pray through. 🙂

Today, I saw my first robin of spring! I had just woken up, and the bird was singing on my deck. I was delighted and am sure there will be many more in the coming days!

Finally, three people mentioned my book to me. One asked how to get a copy for a friend, and two gave positive feedback. I love that my works are encouraging others! It’s been awhile since I shared the link, but here is how you can get one (or three!).


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

Finding Grace #401

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?!

This was a great week, full of God’s grace!!

On Sunday, Lydia and I attended a Scotland Forever orchestra concert. It was delightful, and I envisioned God as the Master composer and conductor of our lives. He is faithful and good!

On Wednesday,  I enjoyed talking with a couple of ladies. In each conversation, we talked about our faith journeys. It was so cool to see how God came through for them, and I was able to share my story and book with them, too!

It was a short work week because of Veterans Day (observed on Friday). Lydia and I had a relaxing day after some plans were canceled. We have had colds off and on, so it was so nice to not have a huge agenda. I did some gentle exercise and completed a few chores and paperwork, while Lydia read and played some games on her tablet. It was perfect!

Today, I had to work on actual Veterans Day. I previously traded with a coworker, and I am glad because I had eleven Veterans to chart on, and she is due to have twins any day! It was a lot of work to do solo, but I am glad she didn’t have to do it! It was an honor to serve these heroes today.

After working until 3:00 p.m. today (three hours longer than I expected!), I took Lydia to Chik-Fil-A. She has only been there once and was patient all week… and today, she was waiting for me to finish at work. It was nearly 4:00 p.m. before I had lunch! I had some crackers at work, but hadn’t thought I would need to bring lunch! Oh well, it all worked out just fine, and we went to Kohl’s to make some returns and do a little shopping afterward. 🙂

This week, I made some yummy dishes, which included a pumpkin chili, fresh cranberry applesauce, and a veggie tray! I love this time of year!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

Purpose in Provision

This week, I received a glowing performance appraisal at work, per usual. It was just what I expected because I do my best and the requirements are clear.  While I love what I do, and do it well, I sometimes compare my success or reward with others (even though I don’t have all the details to judge accurately!).

Instead of going into a downward spiral, I started thinking about all the ways God has provided for me, all the ways He recognizes or acknowledges me when others don’t. Sometimes, we feel we have everything we need, and sometimes, we feel lack. That doesn’t mean God is doing a poor job; perhaps we just lose our perspective occasionally. 

We may feel overlooked, forgotten, or unappreciated. It’s easy to focus on what someone else has or is doing and wish we had that, too. We want that friendship or relationship. We want the same chance or deal. We covet the opportunity, promotion, or the level of responsibility.

Often, there are hidden downsides to success. Just because someone looks successful doesn’t mean they appreciate it or have no other problems.

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I wonder how much time, effort, and skill it must’ve taken to get where that person is. In most cases, there are no overnight successes but just years of grueling labor.

Am I willing to do whatever it took for them to get there? These days, I’d say the chance is low, lol. I like my time and freedom! But if I do want to challenge myself, then I should start taking steps and learning now.

Flipping it around, I am reminded of what it took to get me here. It was quite the journey, and yet I am so grateful for all the ways God has shown up just for me…. with personalized provision for whatever I am going through each time. He is faithful!

In the off-chance that someone cheated or something truly was not fair, they will get what they have coming to them. It may take a little time, but God is just!

But, when life doesn’t seem fair, I remember that I am no longer of this world. I am a citizen of Heaven, and my Father knows exactly what I need. If there is any lack, King Jesus will soon make it right, so I don’t need to worry. His purpose for me is unique, so His provision is unique to my circumstances and environment. 

God’s purpose and provision are linked! I don’t need to compare ourselves or feel less than. If I stay close to Jesus, I will be right on track and have everything I need.

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I have a beautiful house, great neighbors, and an awesome family. I also have a job I feel was crafted just for me. I have favor with God, my manager, and my coworkers. Each of us has different qualifications and responsibilities that match. Each of us brings positive energy and a host of skills to our strong team. I just happen to work part-time with a nearly full-time schedule. I mentor others at work, and I am still available when Lydia needs me.

If my particular skills aren’t always recognized or rewarded, maybe that’s a good reminder that they are not the most important thing. I am called to serve, not gain attention. If there is something I need, God will make sure I get it in due time. (Psalm 84:11).

In fact, read John 21, paying attention to verse 22. Jesus wants us to focus on our own relationship with Him because our mission flows out of that. The best thing we can do is stay close to Him.

There are several things each of us can do while we wait. We can show up with a smile, do our best, and be honest. We can practice self-care (making sure we are eating well, moving a little, and sleeping enough). We can honor those around us and love them like Jesus. We can cultivate peace, joy, and contentment, along with gratitude and patience. Character counts!

Fear, self-centeredness, and lack seem to run together, don’t they? Instead, Jesus showed us how to live with an outward-focused, faith-filled, abundant life. Whatever purpose He has for us, we can be confident it includes His peace, preparation, and provision. He always comes through for us and knows exactly what we need!


God, thanks for Your peace and provision! You take such good care of Your children. Help us remember You prepare us and provide for us according to Your unique purposes for us. Help us use all our strengths for Your glory. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: What are you doing to invest in your future? Are you complaining or planting seeds?

Tasks: Next time you feel slighted or overlooked, remember all the ways God takes care of you. Make a list if you have to! Remain close to Jesus. He is so good!

Hallelujah Anyway!

Monday was the tenth anniversary of Dave’s death. A whole decade without him. Not knowing how I would feel, I took time off to give myself the space to just be.

Sometimes we go away and do something special, but this year, we decided to do a staycation instead. Lydia and I celebrated Dave’s life by doing fun things all weekend. We played games, made brownies, went on a little hike, tried hyperbowling, and went out to eat a fancy dinner! I also went on a bike ride and got a massage while she was in school.

You’d think I’d have it all figured out by now. Been there, done that. But somehow, the last few months felt like I was going back to the beginning. Not necessarily in terms of deep grief but rather second-guessing myself. Like, “Why I am I still dealing with this or that?” I think it stemmed from being overwhelmed with work and other decisions while not having enough time to really rest.

Overwhelm is loosely related to fear, which, historically, has been a stronghold for me. I know when that happens, I need to re-evaluate and deal with it right away. So, as you may recall, I spoke up at work and made some personal changes. I prayerfully focused on quiet time with the Lord and self-care, such as exercise, sleep, simple meals, and restorative activities. I am feeling much better now!
Not too long ago, one of my dear college friends sent me a message that she was praying for me. She said, “The same God who was with you then is with you now. You have grown and changed and will continue to grow and change, but God has and will remain the same… mind-blowing!” She then quoted Psalm 62:5, “Find rest my soul, in God alone; my hope comes from Him.”
Well, I think that’s a pretty good summary of God’s faithfulness! I could not do any of this without Him. He is so gracious and reliable. I feel His presence and wisdom when answering every one of Lydia’s many deep questions about life, death, Dave, and pre-teen worries.
Thanks to all those who continue to support us through prayer, words of encouragement, and the occasional hand around the house. I have an amazing family, neighbors, coworkers, and friends. I appreciate each person who sends a card, a prayer, a well-timed word, or helps around the house on occasion.
So, while Monday was a near-perfect day, honestly, I was a little relieved when it was over. We made it through, but it’s just a lot, you know? Then yesterday, I heard this song, “Hallelujah Anyway,” by Rend Collective. It was a great reminder that our hope is in Jesus. “Even if” or when life goes awry, God is still in control and on His throne, we have the Holy Spirit working in us, and we have eternity with Jesus in Heaven.
Our emotions and circumstances don’t dictate our response to God’s presence in our lives. I hope you can say “hallelujah anyway” through whatever you face today. God is worthy of all our praise and gratitude. He is so good!
God, we praise You, when things go well and even when they don’t… because You are worthy through it all. Thanks for Your grace and goodness. May we be a living example of Your love today. In Jesus’ Name, Amen
Question: In what ways might you say, “hallelujah anyway” today?
Task: Life is so short. Make sure to celebrate and appreciate all the goodness in your life. Remember to praise God and thank Him, as He is the source of all good things!

Mood Meter

Hello! How are you feeling today? Today, I want to tell you about a tool called an emotion wheel that can help you understand how you feel so you can decide what to do about it!

I first encountered it while writing my book, though it has existed for many years. It helped me describe my feelings about Dave’s sickness and death, not to mention my struggle with fear, faith, and moving forward.

The act of writing was rewarding but challenging, so I appreciated being able to point to an adjective and analyze my feelings, process my grief, and stick with my project. In short, this tool takes abstract concepts and makes them more concrete.

I recently came across the emotion wheel again, and it felt like God’s perfect timing, as next Monday is the tenth anniversary of Dave’s death.

Most emotion wheels will highlight the basic feelings of happiness/joy, sadness/grief, fear, anger, disgust, and surprise. As Lysa TerKeurst says, “Emotions are indicators, not dictators.” So, we can use them for insight, but they don’t run the show and should not predict how we act.

We must identify emotions to validate and resolve them before they spill over on others. Unchecked emotions can lead to assumptions and wreak havoc. If not now, later. Unresolved anger can lead to passive aggressiveness, jealousy, and revenge. Fear can yield playing it safe and missed opportunities. Grief, without an outlet, can stop someone from living fully.

There are several ways to use the emotion wheel. You can start in the middle and work your way out, or vice versa. Find words that resonate with you and see how they are related. Then, you can come up with the next steps to address them.

Not surprisingly, it is common to feel several emotions at any moment. We may be confused or conflicted, like we are literally all over the place internally. Many of us feel physical sensations, like headaches, gut issues, pain, etc. We also tend to misunderstand others’ emotions, taking things personally when we shouldn’t.

Here are a couple of examples that have stood out to me when I’ve used the wheel:

“Oh, I am feeling isolated, which is similar to being lonely and related to sadness. Hmmm… could it be another layer of grief?” I could take a walk, but maybe I need to call someone for support.


“I am feeling overwhelmed, which is next to anxiety, which is rooted in fear. Why am I feeling afraid?” I should read some Bible verses about fear and turn my worries over to God.

Another example is this: I had a fun day recently, laughing and receiving good news. As you can imagine, I was mostly feeling happy emotions. In some ways, reading the adjectives later helped me relish the joy all the more.

Interestingly, I rarely feel angry – I deal more with fear… while Lydia more easily identifies with anger – yet it comes and goes quickly! We both relate to happiness and sadness, but less often, disgust. It has been fun to see and hear her perspective, and I hope it is a way for us to continue communicating as she moves into middle school.

Another tool is a chart I found on Etsy. It came as a download or in the form of a pillowcase! It ranks feelings according to a spectrum of energy and positivity. Anger is an adverse reaction, and it uses a lot of emotional energy. The sad emotions are typically less positive and drain energy. Joy is positive and high energy, while calmness is positive and low energy.

This was insightful because I tend to feel lower energy levels, but now I wonder if it’s just my personality. As an introvert, I get excited sometimes, but overall, I enjoy calmness and a slower pace. In fact, this is a great strength, but the world moves more quickly. Thankfully, I am learning to interpret what’s going on a little better so I can plan ahead. If I have a big event ahead, I can pare down my schedule to conserve energy and implement some strategies for coping and recovery.

Of course, there is no right way or wrong way to feel. These are simply tools. Nonetheless, you can combine them with Scripture to tap into all God has for you!

While Satan wants us to stay stuck in our emotions, distracted and offended, Jesus wants us to live fully! (See John 10:10.) Instead of being ruled by our feelings, let’s use them to turn to God! Instead of running away from our emotions, let’s use them to run to God.

God, thanks for giving us emotions to help us feel and understand Your goodness. Help us to honor You and manage them well. In Jesus’ Name, Amen
Questions: Do you notice how your emotions change throughout the day? How does that affect your energy? What is your natural response to your feelings?
Tasks: For a fun challenge, use an emotion wheel to track how you feel during the day. Note any themes, pray about resolving any negativity, and keep moving forward!

Grace Galore

I hope you are having a wonderful day! Generally, I want my blog to be an encouraging part of your week. Perhaps, it also challenges you, too! I appreciate that it reflects where Lydia and I are in life. It’s been fun to track our successes and work through some of the tough issues we face. 

That’s all good, but as we near the ten-year anniversary of Dave’s death, I have been wondering what all I/we have accomplished in the last decade. It’s a good question to ask sometimes!

Now, before you worry about me, I am okay. I realize a lot is going well for us. I worked very hard to write and publish my book. I have a great job with awesome coworkers, and  Lydia is looking forward to middle school this fall. There’s so much to be thankful for.

It’s just been a stressful few months in many ways, and sometimes I second-guess myself. On those chaotic days, I have wondered how I may have grown or changed when I still see some of the same problems. Have you ever felt that way?

Recently, I had time to talk with some friends and explain how I felt. That helped, especially since they were stressed about the same things! We all have slightly different issues and factors, but stress is stress. 🙂

As a result, I was able to rethink how I perceive some of the stress, and I was able to see God’s grace and provision clearly. He has been so, so good to me.

Free Mountain Path photo and picture

With Easter around the corner, I am again reminded of Jesus’ sacrifice on the Cross. He died so we could live. He rose in Victory; now we also walk in Victory.

Nothing is impossible for God. We bring Him our weaknesses in exchange for His strength. Praise God, we have His Holy Power in us! 

No matter how hectic life gets, I am grateful that Life has so much more to offer. THIS (whatever your THIS is) isn’t ALL there is. The best is yet to come!

Growth isn’t easy; change may require much effort before seeing results. But, we can take steps toward greatness every day. We can choose a good attitude and rely on the Lord. Knowing God’s grace will cover us, we can work hard and do our best.

Perfection is not the goal. We don’t have to get it all right. That’s God’s responsibility. Jesus gives us His righteousness and we can rest in His grace galore!

Of course, the expectation of an “easy” life is unrealistic. Jesus never promised us that. Suffering is not for nothing, however. Challenges will always come, but blessings are built in if we look for them.

Don’t let a bad day, week, or month keep you from living a full life.

Lord, give us Resurrection eyes of faith!


God, thanks for your grace galore. Thanks that we won’t have to be perfect or have all the answers. Help us walk in the Victory Jesus died to give us. In His Name, Amen

Questions: What is God resurrecting in your life today? How is He making it new, and where can you see His grace at work?

Task: There is stress, and then there is “perceived stress.” Check out this Perceived Stress Scale. To me, it is almost a measure of how much I am worrying (and where I need to trust God or seek help). I hope it is helpful for you – that you can see the silver lining and know where you need to shift your focus.

Finding Grace #352

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?!

This week was a little bit of a wild card! I didn’t feel great for most of it – just various things, including a cold, gut issues, stubbing my toe (it’s fuschia currently), and of course, my elbow is still bruised (but doing better) from a few weeks ago. I’ll be okay. 🙂

I went to work late on Tuesday due to not feeling well, but also on Thursday due to yet another glitch! On Monday, it was my internet, and on Thursday, it was my furnace! I went downstairs before work and noticed a burnt rubber smell. Thankfully, my neighbor had a reliable contact, and I was able to get a motor replaced right away! They came within the hour, but even then, the inside temperature had dropped five degrees. I’m extra grateful it wasn’t thirty below with a long winter waiting list!

The weather is turning colder, and we got another inch of snow this week. It’s not too bad, and staying inside gave us plenty of time to reorganize the office and a closet downstairs. We also put up our Christmas tree last night! Lydia chose a red theme, and I added a couple strands of lights since there were a few ‘dark’ spots on the prelit tree. We might add a few more ornaments later. It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

Today, we met a friend at a local coffee shop for a book sale. We each brought our self-published books to lay out. It was fun to meet new people and catch up over coffee! Can you believe my book has been out for over a year?!

Tonight, we were invited by some friends for a Christmas dinner at their house. Lydia enjoys playing with their kids, and it will be fun to get to know them better, along with the other guests. It’s always nice to be included!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!