God’s Kindness, A Calling Card

Recently, I was talking with a lady who was widowed about a year ago. Understandably, she has been missing her late husband quite a bit, especially as we head into the holiday season. As a result, she has been reading books and articles about the afterlife.

It may be comforting to read about what our loved ones are experiencing in Heaven (if they go there), but she mentioned some ideas that made me a little wary. Humans who die do not become guardian angels, for instance!

I did my best to answer her questions about my own grief journey. Then, I guided her to the Truth…that is, I pointed her back to Jesus!!

Later, my friend said, “God’s judgment doesn’t seem as bad as one would expect,” based on her reading of other people’s near death experiences. I didn’t ask what she was referencing, but still, I felt the need to gently clarify a few things for her.

First, God’s judgment and wrath is very serious. He doesn’t play favorites, punishing some sinners but not others. We see this over and over in the Bible. 

In the Old Testament, God banished Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden. Then, we read about the Flood, and later, King David losing a child as a result of adultery. We also see Judah being exiled to Assyria and Israel being exiled to Babylon after generations of debauchery. And, these were God’s chosen people!

In the New Testament, new Christians (Ananias and Sapphira) were struck dead for lying to the Holy Spirit. There are other cases of pending judgment in the book of Revelation.

Second, God’s judgment is not unjust or without warning. He sent His Word through many prophets over many years, and later, Jesus Christ Himself! He warns us about the consequences of our choices. He asks us to confess our sins and turn from evil, choosing Life over Death. Then, He repeatedly gives us opportunities to repent and make things right. 

Apparently, we are slow learners, but I’m thankful He is so patient with us!

Nonetheless, there are consequences for our actions. For better or worse, we reap what we sow. Indeed, the Bible says we will be held accountable for our words and our actions.

Third, God’s mercy, grace, and forgiveness are bountiful. If we know Jesus and have accepted His FREE GIFT of salvation, we don’t have to be afraid of death or judgment. I am guessing this is what my friend meant to say.

Romans 2 is all about God’s law and judgment, but Romans 2:4 says that God’s kindness leads us to repentance. I love that! We see His generosity all around us, and His kindness is like a calling card. Oh, how God wants us to know Him and be with Him! 

It’s like when someone goes out of their way to bless you, help you, or meet a huge need. You are so thankful, you can’t help but live differently. You may ‘pay it forward’ or return the favor, or just become really close to the person because you appreciate what they did for you.

So it is with God’s kindness. He overwhelms us with His goodness, and we can’t help but bask in His love! We can never repay Him, but we can live differently as a result.

Only God’s love (through Jesus) can bring the true change we need. When we know how much He loves us, our lives will start to change. In gratitude, we can acknowledge the good things in our lives and give Him full credit! Let’s come to Jesus and receive His peace and joy today!


God, You are so gracious and good to me. Thanks for all You do! Help me not take Your kindness for granted. I want to make choices that honor You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Have you accepted God’s free gift of salvation? How has God been kind to you? How has His kindness changed how you think and act (i.e. repent)?

Tasks: If you are curious to learn more, check out the book, Heaven, by Randy Alcorn. (There are still some things we just won’t know until we get there, but the author gives a comprehensive explanation and breaks down key points based on Scripture.)

**If you don’t know if you will end up in Heaven after you die, make that decision today!**

The Benefits of Looking Back

I am currently reading a book series by Lynn Austin, called Chronicles of the Kings. For me, reading is a fun way to relax. I love being transported to different locations and time periods. I enjoy learning and dreaming along with the characters.

In this series, the author takes the true Biblical account of King Hezekiah and adds fictional details to flesh out the story. The Bible doesn’t tell us each and every detail, so we are left to fill in the gaps. We have to be careful, yes, not to add too much or misinterpret the words… but I think this series was well written, overall.

Historical fiction is one of my favorite genres, because I learn about history in an exciting way, as if I was there. I generally remember more of the details, facts, and life lessons. In terms of Biblical fiction, it helps to consider what happened beyond the text.

(The author uses other traditional Jewish resources to make some assumptions, but provides most relevant Scripture references, too.)

Right now, I am in the third book, The Strength of His Hand, and this is where King Hezekiah gets very sick. The Bible doesn’t explain what the sickness was, though other sources say it was related to a boil or inflammation of some sort.

The author writes her theory into the story, of course. I won’t ruin it for you, but I thought it was compelling.Either way, the King is close to death and indeed, Isaiah hears from Yahweh that he will die.

Isaiah goes to tell this to Hezekiah and then mournfully leaves (Isaiah 38). Then, Hezekiah prays to God and weeps. Soon, Isaiah returns with good news. Hezekiah will live.

Hezekiah asks for a sign, and per the Bible, the shadow moved back ten steps. He does recover within three days, just like Isaiah prophesied. He lives another fifteen years.

In the book, when King Hezekiah was sick, I was also thinking of what I already knew about the story. I had forgotten about Isaiah’s prophecy, but I did recall Hezekiah lived.

 I didn’t know how the author was going to reconcile the Biblical account with her fictional narrative, but I knew it would all work out somehow. You see, I had the advantage of seeing King Hezekiah’s story through the lens of Scripture, after the fact.

God’s Word, the Bible, is living and active. Its power is unchanging and its lessons are just as applicable today as they were thousands of years ago.

At the same time, each of us can trust God with today’s challenges, because we know He came through for us yesterday, last week, and last year… There are benefits when we look back and see God’s faithfulness. His love never fails!

When we trust God to write our story, we most certainly will face many unknowns and fearful moments. This is a normal part of life on Earth, but thankfully, we see all throughout the Bible that God shines most when we seek Him in our difficult circumstances!

All our present trials might become more bearable if we could envision what our future self will think, or how others will one day praise God for how He came through for us. There is purpose in our pain, and God will use that for His glory and our good. Trust Him!

Remember He is with you and for you; the best is yet to come!


God, thanks for letting us see You at work in Scripture. Help us have faith today. Help us trust that You will come through for us. You always do! Show us the benefits of looking back, but don’t let us get stuck in the past. You are are hope for today and tomorrow, too. Thank You! In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: When you look back through Scripture, or even your own life, do you see how He came through for you in the past? What does that mean for you today?

Tasks: Make a list of all the ‘evidence’ of God’s faithfulness. List your most trying times and write down how God helped you through them. Then, fan the flames of faith and trust God today.

Finding Grace #209

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?

This was a long but good week! I saw God move in some big ways.

Lydia got her retainer (that she can leave in at meals, thankfully). Before her appointment, we squeezed in a Sandy’s donut stop, too! She was in pain for a couple of days but is doing well now. Lydia’s extra happy her new retainer glows in the dark!

On Wednesday, I put on a presentation at work for National Nutrition Month. I discussed recent changes to the Nutrition Facts labels. I had fun and even earned a “Golden Ticket” award! I also picked up some extra hours this week, and I am glad I could help out!

On Thursday night, several ladies came over for small group/Bible study. We had fun catching up and sharing what God is doing in our lives. We had an infant present and had fun passing him around. We also discussed the YouVersion devotional on Dangerous Prayers by Craig Groeschel!

Today, I started a John Maxwell class at church, where we read and discuss one of his books. We are going through The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth. Ironically, I have had this book since Dave was sick, but have never finished it. Dave gave me his own birthday gift card to buy it, but then his condition further declined, so my priorities changed. Now, I appreciate the opportunity to pick up where I left off, but thankfully, I have NOT stopped growing in the meantime!

This afternoon, Lydia had fun playing outside with her friends. The weather was beautiful and sunny! We still have a lot of snow, but spring is just around the corner! Don’t forget to move your clocks forward tonight! 

Finally, I also taught Lydia how to do her own laundry today. She was pretty excited about using the washer and dryer, but still not excited to put all the clothes away!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

On Religion vs. Relationship

Recently, Lydia and I have been reading a book series I loved when I was growing up. We just finished reading the fourth book (out of eight) in the Addie McCormick series.

Lydia enjoys the fun adventures, and I enjoy seeing her engage with book characters. She has really gotten into the books! She can relate to some of the same concerns the characters are having, and then we discuss them together.

As a parent, I appreciate how the characters reflect godly principles. In addition to solving mysteries and making friends, they also go to church, pray, and talk about God.

On Monday night, we were reading at bedtime. The main character, Addie, was thinking about the difference between someone who is religious and someone who is a Christian.

Of course, Lydia also wondered about this, so we were able to discuss it in simple terms. I told Lydia, “Yes, we can go to church, pray, give and serve… and still miss Jesus.”

“What?! How is that possible?” Lydia was surprised.

“Well,” I replied, “If we only focus on doing all those things, even though they are good, it’s like me saying, ‘Here’s your dinner, here’s your laundry, here’s your shoes.’ I would be doing all the right mom things, but I wouldn’t necessarily connect with you.”

“Oh, I see,” Lydia said.

I continued, “The difference is when I say, ‘Hey, for dinner, do you want pasta or potatoes? Did you have fun at school today? Do you need help folding your clothes?’ Instead of just serving you, I actually want to talk with you and enjoy being with you.”

Lydia easily understood my point, but it was a timely reminder for me, too.

Whether in life or in faith, it is easy to get caught up in the to-do lists full of never-ending tasks. With our misguided expectations, sometimes, we make life unnecessarily difficult.

Being overwhelmed by all I have to do is my first clue that I should take a step back and reevaluate what I am doing, my priorities.

Has my to-do list become my idol? Has my ‘religion’ become just that? What is really important, and am I doing it? Why or why not?

As we gain perspective, the gift is that we have the ability to make adjustments. However, switching gears requires courage and discernment. It doesn’t just happen!

Thankfully, as soon as we realize we are off track, we can ask God for help and forgiveness. He can redirect our paths and maximize our efforts.

The great part is if we seek His input first, that is relationship instead of religion, we can get where we need to more quickly. And when I bring it all to Jesus, He gives me grace and freedom. His yoke is easy and His burden is light (Matthew 11:30).

Interestingly, no other major religion besides Christianity offers a personal relationship with God. Instead, people are left always trying to earn their salvation. I’m so grateful Jesus, God’s own Son, did all the work for us by dying on the Cross. Thank You, Lord!


God, thanks for setting us in right relationship with You. Help us focus on loving You and being with You, instead of just doing more things for You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Is it easier for you to DO or just BE? Have you accepted God’s free gift of salvation through Jesus Christ?

Task: Haha, just kidding… there is no task for you to DO today. 😉 Lay aside your list, even if only for a few minutes. Then, just spend time with Jesus and soak up His great love for you!

Finding Grace #169

I love giving God a shout out for what He has done. We don’t do that nearly enough!

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?

This week was really good. I saw God’s grace all around, especially in how He directed our steps. Early in the week my sister and friend were still here. We had a great time together. Then, Tuesday through Thursday, I had work and Lydia had school.

On Wednesday, she went on a zoo field trip about an hour south of Fargo. It was a little strange having her leave town without me, but she did well!

Thursday was the last day of school. I squeezed in a dentist appointment and work before Lydia came home for summer break. She had an awesome year, teacher, and classmates. She was challenged in new ways and grew so much. I am so proud of her!

We had several friends come over this week. One friend came over for dinner and did her laundry. On Thursday, my other friends came over for Bible study. On Friday, several neighbor boys came over for water games on a hot day. Everyone had fun!

Yesterday, we spent most of the day outside. I mowed the lawn which had grown super long. Normally, it takes about 45 minutes, but I spent almost 2 hours bagging grass, mowing, raking and trimming. It was worth the extra effort!

Last night, I introduced Lydia to one of my favorite childhood series. There are 8 books total in the Addie McCormick Adventures by Leanne Lucas. My sister and I received new (autographed!) books for Christmas when they were originally released. Then, in high school, we were camp counselors, and we read these to our campers to calm them down after lights out. Lydia and I already read 90 pages of the first book!

Today is another beautiful day. Lydia and I spent the morning reading together, and then she has been outside this afternoon with friends. I have been knocking out indoor activities, like paying bills and cleaning the bathrooms. I’ll head out soon enough!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

Sweet Savings

We were walking into a store on Sunday when Lydia said excitedly, “Mom! When I grow up, I want a motorcycle and a truck!” Then, she added, “And, maybe a car.”

I don’t know what made her say that, but it made me smile. “Well, you’re going to have to work hard and save up for all those vehicles, though your dad would be proud!”

A few weeks ago, we had a conversation about finances in the car as we left the grocery store. I told her I’d have to update my budget when we got home, which prompted the topics of giving, saving, and spending.

Lydia told me all about how a savings account works. She seemed pretty confident and what she said made sense. I asked, “Oh, did you learn about that from school?”

“No,” Lydia replied. “From Little Critter.”

Trying to keep a straight face, I asked, “Oh, really? Which book was that?”

Lydia reminded me of when Little Critter (the character by Mercer Mayer) did extra chores to save up money for something he wanted. At the end of the story, he sees how much money he has and decides to aim a little higher and get something better.

I didn’t want Lydia to think I was laughing at her, so I tried to control my reaction. But, I was thinking, “Well, either I’m doing something really right… or really wrong!”

Then, a few days later, Lydia brought home a book from school about a little girl turning in the money from her piggy bank. I knew it was time for us to do the same.

Instead of an allowance, I give Lydia small tickets which are a creative way for me to avoid always having to have cash on hand. It has been fun because it is somewhat random.

Lydia doesn’t know what will earn her a ticket, so it is always a surprise. It is a very flexible system; some weeks she gets no tickets because we forget! 🙂

I usually only offer one or two tickets for doing extra chores (if any), but I gave Lydia 15 tickets when she got her braces. She was so brave!

I tend to reward quality work without complaining and other traits I want to cultivate. These include obedience, patience, kindness, gentleness, service/volunteering, and self-control. 

I’m sure we’ll adjust our system over time, but for now, it works well!

Lydia proudly combined the cash and coins from her piggy bank with her 92 tickets, which she earned since last summer. This is our first go-around, so we decided each one was worth a quarter. Whew! I owed her $23 and added it to her stash.

We opened the account together and have continued our conversations about money. For example, Lydia and I have been discussing wants versus needs. 

Lydia doesn’t know much about my budget, but she has been turning the tables and questioning whether or not I need something. It’s been a little convicting at times!

These are all good reminders that God cares about our money. He always provides well for us, but we are stewards of the blessings He gives us. Are we being faithful?

 It is okay to have nice things, but are we using our money wisely? Are we tithing to our church? Are we only meeting our needs or looking for ways to help others?

It matters how we use or resources, and it is important to have these conversations with our children. Thankfully, Lydia is learning valuable lessons early on.

It was good to put Lydia’s money in the bank for safe keeping. It wasn’t a lot of money, but it will grow over time.

God not only bought us back from death but He continues to invest in us. Sometimes growth is quick and easy, but often, it takes a lot of hard work and discipline.

It is okay to start small, but don’t delay. Both a handful of coins and our little efforts add up. We will see the benefits, however, if we do not give up (see Galatians 6:9).

Trust God wherever you are with whatever you have right now. He is faithful!


Heavenly Father, thanks for Your faithfulness and provision. Help us to have the right attitude about money. Help us to use our resources wisely. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Are you more of a spender or saver? Do you have a budget and set financial goals? How do you honor God with your finances?

Tasks: Take a moment to review your budget. Praise God for His provision and pray about any changes you need to make.

Moving Past Fear, Anxiety, and Worry

Last week, I started a small group Bible study for ladies, called Facing Fear, Finding Faith. We use a workbook and Scripture to discuss Biblical coping methods for facing fear, anxiety, and worry. It takes what we know from clinical psychology and combines it with God’s word. A powerful double whammy!

I am the facilitator for my group, which meets at my house, but we all have opportunities to share ideas with each other. I am looking forward to growing with these ladies!

For the purposes of our study, fear, anxiety, and worry are treated the same. But, the definitions provided in the workbook are listed separately. (source, page 2)

Fear: The cause of the threat is known, and is based in reality.

Anxiety: The threat is unknown. Because the individual cannot pinpoint the source of threat, an overall uneasy feeling of dread results.

Worry: The threat may be known or unknown. The individual is consumed with a nagging, excessive concern.

As I prepared to lead the group, I spent a lot of my time considering how each of these has impacted me. To my surprise, what I generally have always categorized as generalized fear, could actually be anxiety or worry.

Additionally, not all fears are negative. Some fears are healthy and keep us safe. There is a rational component, such as not touching a hot stove because you’d get burned. In this case, fear seems fairly relatable. Anyone could be afraid of a known threat based in reality.

The workbook, however, is more focused on the overwhelming and unhelpful side of fear. The problem occurs when fear stops you from being bold and living a full life.

Taking my hot stove example to the extreme, you might never cook anything at all or avoid the entire kitchen for fear of a hot stove. Then, it becomes irrational or life-controlling.

Surprisingly, I relate more to anxiety than I previously would have guessed. At times, I can get kind of jittery inside, yet it takes me a while to understand what is causing me to be agitated. Just even pausing and becoming more aware has helped!

For me, worry boils down to focusing on something so much I neglect other thoughts or tasks. I can get so stuck in my head sometimes! 🙂

So why am I explaining this to you?

Well, for one thing, week one of this study was eye-opening to me because I thought I just struggled with fear—but didn’t understand the role anxiety and worry played.

I already feel a million times more at peace, just by distinguishing the different factors at work. I’m excited as I prepare for week two!

Plus, by identifying the problem, I can quickly take it to Jesus and let Him help me. He is the Light of the World and displaces all fear and darkness! Praise God!

Unwittingly, fear used to be my default. I didn’t even truly realize it until my late-husband Dave got diagnosed with cancer. Then, God taught me how to deal with my fear.

It wasn’t fun, simple, or pretty—but I am so grateful.

Finally, I know many other people deal with these types of issues too. No one should have to deal with fear, anxiety, or worry alone. My hope is this will be a prompt to get some help, professional or otherwise, and break free from fear, anxiety, and worry.

Don’t give up!


Heavenly Father, thanks for setting me free from fear. Thank You that I don’t have to be afraid. Help me walk in your power and strength. Renew my mind and show me new ways to keep moving forward. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Do you deal with fear, anxiety, or worry? One…or all three?

Tasks: First, consider asking a counselor or trusted friend (or both!) for help.

Second, listen to “The Way (New Horizons)”  by Pat Barrett. It always reminds me of God’s goodness and redirects my focus back to Jesus. I love the lyrics:

“It’s a new horizon and I’m set on You
And You meet me here today with mercies that are new
All my fears and doubts, they can all come too
Because they can’t stay long when I’m here with You”

Say So!

Lately, I have been implementing a new morning routine, using “The Miracle Morning” by Hal Elrod (no affiliate links). I have gotten up early on-and-off over the years, but haven’t always maintained those stints…

Nonetheless, I find it helpful to wake up before Lydia so I can have some time to gather my thoughts and accomplish a few personal tasks. It helps me feel like I am starting the morning with my best foot forward.

(It helps that my cousin also gets up early and can keep me accountable!)

One part of the “Miracle Morning” that I have come to enjoy is saying affirmations. I used to think this was a cheesy way to toot my own horn. Not so appealing!

But now, I realize affirmations are really about calling out the good I see in myself.

It’s a way to give myself grace.

I used to focus more on my weaknesses and failures—but let’s face itthat never helped!

Instead, focusing on the positive through saying affirmations out loud has kept me from going back to bed. Another benefit is that I am retraining my brain every morning.

Now that’s a win-win!

This week, I downloaded a phone app called “ThinkUp which already has a ton of affirmations listed. There is a free version, where you can list 5 affirmations (theirs or DIY). But, for about $15, you can buy the premium version which allows you to track as many as you want.

I have already used a number of the affirmations in the app, but I have put in quite a few of my own, too. Some of them are simple statements like, “I love who I have become.” Some are statements about God’s faithfulness to me. Others are Scripture verses, like Philippians 4:13, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”

Some of the affirmations I put in are quotes by famous people, like, “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent” by Eleanor Roosevelt.

I’ll take all the reminders I can get. As long as it motivates and encourages me, it counts!

Interestingly, while the affirmations about me are true, some of them are not easy to do. Yet they give me something to work toward and achieve.

For example, “I appreciate the ability to rest” is true, but I have to remember to actually do this regularly! Taking care of myself and resting is so important.

One cool part of the app is that you can record the affirmations in your own voice. So, instead of just reading them to yourself, you can listen to them. I love this because it’s essentially reprogramming my self-talk. (It also reminds me of the good in other people.)

God loves affirming us, too! In Matthew 3:17, the Father affirmed Jesus and said how pleased He was with His Son. He loves us the same! Praise God!

Here are some other affirmations I have found helpful:

“I enjoy waking up early to reach my goals.”

“I love taking care of my body so my body can take care of me.”

“I focus on progress, not perfection.”

 “I give myself grace and extend it to others.”

“I am doing my best and that is enough.”

“I am well-loved and have lots of people cheering me on.”

“I am grateful for my life’s challenges because they help me grow and become who I am.”

“Put on the full armor of God.” (from Ephesians 6:10-18)

“I am resilient and keep moving forward.”

“When I see something good, I say so.”

Ultimately, what God says to me and about me is most important.

I want to repeat what He says!


Heavenly Father, thanks for affirming me in Your Word. Please renew my mind and transform me from the inside out. Thanks for all You do for me! In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Do you use affirmations on a regular basis? Has it changed anything for you?

Tasks: Download the “ThinkUp” app and record at least 5 affirmations!

Pray and Push Through

I have noticed a theme in my life lately: God is calling me to pray and push through. Keep on keeping on.

Life is certainly crazy at times, but despite the ups and downs, I need to persevere. I may not always see what God is doing, but I need to hang on tight to Jesus!

Change can be a two-edged sword. Sometimes, it seems change will never come. Bored, I can’t stand to bide my time. Then, when abrupt change does happen, I want things to return to the way they were! (I can be so fickle!)

Similarly, perhaps you find yourself in an impossible situation that looks like it will never change. Perhaps what you were hoping for hasn’t come to pass. Or, perhaps life just looks so different… certainly not what you expected.

Maybe it feels like only an ‘act of God’ will bring what you desire! It’s easy to feel down when it seems He is not listening to your cries for help. But, there is hope. Don’t give up!

The good news is that God always hears us and answers each of our prayers. He just may not answer how we want. God answers our prayers in three ways: Yes, No, or Not Yet.

Instead of trying to figure out how to make what we want happen, we can choose to trust God and His timing. God won’t give us anything less than His best.

He already gave us Jesus, His greatest gift—everything else is just gravy!

It’s a relief knowing God hears me and has good plans for me.

Even if God says No—or makes me wait it out—I am grateful I don’t have to make the final decision. I just have to be faithful and do what He has asked me to do.

I can praise God while I am waiting (and still hoping) but also know if it is ultimately a No, then He has something even better in store. Waiting on God is a win-win!

What joy! I can’t go wrong!

“God always gives His best to those who leave the choice with him.” –Jim Elliot


Father God, You are so good! Thanks for always giving me Your best. Help me trust You more as I wait. By Your grace and power, I won’t give up! In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Are you holding onto a dream that seems beyond you? Are you tempted to walk away from it? Could it be that God wants you to press in closer to Him?

Tasks: Read The Circle Maker by Mark Batterson. Listen to “The Way” by Pat Barrett.

Book Review: Joni & Ken

This summer, I have been reading several memoirs, many of them related to faith or medical issues. Recently a friend loaned me a book called Joni & Ken: An Untold Love Story and I have finally gotten around to reading it.

I have a large ‘to be read’ pile, but I could barely put this book down!

I was somewhat familiar with Joni Eareckson Tada’s story, of how she broke her neck in a diving accident as a teen and has been a quadriplegic ever since. However, I had no idea all that she has been through or how she and her husband make their marriage work.

The book highlights each of their struggles—and how they haven’t given up. Joni has been dealing with intense chronic pain for many years even without true feeling in her limbs. Pain medication barely takes the edge off. She also has had broken bones, pressure ulcers, severe pneumonia, and even breast cancer.

Ken, as a caregiver, has his own challenges that require perseverance. He has also had to take a backseat to his wife’s fame. As a result, Joni and Ken’s marriage has been tested and refined… Yet, these experiences have grown their relationship. Furthermore, they have been able to advocate for other people with disabilities.

I really appreciate—and recommend—this book because it was very real with no pretense. Life is not peachy all the time. Yet, this story proves that suffering can serve to draw us closer to Jesus. Indeed, God has been faithful to see the Tadas through.

Each of us has our own troubles that can define us or refine us. We have the choice whether to give up or give it to God. We can choose to stop in our tracks when life gets tough, or we can choose to move forward even when we don’t see where we are going.

We can trust Jesus because He never lets us down!

Each time I read or hear a story documenting God’s grace, goodness, and faithfulness in the midst of uncertainty, it makes me trust Him more for the outcome of my story too. Whatever you are facing today, know God loves You—He is for you and with you!

God, thanks for writing our stories with grace and love. You are so kind and good—the best is yet to come! Help us trust You with the details. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Are you familiar with Joni Eareckson Tada? Watch this video! What good books have you read lately?

Tasks: Consider how you can be a blessing to someone with ongoing needs—medical or otherwise. Even just a little encouragement can be a good start!