Putting On God’s Armor

As you may recall, last week I mentioned Lydia was reading through her Bible chapter by chapter. Last week, she read the Apostle Paul’s letter to Christian believers in the city of Ephesus during the Roman Empire. And, together we discussed it to make sure she really connected with God’s truth.

Ephesians Chapter 6 is all about spiritual warfare. Paul writes about putting on God’s armor daily; for me, a Roman soldier comes to mind. I’m sure there are many books, sermons, and articles discussing them in depth!

But, for our purposes, I wanted to do something hands-on. That way, Lydia would remember the lesson, be able to apply it, and “stand firm” in her faith!

As we reviewed Ephesians 6:10-18, I told Lydia to stand up and put on God’s armor. Yes, she had fun acting it out! The belt of truth is first (v. 14), and perhaps it is first because it went over a tunic before the heavy armor was added. But, we decided to save it for last… keep reading!

Next up… the breastplate of righteousness. Lydia acted like she was putting on a shirt, and then crossed her heart with her arms. I asked her what a breastplate would be used for. “Protection” was her response, and that is true. But, I also think of Proverbs 4:23, which says, “Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.” We talked about our emotions, distractions, and holding offense. Also, I mentioned how Lysa TerKeurst says, “Emotions are indicators, not dictators.” Emotions give us clues, but don’t run the show.

Then, Lydia put on shoes representing the “readiness given by the gospel of peace” (v. 15). What does that mean, we wondered? I had some ideas, but Lydia started walking about with her imaginary shoes. She focused on bringing peace to those she sees every day; I also was thinking about the gospel which means “good news.” So, we are holy ambassadors, spreading the Good News of peace (see Isaiah 52:7 and 2 Corinthians 5:20). Ultimately, Jesus brings us peace with God, peace with others, and peace with ourselves.

“In all circumstances take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming darts of the evil one” (v. 16). This verse was a lot of fun. Lydia held up her arm imagining a shield attached. She thought about it for a moment and then relaxed her arm. As soon as I saw my opportunity, I threw a small toy at her. She jumped and defensively raised her arm in shock. “Why did you do that?!” she asked. I explained that I was trying to prove a point and catch her off guard. We then discussed what a flaming dart (or arrow) might mean. She quickly realized that the fire comes from the pit of Hell, and we must always be prepared for Satan’s attacks.

We moved on to the helmet of salvation next (v. 17). This seems easier to understand than others, as a soldier would have a warrior mentality. Romans 12:2 came to mind, which says, “And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.” We must be alert to Satan’s lies and constantly remind ourselves of God’s love, grace, truth, peace, joy, etc. We cannot afford to forget all He has done for us!

The Sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God (v. 17), is the only weapon listed that is both our defense and offense. Lydia and I have previously discussed noticing lies or myths that would discredit Jesus or make us doubt Him. We then can attack the lies and replace them with Scripture verses. This book is particularly helpful because it matches God’s word with our emotions.

Now, let’s go back to the belt of truth. I asked Lydia why we saved this for last. She got it right away. “Because God’s truth holds everything else together!” John 14:6 mentions that Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life, and Colossians 1:17 records how all things are held together in Him. We cannot be spiritually strong without Jesus!

Finally, Paul writes to keep alert and keep praying. We can’t be lazy or sleepy. We must do all we can to stand strong and stand firm in Christ. On guard!


Heavenly Father, thanks for giving us all the tools we need for a successful life, including spiritual armor. Help us use it effectively as we live for You and obey. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Have you ever thought much about our spiritual armor? What components are familiar or easy to use, and which ones do you need to dust off?

Tasks: To read more, click here for the search results related to Ephesians 6 on my blog. 🙂

Finding Grace #384

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Free Willow-Leaved Pear Pear photo and picture

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?!

This was a good, quiet week! Lydia was at camp Monday through Friday, so I worked and then had my evenings free. It was the most we’ve ever been apart, but I think we both managed well. Thankfully, I have spent time cultivating solitude and am comfortable on my own! In fact, it was a nice treat. 🙂

A couple of days after work, I ran errands and meandered home. I visited a new bookstore, went to the kitchen store at the mall, checked out a local foodie market, and ate some ice cream. I was going to work on some projects (chores) around the house, but I decided they could wait. Instead, I just enjoyed losing track of time!

On Tuesday, I went to see ‘Sound of Freedom’ in the theater. It was an outstanding production, and I encourage you to go support it. You can read my movie review here.

Work went well, and I had some fun patients and encouraging talks with my coworkers. One day, we had a fast and furious storm and we dashed to our cars in the torrential downpour. Hilarious! In addition, I received some compliments and also a little recognition for my work with a Veteran. It felt good to be celebrated!

On Friday, Lydia came home! She had a blast and I enjoyed hearing all about her adventures. She felt really close to the Lord, which was an answer to prayer. We ate some homemade lasagna and watched a movie while cuddling. It’s great to have her back!

Today, we had a relaxing morning and then went to a street fair with some friends. We enjoyed walking and chatting, checking out local products, and eating Greek ‘street food.’ We saw a ton of dogs and enjoyed people-watching, too! The weather was perfect as well!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

Movie Review: Sound of Freedom

Last night, I watched the ‘Sound of Freedom’ movie with a good friend. We were unsure of what we were getting into since the topic is child trafficking. I wasn’t sure if it was all hype, but it is based on a true story, and I felt it necessary to bear witness. It is important to learn more and call out the darkness. It is listed as PG-13, but I’d say it’s more appropriate for 16+ given the heavy, gripping material.
Honestly, this is probably one of the best movies I’ve ever seen. While some may argue, it is not a political movie nor a religious movie. It’s not about coercion or emotions. It is about saving children and raising awareness. ‘Sound of Freedom’ is about heroism in the face of evil. It’s an incredible story of courage and hope! My heart was pounding from the get-go, but it showcased many brave people stepping up and risking their lives to do what was right.
I learned that more people are enslaved today than at any other time in history (even in the ~300 years when it was ‘legal’); over two million are children. Snatched from their families, often under false pretenses. In terms of money, it has surpassed illegal drugs. Horrifying.
Free Boy Alone photo and picture
This movie is just one small part, but it was outstanding. In terms of acting and storytelling, it was all done very well! As I reflect on it, I understand that the reality is far worse. It shows just enough to make the point. Given the topic, some parts are a little emotional, but it was very much worth seeing. Apparently, it was #1 during it’s opening weekend, even beating Indiana Jones! Wow!
My reaction? This movie makes me want to do two things at once. I could easily hide away in my safety zone, protecting all my loved ones! But I am also compelled to go out and use my voice to make a difference. While God is not calling me to go directly into dangerous territory, I can pray for those in the daily struggle. I can press for better laws and better processes. I encourage you to see the movie and vote with your entertainment dollars.
Similar to how The Chosen tv show was originally funded, you can pay it forward by buying a ticket for someone. (Or, if needed, you can benefit by getting free tickets.)
There is work to be done. Read the statistics. Learn the signs. Donate to an organization. Volunteer. Speak up. Let’s send the message that “God’s children are not for sale!”
God, thank You for being our Rescuer. Thanks for opening our eyes to the evils around us. Help us move forward in faith, wisdom, and boldness. May we be sensitive to the needs right in front of us. Fill us with compassion and courage. In Jesus’ Name Amen
Questions: How can you be a difference-maker today? Where can you stand in the gap for someone?
Task: Check out the Sound of Freedom movie in theaters now! Also, don’t be overwhelmed with what to do… just do the very next right thing and trust God to lead you.

Hearing God’s Heart

In my Bible time yesterday, I was in Isaiah 43-45. I was listening in the car via the YouVersion Bible App. It’s part of a Bible Project reading plan I am doing with friends.

I enjoy listening to the Bible because I often hear things I may have missed while reading. I can always go back and re-read a passage, but I can better understand the bigger picture when I listen. Reading is still important, though, because going slower helps you digest it in other ways!

Yesterday, these two chapters reminded me of when it’s God’s turn to speak in the Book of Job. Isaiah is recording God’s defense. He lays it all out, how Israel and other nations worship worthless idols, their unfaithfulness. He also explains that He loves them and is merciful to them, despite the coming calamity of exile, and how He alone is God and Savior.

God’s heart and passion for His people really stood out to me yesterday. He warned them over and over and literally did everything to save Israel (and us) but even then, we all turned our backs on Him.

How heartbreaking!

Free Landscape Countryside photo and picture

When I think of God’s anger in the Bible, I often think, “Oh sure, He’s justified to punish them. They deserve it!” But, when I think of how sad it must’ve been for God, well, it just makes me love Him more and want to do what is right and pleasing to Him.

Even so, He helps me! Try as I might, I can never be perfect or do everything right one hundred percent of the time! I am so relieved Jesus did for me what I could never do.

God created us and the world we live in, then He saved us when we messed it all up. He made it right at His own costs (His own Son!) and wants to reward us with blessings. For example, we can join Him in His work on Earth and then join Him in Heaven for eternal life. Thank You, Jesus!

There are many ways we can connect with God and hear His heart. Reading His word and talking with Him in prayer are great ways to start!

Another angle to consider is disconnecting from the noise of social media, television, podcasts, and other distractions so we can hear God’s still, small voice, perceive His heart, and make sense of His kindness to us.

In John 10:27, Jesus said, “My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.” We know it is God when we hear Truth (or a gentle challenge), grace, love, mercy, forgiveness, peace, joy, comfort…  these are the Heartbeat of Heaven!


Heavenly Father, thanks for Jesus! Thanks for all Your love and grace. Help us to quiet ourselves so we can hear You and sense how You are moving in our lives. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: What will you change today so you can hear God’s heart?

Tasks: Set some time aside today (and/or perhaps a block of time later this week) to talk with God and listen. Read Scripture, sing a worship song, and write down what you sense Him saying. Soak up His love and be refreshed with His grace.

Finding Grace #362

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Free Hoarfrost Moss photo and picture

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?!

This week was fairly calm, and I am grateful for that!

The weather showed more signs of spring, with warmer temperatures and wet roads from melting snow. We still have mostly freezing temperatures, but they feel relatively warm to us! Fifteen degrees is “starting to heat up,” and anything above twenty-five is “quite balmy!”

This was a good week to catch up with friends. We served in the children’s ministry at church on Wednesday and had fun playing with the preschool crowd and talking with other volunteers. Then, my African neighbors called to check-in. I also caught up with a former coworker who moved to Colorado last year. Finally, my sister and I started a new book for our little book club. It was fun to talk with so many people, many of who challenge me to be my best!

All week, Lydia’s school bus route was not running due to a lack of drivers. Each week, a different route is “skipped,” and parents must take their kids to school. So, this week was our turn. It gave Lydia more time, and me slightly less time, to get ready. Still, there was some benefit in that I woke up earlier, left home earlier, and also arrived at work earlier. It made me think I should do this more often!

Because I felt less rushed, I was able to enjoy listening to an audiobook on my drive to work. I started Fiber Fueled by Dr. Will Bulsiewicz, MD, a gastroenterologist. “Fascinated” is too small of a word to relay the awe I had listening to all the benefits of fiber. As a Registered Dietitian, I am constantly promoting plant foods, which are the only sources of fiber. I am only a couple of chapters in, but I am challenged to learn new ways of explaining fiber to my patients while discussing gut health, weight, heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, kidney disease, and other conditions, most of which are related to inflammation.

Otherwise, work was good and busy! I had the opportunity to work with our very sweet dietetic intern and help her learn the ropes of nutrition assessment and counseling. This includes interpreting labs; asking pertinent questions; accurately explaining nutrition science; and understanding the nuances of personal motivation. She did a great job connecting with our patients and eagerly accepted feedback, knowing it will help her improve. I also had various problems to solve, including tube feeding orders and certain nutrition supplements as a national backorder continues.

Today, I was on-call for a few hours but did not have to go in to work. Instead, I worked on this blog post, caught up on some bills, and read a book… all while keeping my phone at-hand, just in case. Once again, it was rewarding to get up early and have some “extra” time to get things done.

The rest of the day was spent doing Saturday things. Errands, cleaning, cooking, etc. I threw together some easy recipes, though nothing specific. Sometimes, it is just fun to see how things turn out!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

On Fog and Fasting

The last few mornings or so have been foggy. Sometimes it clears off to reveal a beautiful sunny day, and at other times, it remains as-is. I don’t mind, especially since that means the temperature is rising!

We had a two-hour late start on Monday since our school district includes many rural families. We enjoyed a little more time together, unexpectedly! I even had time to bake some delicious sweet potatoes, which made me revamp my lunch that day. 🙂

After work yesterday, I could barely see a giant airplane flying in through the clouds. It looked like it came out of nowhere! When I finally saw it, it was about fifty feet in the air, preparing to land. Surreal!

Free Mountain Forest photo and picture

In other news, many of the people at our church are doing a new year’s fast. I decided to join everyone, though I am unsure what kind everyone else is doing. I am doing a twenty-one-day Daniel Fast, which is a partial fast. Think vegan combined with a few more restrictions, such as no sugar and caffeine. (Daniel 10 and Daniel 21)

I have followed the Daniel Fast various times over the years. When Dave was sick, I would fast during his chemo treatments (three days). It worked well to calm my nerves and coincided when he wasn’t eating much. My hunger reminded me to run to Jesus and invite him into our chaos. It was a great help back then when I was running in so many directions, but I didn’t have the bandwidth to do much else.

Over the last couple of years, I held off from fasts because I didn’t feel ready to put in the effort. Not that I discount the importance, my heart just wasn’t where it needed to be. 

This time, the Daniel Fast feels different, joyful even. Perhaps that’s because I signed up for daily encouragement from Susan Gregory, who has authored several books on the subject. I appreciate her level of detail and the way she honors God. It also helps to know other people are fasting with me!

Free Fog Sunset photo and picture

Here are a few key points: First, Jesus talked about fasting as a normal part of a godly life. He did not say “if” but “when you fast.” (If you read the verse, know I am sharing this as an exhortation, not to get attention!) Second, fasting is not to gain God’s approval. He already loves you and wants what’s best for you! Sometimes, though, we get in our own way.

Third, fasting is not about the body or our food… what you eat or don’t eat, or how you look. We already pay enough attention to that! As Lisa Bevere says, “A diet changes the way you look. A fast changes the way you see.” You temporarily lay aside your desires and routine for a higher purpose. Thus, fasting is about saying ‘no’ to the ‘flesh’ and saying ‘yes’ to God. That looks different for each of us, of course. For me, it’s about tuning my spiritual ears to the voice of the Holy Spirit.

As Lydia grows, I want to make sure I am raising her how God wants. If I need to change something, I want to hear and follow through! I don’t want to drag my feet or miss something altogether. That’s just one example, but I am praying about God’s wisdom in several areas. I am excited to see what He does!

It’s ironic that our foggy weather coincides with our church’s fasting period. Fog is difficult to see through, but fasting opens our spiritual eyes. In both cases, we must slow down, pay attention, and rely on God to guide us. Thank You, Lord, for being our Light!


God, thanks for the opportunity to draw near to You. Open my eyes and ears; help me perceive what You are doing and join you there. Bless me, in Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Have you ever done a fast? (Again, this differs from fasting or dieting for weight loss or making yourself look or feel better.) What did you learn about God and yourself?

Task: If you are in need of answers or a breakthrough, consider a spiritual fast. There are many types. Remember, God doesn’t require perfection. He offers us His abundant grace!

Finding Grace #328

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?!

This week had some ups and downs, but I certainly saw God’s grace all around me. The picture above shows some more beautiful flowers in the healing garden at work!

My arm is still a little bruised after falling down that small set of stairs almost two week ago! I have a little bump under the skin, and I am praying it continues to heal. It is right where my arm hits the table when I am typing… which probably means I need to improve my form at work and when blogging. 😉 Anyway, it is still a little painful and I appreciate your prayers!

I heard some sad news that an extended family member died early in the week. My uncle had Alzheimer’s disease and was fairly young. It had been a long time since I had seen him as he lived in Ithaca, New York, but I always think of him when I drink my Caribou Coffee at home or eat Thomas brand English muffins (so basically, several times a week!). Nearly twenty years ago, a good friend and I went out to visit his family when we were considering where to go to grad school. As you can imagine, we made many memories on that road trip! We visited Cornell and Uncle John introduced several foodie delights before they became well-known around the country. He was quite funny and will be missed.

Work was busy as usual, but went well. Every day was full of different meetings and patients, but I was able to connect with my coworkers, which always makes it worthwhile. We have some upcoming changes in the near future, such as covering a maternity leave and transition between two other staff positions. It was good to find out more about what temporary changes we will need to make, though we don’t have all the details just yet.

Today, we have been working on some home improvements. Most were little things, like tightening some screws on the deck or reorganizing our little free library. But, we also cleaned and rearranged some more of the garage. I definitely was thinking about how much Dave loved hands-on work as I swept, put things on shelves, put air in my bike tires, and used the shop vac. I started cleaning the workbench but decided to take a break. It’s looking good!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

Finding Grace #313

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Finland, Forest, Winter, Birch, Woods, Timber, Woodland

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?!

This was a restful week for me, though I have been praying for and reading about the war in Ukraine. I am grateful for my calm, peaceful life, but also eager to see a breakthrough overseas. Our world is in a tight spot, but God is still good and in control.

This week, my patient load was lighter, to begin with, but also, several people canceled, no-showed, or were seen by others. It was nice for me because I was able to stay caught up with charting and work on a couple of other projects! March is National Nutrition Month, so to celebrate, we had a multicultural potluck and some treats, too!

I met with two different groups of ladies from church. It is good to hear what God is doing among these friends. On Wednesday night, we had a great book discussion about lost women of the Bible. We don’t know much about Noah’s wife, but the author was able to deduce several things from this obscure woman. It was so interesting to think about how isolated she must have felt after losing all of her extended family and friends due to the Flood. She would have had to decide whether to trust God while caring for her family, cleaning up after animals, and starting over. How tough that must have been!

I finally made an appointment to see a specialist about my toe! I thought it was getting better, but it flared up again. After waiting for a long time, the doctor didn’t know what was wrong. In the end, he did lance the infected spot (unrelated to my toenail) and gave me another antibiotic. I am supposed to let him know if it doesn’t look/feel better early next week. Then, if needed, he could remove my toenail! Prayers appreciated!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

Brave, Smart, or Kind

Do you ever try to talk yourself out of decisions? Or is that just me?

Last week, I had said I would attend an event but was on the fence about actually doing so. Even though I wanted to go, I kind of didn’t want to go. Sometimes it’s an introvert thing and sometimes it is a fear thing… honestly, it may be both.

I was raised to honor commitments, but even so, I was trying to think of other things to do! It’s cold. It’s dark. I’m tired. I’m busy and want a break. I need to, I should…

Most of these were excuses, which should have been my first clue. Though, a couple of possible solutions did pop into my head. One, I could have practiced for the next day’s presentation at work; that would have been smart. And, two, I could have checked in on a friend who is a new widow and single mom; that would have been kind.

Sensing a teachable moment, I asked Lydia, “Should I do something brave, smart, or kind?” And then, I told her about these three ideas also explaining that all of them were good options.

It was a good, better, best type of moment. There wasn’t an obviously wrong answer.

Path, Feet, Shoes, Road Surface, Direction, Arrow

I loved Lydia’s response: “I think you should do the brave thing and go. You can probably practice later, and maybe you could show your friend kindness in some other way. But this is the only chance to be brave.”

We discussed it further and we agreed. I didn’t really need to practice much for my presentation since it is a very familiar nutrition topic. Often, I joke that I could do that while asleep! I talk about it more or less every day, so I know it inside and out.

And, while I didn’t tell Lydia this, I had already reached out to my widow friend. I wanted to be open in case God had our paths cross that night and she wanted to talk. But, I also wanted to give her some space since she has been overwhelmed. Of course, there is a balance and the key is listening to the Holy Spirit’s timing. He did not have our paths cross that night.

Basically, since I was at risk of chickening out, I knew I needed to do the brave thing and show up. Fear is so subtle isn’t it?! Faith is the only way forward!

I can do difficult things, and I am so glad I did. I had a great time and shared a lot of laughter with some really sweet ladies. If I had chosen an option other than bravery, I might have missed an opportunity to meet new friends. Or, it might be even more difficult or awkward the next time. The first step is always the hardest!

Be, Brave, Svg, Motivation, Courage

Then, a few days later, Lydia chickened out several times all within the same day.

For example, I asked her to stand in a separate grocery line and make a purchase (on her own, while I was nearby), but she didn’t. In another instance, she completely missed out on a fun reward because she stalled and didn’t get out the door in time. Fear had her stuck in her tracks. 

When we discussed it, she said, “I’m just afraid of everything!” This stood out to me because it is uncharacteristic of how she normally acts… and I can totally relate.

In fact, I was able to share a little of my story and my fight against fear. Even as a young child, I was afraid. Fear was always an undercurrent, but difficult for me to fully identify and deal with. So, it was interesting how I could recognize the lies and reframe them for Lydia.

I explained that Jesus set us free from fear, and now we don’t have to be afraid. Fear is normal, but we don’t have to dwell on it or stay in that mindset. We have to challenge our fears in order to keep moving forward!

It’s as if we are sitting in a jail cell feeling sorry for ourselves when the key is in the door standing wide open. I’m sure God is like, “Hello!!! I already did the difficult work! All you have to do is walk out and be free!”

Jesus is so much more than our ‘get-out-of-jail-free’ card.

Fearful events happen all around us. We can’t always get away from every obstacle. But, over and over in the Bible, God commands us, “Do not be afraid.” So, it seems we are responsible for not giving in to fear and staying stuck. God always provides a way to move forward, if we are willing to be brave.

There are several ways we can combat fear. We can pray for help, quote a Bible verse, ask a friend to come with us… but ultimately, we need to show up and do the difficult thing anyway. We won’t always get it right the first time, but as long as we stand in faith, we win!

Often, we have to challenge ourselves with little scary tasks so we are prepared when the big ones come! Thus, Lydia and I decided to work toward this together and keep each other accountable. I will be presenting small ongoing weekly challenges to build her up for the future. I’m still sorting out what that looks like!

I’m her mom, yes, but I know all too well what happens when we give in to fear. Over time, it becomes a stronghold and I will not allow that on my watch!


God, thank You for setting us free from fear so we can walk in Your grace and Truth. We praise You because we don’t have to be afraid!! Open our eyes to the lies we believe so we may challenge them and keep moving forward. We have Victory! In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: How have you been brave, smart, or kind this week? Has it been easy or a challenge? What will you do differently next time?

Tasks: Challenge your fears, and do it afraid! Watch The Pilgrim’s Progress, which is based on the classic story by John Bunyan. It highlights several of the lies we believe in our Christian walk.

Red Sea Rescue

Reading through God’s word again this year means I am now in Exodus! This is always a great read, though it can be intense reading about Pharaoh’s evil heart and how he put his whole nation against God and led them into judgment.

Still, the story is more about God’s power and love for His people. The nation of Israel waited hundreds of years for God to rescue them, and I’m sure it must’ve felt like He was never going to come through for them. But, He always keeps His promises!

God rescued His people at just the right time (Exodus 2:24-25). Then, He led them through the desert as an alternating pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night. Despite their almost immediate grumbling, complaining, and greediness (manna and quail), He still showed them grace.

Sand, Beach, Ocean, Water, Footprints, Beach Sand

And, when they faced certain death from the Egyptians at the Red Sea, God made a way for them. Not only did He part the waters and kill the Egyptians, He already had the plan in place before He moved on their behalf. (He created the Red Sea and led them to it, after all!)

Exodus 14:14 (NLT) says, “The Lord himself will fight for you. Just stay calm.” Some other versions say to be silent or to be still. But, while God did the heavy work, Israel still had to choose to obey Him and pick up their feet. They couldn’t remain ‘statues’ of fear. They had to move forward and do what He said. Notice they were told to walk; they were not told to swim across.

It’s sometimes easy to roll our eyes at the Israelites and question how they could possibly doubt God’s love and provision for them. But, we do the same thing!

Red Sea, Coast, Egypt, Water, Travel, Beach, Landscape

On Monday, I heard the song, “Egypt,” by Cory Asbury. It felt like perfect timing, as it coincided with my reading and reminded me how much God has done for me.

He steps in to protect me daily, even when I don’t perceive Him or thank Him. He leads me in paths of righteousness for His name’s sake (Psalm 23) and prepares me for what lies ahead. 

God will move Heaven and Earth to do whatever it takes to rescue me, not so I can do whatever I want, but so I can worship Him and do what He created me to do.

Like Joyce Meyer writes in her book, Battlefield of the Mind, we have to take control of our emotions and take our thoughts captive. Otherwise, we will stay stuck in the wilderness like the Israelites did and never reach the Promised Land. Yes, eventually, even God was tired of their complaining!!

Jesus is our Rescuer, and every Victory is His! No matter what happens, He is trustworthy and always on time… So, stay calm. God’s got this, and He is leading you to freedom!


God, thank You for rescuing us and for doing all the work for us.

Questions: What is your “Red Sea Rescue” story? Can you see all the ways God has brought you through?

Tasks: Listen to the song linked above and check out the book, too! Then, listen to this message (Q &A) by Joyce Meyer!