Be Kind, Not Just Nice

My mom, Debbie, had what some people have called the face of an angel. Funny, I know! But several people have told me that lately, and Mom also heard that often. 😀 I suppose people think “cherub” when considering the unique shape of her face combined with her cheerful, sunny side! She looked so sweet and nice.

That said, Mom was often vocal about things that mattered to her. Not content just to talk, she often got involved, too! She volunteered at various places, including women’s shelters and pregnancy centers. She loved being hands-on.

For instance, Mom volunteered at our local schools for many years as a “mother helper,” even after her kids were out of those grades. Perhaps she was most passionate about listening to kids practice their reading. She patiently would help them “sound it out,” and she would call out their other strengths. In some ways, she was the parent they needed at the time. One boy struggled throughout school and did not seem to have much support at home. But, he always reminded himself that Mrs. Yeagle believed in him. As an adult, he later tracked Mom down to thank her for the difference she made in his life. He didn’t know how he would’ve made it otherwise.

Volunteering is good and nice—absolutely. Being community-focused is vital. But there is a difference between being nice and being kind.

Romans 2:4 explains that “the kindness of God leads us to repentance.” Mom demonstrated this whenever “Debbie Torpedo” came around. She wasn’t just nice, she was also kind. She spoke the truth in love so people would change. (Change doesn’t usually occur with badgering and belittling!)

Being nice is not a fruit of the Spirit, but kindness is! An example of being nice is complimenting someone. Kindness is letting them know they have a piece of spinach in their teeth. It is nice to greet someone on a hike. Kindness means telling them they are walking directly toward a tricky drop-off. They may still choose to proceed, but you warned them. More importantly, telling people about Jesus’ love and the consequences of sin can impact their eternity. It is worth the risk!

Mom often influenced other women as they parented their young children. When a mom caved at her child’s whining or temper tantrum, my mom would say, “You wouldn’t let me treat you that way. Why are you letting your three-year-old act like that? Be the parent.” Usually, the woman caught on and learned how to correct her child. Mom would coach her until she was confident, explaining that it is good for children to have boundaries.

The tough love approach can be intimidating sometimes. It takes a lot of courage to speak up! But Mom empowered these ladies to do what was needed. She showed them what they could be, and many of them thanked her later.

As a mother myself, I appreciate good advice. Thankfully, Mom didn’t have to tell me to “be the parent” specifically, but I have seen these situations fester. Over time, a child might stop being invited somewhere if they don’t behave well. This affects their future friendships and opportunities. A child that lacks discipline becomes a hindrance and a liability of sorts. Frankly, they are not fun to be around! So, my mom was doing a kindness in pointing that out to those who would listen.

Bottom line: Being nice is a good start. But niceness is not enough. We must also accept the challenge of being kind.


God, thanks for Your lovingkindness. Thanks for loving us enough to correct us when we need it. Help us be wise with our words so we may be kind and draw people to You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: What would it look like for you to speak with kindness today? What if God was only nice to us, not kind? (I find that to be a little scary!)

Tasks: Consider your words before speaking. Think through whether the situation calls for being nice or being kind. If you don’t know, ask the Lord to show you!


Defiant Joy

My mom loved a good party! With her magnetic personality, she usually became the social director wherever she went, lol. Like her mother, she enjoyed organizing anything from casual events to formal affairs. But mostly, she enjoyed having fun!

Mom spread joy through classy decor, delicious food, and laughter with her sense of humor. She bought colored tablecloths before they were even a thing. Her centerpieces might include candles, colored gems, marbles, balloons, and/or beautiful floral bouquets. She taught us to wrap up silverware and added a little flare with colored curling ribbon. Music typically set the mood, at least for home parties.

Mom knew how to elevate basic, everyday foods. She was known for her spaghetti sauce, beef stew, potato leek soup, barbecue, egg rolls, and chicken salad. Her infamous relish tray with celery, baby carrots, red grapes, sweet pickles, and olives was a standard we still replicate. She would even “doctor up” mundane foods with fresh ingredients, like fruits or vegetables—anything to add color, flavor, and nutrition.

Everyone was welcome at mom’s events. She wanted to include everyone because she saw their inherent God-given value. She had her own opinions and convictions, but she looked past differences to see the individual.

Mom was bold and generous toward others. She loved shopping for good deals, partly, so she could give away what she bought. She had a little stockpile of things at home and was always prepared with a gift. Mom often interacted with total strangers at the grocery store, gas station, airport, bank, etc. She would notice something special about them and mention it. She asked good questions and connected them with resources, if warranted. 

Mom loved a good outfit accessory. She loved jewelry, sunglasses, hats, scarves, and purses. But, she didn’t hold onto anything too tightly. She often gave away personal items as she felt led in the moment. For example, if you told her you liked her necklace or bracelet, chances were she might just give it to you.

For someone who just met her, it would be easy to assume my mom was only surface-level or light-hearted all the time. Nothing could be further from the truth. While Mom attracted people with her bubbly personality, she could go deep.

Free Cookie Cookies photo and picture

Mom’s personal motto was “Never a dull moment.” She faced many personal challenges, losses, and pain, but she learned to trust God’s goodness and provision through the messiness of life. She knew He would continue fighting for her, so she didn’t have to win every battle.

Instead, my mom used her energy and influence to point people to God. Mom knew joy is not based on circumstances, like happiness often is. Joy is based on knowing the contagious, steadfast love of Jesus. Indeed, He was the most joyful person ever!

This week, I came across a funny video of my mom. It was from her last birthday in October, and I loved hearing her joy and laughter. I imagine her experiencing Heaven the same way. Although I am grieving, I don’t want to miss the chance to celebrate God’s goodness. Indeed, I don’t have to have all the answers to trust Jesus and walk in faith.


Heavenly Father, thanks for the beauty and joy You instill into our daily lives. Show us Your glory! Help us take advantage of the opportunities You give us and draw closer to You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: How can you live with defiant joy today, however trying your circumstances? What are you grateful for?

Tasks: Join me in carrying on my mom’s legacy of defiant joy. There is always a reason to be grateful and celebrate! Nice weather, all green traffic lights, met a goal, received a compliment, ate delicious food? Buy yourself some flowers or dance around while praising God! Read this fun throwback about my mom’s epic 60th birthday party.

Debbie Torpedo

Well, it’s been about a week and a half since my mom, Debbie, went to Heaven. I miss her so much and know I’m not the only one. She was like a mother figure to many people. Mom took many people under her wing and encouraged them. She was gifted at identifying their strengths and helping them grow into who God made them to be.

My family has received many messages from people about how Mom changed the course of their family’s life. She taught a friend to pray in public; now that friend’s son is a pastor. Mom challenged another woman to love her husband by making time for him. That marriage has never been stronger. Mom mentored many and called us all a little higher.

Mom knew how to get right to the heart of the matter. Although she sometimes spoke harsh truths, she did it with love and grace. Her conviction was always mixed with witty charm. I don’t know anyone else who could do that like she did!

Most of us would just keep quiet despite seeing a glaringly obvious problem in someone else. Not Mom. If she loved you, she would not let it go. She would speak up so you could make it right. She was a force, but came from a place of love. Mom wanted the best for and expected the best from her friends and family.

Mom did not worry whether someone liked her. She gave tons of compliments but would also risk telling someone the truth. She did not do it to demean or gloat, but to correct an error. In essence, she loved you too much to leave you that way.

Mom looked sweet, but she could pack a wallop when needed. One of her favorite lines was, “Don’t let the freckles fool you!” Similarly, a dear family friend called her “Debbie Torpedo”because you never saw it coming!

If you’ve experienced “being laid flat” as I like to say, I’m happy to report that God really refined my Mom over many decades of walking with Him. When I was little, she was still working on controlling her fiery temper… So, I know how it feels! But, as my parents and siblings often discussed later as adults, it was just the forge we needed.

Mom and Dad didn’t set out to raise weak kids who would flounder in the real world. My parents have been through some tough circumstances, and they wanted to prepare us. So they taught us first about Jesus and second about showing up and doing hard things. They promoted independence and standing on our own two feet.

My parents held us to high standards and expected us to rise to that level. For every gift we received, we wrote a thank you note. She would tear it up if it weren’t “thankful enough” or legible, and we would have to start over. We can laugh about it now, but there were many tears. 😉

Mom and Dad didn’t ask us to do anything they weren’t already doing. They lead by example. Mom was well known for writing cards to people. She cultivated this discipline over decades. When her arthritis flared up and she was in so much pain (often daily), she would reach out and bless others.

Indeed, I have learned so much from my mom. At the end of her life (though we did not see it coming), Mom, aka “Debbie Torpedo” still had some of that fire, yet her faith in Jesus tempered it. She was born a fighter, but He made her into a warrior. She did not blame Jesus for the pain or complain about it. She praised Him and blessed others. That’s an example worth following!

God, You are so good and wise. Thanks for working in each of our lives and transforming us. May we submit to You and use our strengths for Your glory. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions:  Have you ever had someone speak a harsh truth to you? Was it done in love or spite? Did you resist change or did you grow through the process?

Task: If you want to read my mom’s obituary but haven’t, here it is.

Always Grateful

Recently, I heard a sermon about not being anxious. The message covered Matthew 6:31-34. It was a great message in and of itself, but as I took notes, the pastor’s opening note struck me. He mentioned the well-known Bible commentator Matthew Henry, who lived in England in the late 1600s to early 1700s. What I found so interesting was Mr. Henry’s reaction to being robbed!

He knew he should “give thanks in all circumstances” (1 Thessalonians 5:18). So, after some reflection, he wrote in his diary, “Let me be thankful. First, I was never robbed before. Second, although they took my purse, they didn’t take my life. Third, although they took my all, it was not much. Fourth, let me be thankful because it was I who was robbed and not I who did the robbing.”

Isn’t that incredible?! Most of us would not walk away from that situation showing gratitude. Instead, we might be angry and complain about the risk or inconvenience. We might start to worry or be afraid of it happening again. I’m grateful we can turn our worries into prayers!

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I usually think of myself as someone who can find the good in difficult situations, choosing to praise God and look on the bright side. “It could always be worse…” Since learning about Matthew Henry, I have been thinking through common situations I’ve been in and looking ahead to how I will deal with them.

When I am driving in a blizzard, I’ll be glad for a car with all-wheel drive. I will be thankful for the snow plows, even if I get stuck behind them. I’ll be grateful that some people could stay home so there are fewer cars on the road. I will praise God for His protection. He leads me when I cannot see!

When I get a speeding ticket, even if I don’t think I was wrong (ahem): I’ll be grateful for laws that protect us and glad that God is just. I will be thankful for His grace all the other times… I will also be grateful that He doesn’t always give me what I deserve (mercy).

When I have a delayed layover flight, I will be glad for the layover because I won’t have to rush. I might have time to walk around the airport or make some calls. I will rest and not have to worry, trusting in God’s perfect timing and plan.

When people mock me or misunderstand me, I will remember that God Almighty is my defender. He is the Truth and covers me with His grace. I will be grateful that He knows me and loves me dearly. He will make it right and set the record straight in due time.

Free Forest Nature photo and picture

When I am sick, I will praise God for being my healer. I will be grateful for modern medicine and the chance to rest. I will pay attention to my body and ensure I am not running myself ragged.

When things don’t go my way or cause me to be late or inconvenienced, I will remember all the times my plans did go well. I will be thankful for the detours, knowing God is still at work around me.

When I feel I am a day late or a dollar short, I will be grateful this does not happen often. I will praise God for His provision. I’ll remind myself that with Jesus, I am enough. I will be thankful for the reminder to lean on Him. I will be glad for the wisdom gained to prevent it from happening again.

When I am sad or grieving, I will be grateful for the time together, the love we shared, and the memories. I will choose to see God’s heart and trust Him. I will look forward to our eternal hope in Jesus. This is not the end!

These are just some ways to be thankful, but I am sure you can think of more! God is so worthy of our praise. Let’s stop grumbling and complaining and lay down our pride in gratitude for all He has done! I’ll go first! 😉


God, thanks for Your mercy and grace in all circumstances. Thanks that You turn everything into something for Your Glory and our good. Put a guard over our mouths, as we seek You first with gratitude. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Using Matthew Henry’s approach, how can you be grateful today? How does gratitude in the Lord decrease your anxiety, worry, and fear?

Tasks: Write down all you are thankful for in a journal. Review how God has turned bad things for the good. Soon, you will see how your mood changes amid trials!

Jehovah Jireh, My Provider

“Jehovah Jireh, My Provider, His grace is sufficient for me, for me, for me…”

This is just one of the songs that’s been running through my mind lately.

It is a good reminder, amid a world of uncertainty that God is reliable. His grace covers me! He does not sleep nor slumber. He has never lost a battle. He is always victorious! He loves me, He is for me, He protects me, He brings me peace, and yes, He provides for me!

Hebrews 13:8, says, Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” God is unchanging, always full of grace and truth. He is not surprised by anything.

One of my favorite verses is Ephesians 2:10 (NIV), which says, “For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.”

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All I have to do is trust in Jesus, and do what He says. He has a good plan for me, and I just need to walk it out. Everything I need is in Him.

What is for me, is for me. If it is in God’s plan for me, nothing can stop it (except my own lack of faith). As long as I seek Him first, it will all work out. Looking back, some of our greatest trials bring our greatest triumphs!

Remember, God is not only your Provider, He is your Source. He has ways of providing for you that you don’t even know! As Dennis Rainey once said, “He owns the cattle on a thousand hills… and He owns the hills, too.”

Isaiah 26:3 (ESV) says,You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on You,
because he trusts in You.” If you need peace today, think about the Lord. Meditate on Jesus’ sacrificial love. Consider His goodness toward you. Remember His faithfulness and all the ways He has come through for you in the past!

So, instead of chasing chaos today, remember God’s goodness and mercy are chasing you! His grace is sufficient for all you are going through.


Heavenly Father, thank You for Jesus! Thanks for giving us all we need to live a godly life. You are so good and faithful. Help us trust You to provide for us. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Are you an avid news reader or not? Do you notice how it affects your sense of peace and security? What are the positives? What are the negatives?

Task: Praise God for all the ways He provides for you! If something is causing fear or anxiety, cut it out so you can focus on the Truth of God’s love. There is no fear in love.

Finding Grace #465

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Free Snow House photo and picture

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?!

This felt like a longer week, but overall, it was good.

At work, I had a few meetings and lots of great patients. I had some good conversations with several coworkers and worked on some annual competencies. I also had several Veterans who were grateful to meet with me. Despite the political drama nationally, I am glad to be a federal employee and feel proud of my service role.

The weather was a bit warmer in the 40s. On Wednesday, I told a friend, “This is amazing for February…” and she reminded me that it was January! But, of course, today is the first of February, and we are getting a dusting of snow. 😉

I had a lot of good conversations with family and friends this week. I am so glad for all the people in my circle!

Today, I relaxed a bit at home and then ran around the VA kitchen, as I picked up an evening shift. I was filling in, but someone also called in sick, so it was good I went in. It always feels good to work hard!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

Between a Rock and a Hard Place

I have written a lot about choosing faith over fear and moving forward despite obstacles that inevitably arise. But what does that look like? 

Recently, I had a decision to make but was waffling a bit, thinking about the pros and cons. I am at peace now and have taken the first step. But, to get me there, it took prayer, research, and discussion. However, the biggest thing for me was recognizing fear in the background. Yes, it is always a factor, even still!

I quickly saw that the right decision was one that included faith. Faith is not about seeing the answer but the vision of what is possible. Fear and uncertainty cloud our sight and always like to hold us back!

Free Mountain Rock photo and picture

On Sunday, my church’s worship session helped me focus on God. A lot of this blog post came to me then, so I raced home to put down my thoughts. It has evolved a little, but here’s what I wrote on the back of my church notes! 🙂

When you are between a rock and a hard place, lean into the Rock. God is our refuge. He is safe and secure, solid… but don’t try to control Him or restrict His power.

Nothing is impossible for God. Believe He wants to do big things. Take a stand. Be bold and step out in faith! Do the brave thing. Keep an open heart and mind. Keep hope alive.

Be humble and trust that God knows all the details. Give Him the glory for doing what only He can do! He is the “Way Maker, Promise Keeper, Light in the Darkness.”

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As I move forward, I need these reminders from time to time. I’m grateful God is there to help us make good choices. I hope this encourages you to make faith-filled decisions today. The alternative, fear, is a miserable way to live!

If you have put your faith in Jesus, you have personal access to the God of the Universe. He is with you and for you! You are covered with grace and forgiveness.  You are loved beyond measure. God has chosen you for His infinite purposes!

So, don’t try to limit God. Give Him the space to move and see what He does for you! His power cannot be contained. All He does is GOOD. Nothing can stand against Him!


God, thanks for always coming through for us. Give us wisdom and help us make faith-filled decisions. May we honor You in all we do. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: How do you like to make decisions? Do you have a hard time trusting God?

Task: As you make decisions, weigh out the pros and cons. Ask for input from those in your inner circle. Choose wisely, and most of all, don’t let fear or uncertainty hold you back. The right choices come with peace, even when you can’t see how all the details fit into place!

Finding Grace #461

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Free Mountains Nature photo and picture

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?!

This was a good week with a mixture of work and relaxation!

Work was busy, but it was nice to have Wednesday off for New Year’s Day. Monday and Tuesday were busy, and then Thursday and Friday were calmer. I was able to stay on top of things, but I also got ahead on some projects for the next few weeks.

On Wednesday, I enjoyed cooking, exercising, and starting my new Bible plan for the year. I watched a show and mostly relaxed. I could get used to having a day off in the middle of the week! 😉

The weather was closer to normal, but we still don’t have much snow! I’m sure we will get more soon, but I am grateful!

My internet went out this week, and I spent three hours working on it. My brothers were great at helping me via text, but I still needed to call the company to send a service person. He came the next day after work and still spent an hour figuring it out! Thankfully, it’s all good now. I still don’t quite know what the problem was, lol!

I spent about four hours on the phone this week at various points. I enjoyed catching up with family and friends. I feel blessed to have good connections with people who care about me (and vice versa)!!

Today, Lydia and I did a little cleaning but mostly relaxed. Tonight, we’re watching “Your Friend, Nate Bargatze” on Netflix. He’s quite funny, and I appreciate the clean comedy!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

The Heart of Christmas


The last time Christmas was on a Wednesday was in 2013, our first without Dave. I was not blogging then, but we spent the holiday visiting family in Ohio. Staying in Fargo was just too difficult that year. 

But God is so faithful and good. He has seen us through each twist, turn, and holiday, providing whatever we need in the moment. I know He has special plans for us… and for you.

Today, I am sending love to you and your family. I hope you have a wonderful day celebrating God’s love and His gift to us…Jesus!! He is the best gift we could ever receive!

Lydia tends to give me handmade cards and gifts. This year, she surprised me and made fudgy chocolate cookies! They are amazing, so I’m sharing the recipe she used! Enjoy!

We have had a great Christmas season. We loved the Concordia Christmas Concert early on and The Charlie Brown Christmas play last weekend. Lydia also had some holiday events for school. We have made some yummy treats and watched most of the holiday movies. But, overall, we have enjoyed a less frantic pace!

Yesterday was declared a federal holiday (just this year), and I was extra grateful because I would’ve missed our church’s Christmas Eve service if I was still at work. It would have started and been mostly over before I could pick up Lydia at home.

I recently watched a movie about the poem “Christmas Day” by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. It was written in 1863 during the Civil War and discusses tragic loss, death, and even hate encompassed with enduring hope in God. The poem was not on my radar until I saw the movie, but now I can’t get it out of my head.

The bells refer to church bells ringing out the love, joy, and hope of Jesus. Longfellow’s wife died after an accident, yet she had always loved the bells and their sound, imagining them to be like little voices singing out God’s truth.

After she died, Longfellow refused to write or do much of anything. Grief is so heavy sometimes! But, by God’s grace, he had a breakthrough on Christmas Day, 1863. His poem was later set to music and sung as a Christmas carol, “I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day.”

Free Bells Church photo and picture

So, to recap, there is a poem, a song, and a movie. I’d recommend them all! You can learn more about the history and details here. All three are connected in one link.

Besides the joyful bells, one thing that stands out to me is the theme of listening. We must quiet ourselves before the Lord in order to hear Him and receive his love, peace, and joy. I feel like Lydia and I have been able to do that this year. I hope you can also find time and space to connect with God today.

Another line I like states, “God is not dead, nor doth He sleep…” When I heard that, I was reminded of 2 Peter 3:9 (NIV), which says, “The Lord is not slow in keeping His promise, as some understand slowness. Instead, He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.” I’m so grateful for God’s constant attentiveness and provision. He gave us Jesus and so much more!

I am grateful for each opportunity God gives us to draw close to Him. Without Jesus, that would not have been possible. He is the heart of Christmas! Love, joy, peace, mercy, grace, reconciliation, eternal life, and so much more. May we keep Him at the center as we celebrate!


Heavenly Father, thanks for sending Jesus as a baby King for our redemption. May all we think, say, and do bring You glory. May we walk worthy of Jesus’ sacrifice. In His Name, Amen

Question: How can you keep Jesus at the center and or honor Him today?

Task: After you check out the other links above, listen to Casting Crowns’ rendition of “I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day.” It is my favorite! Merry Christmas!!

Moving Forward During the Holidays

Yesterday was my late husband Dave’s 46th birthday, our twelfth without him here. To celebrate, I usually give Lydia a gift in his honor. When she was little, it was a way to connect with her dad since she was so little when he died. She does not remember him but can still feel close.

So, on Monday night, Lydia got her ears pierced with a second hole. She had wanted this for a while, and it just happened to work out this week. We had an appointment at a tattoo shop, and I bet Dave would have loved it! He was usually up for an adventure and understood some of the nicest people you’ll ever meet have tons of tattoos. 🙂

Dave didn’t have any tattoos, and neither do I. But I opted for the tattoo place because Lydia had a little trouble after getting her ears pierced the first time at a box store. I wanted to be able to go back and talk with someone knowledgeable if needed. Thankfully, she is doing fine now!

The man at the tattoo shop reminded me a lot of Dave’s good-naturedness. He was cheerful and friendly,  able to converse on a wide variety of topics, eager to help, and a good teacher. He has three kids and loves Christmas movies. He was a lot of fun, and if I ever did decide to get a tattoo, I know I’d be in good hands. 😉

Meeting the tattoo artist was a surprising breath of fresh air! I did not expect the experience to be so intriguing. As I listened to him chat away, I thought about how his excitement and passion for his work and life mimic how we Christians should represent Jesus.

I don’t know if this man knows Jesus, but I pray he does. His zest for life was contagious, and I envisioned the spiritual impact he could have. His little tattoo shop has ministry potential! I have a few friends with similar personalities, and they make following Jesus fun!

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Did you know Jesus was the most joyful person who ever lived? Despite being born into poverty, He lived a full and fulfilled life. Despite coming to die (on purpose!), He lived out his mission. He was empowered by the Holy Spirit and stayed connected to His Father.

I love how we can connect to God all throughout our day and in various places. Who knew I would see glimpses of Jesus (and even Dave!) at a tattoo shop?! It is cool to read in Isaiah 49:16 that God has written (or tattooed) our names on His hands!

The holidays can be tough for many people, and if you are struggling, I would encourage you to keep your eyes open. Look for joy in unexpected places. Keep moving forward. Jesus is with you and for you. Put your trust in Him, and let Him surprise you!


Heavenly Father, thanks for all the ways You show up and surprise us with Your goodness. Help us navigate our complex emotions. Help us move forward with Your joy, peace, and grace this season. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Do you have any tattoos? How is your holiday season going so far?!

Task: Take each day as it comes. Look for Jesus and stay present with Him.