Recently, one of the ‘can lights’ in my basement went out. No big deal, I just went to the store for a new one. Turns out, it was a little more involved than that!
This was one of four lights, the only four I hadn’t already switched over to LEDs. That’s because they were the only ones that hadn’t gone out in the eleven years I have lived here!
So, I soon realized a lot has changed! At first, I couldn’t find the right size, color, and wattage equivalent. I finally found someone to answer my questions. Still, they didn’t have exactly what I was looking for.
I wanted LEDs that were the 65-watt incandescent equivalent and could only find the 75-watt equivalent LED bulbs. I ended up buying four of them in case I decided to replace the other three, which still worked. Though, I didn’t want to toss three good lights unnecessarily.
As soon as I changed the first bulb, I was shocked. It was so bright! The rest of the room looked dim and hazy, almost like smoke. Had it always been that way and I just now realized it?
It took me a while to decide what to do. In the end, I couldn’t just leave the new light all alone, so I changed the rest, too. It’s been a few weeks, and I am finally getting used to the new lights. I think during the long winter nights, the lights will be extra appreciated!
Jesus is the Light of the World. He shines so bright and banishes all the darkness. When He is in our lives, He clears out all the hidden spaces in our hearts, too.
We have the opportunity to share the Light and Love of Jesus with people every day. What’s holding you back? Is it the fear of standing out? Is it the awkwardness of transition?
There is a common message which says, “Be the light.” We can’t really do that, however, because we are not Jesus. But, we can bring the Light everywhere we go!
If we allow Jesus to do all He wants to do in our lives, there’s no way people can miss Him. As a friend once said to me, “We can see your light shining all the way in Illinois!”
This week, Lydia’s class discussed ways to help a friend in need. (No one specific, but just general brainstorming ideas.) Their answers ranged from making donations or other providing resources, volunteering to help with tasks, and respecting the friend. Other ideas could include smiling, praying, bringing a hot meal, writing an encouraging note, sitting with someone when they are down, or just listening without judgment.
This world can be dark at times, especially now. Let’s move past our own discomfort and share Jesus! It doesn’t take much!
Heavenly Father, thank You for Jesus! May we be a conduit of His light, love, and grace. Not just with words, but with actions, too. In Jesus’ Name, Amen
Questions: How can I pray for you today? Do you
Tasks: Check out the resources at Struggle Care, which is run by KC Davis, a licensed professional therapist. A friend of mine mentioned the website helped her, and it has shed some light in my life, too. Namely, taking some of the pressure off of my to-do list.